Recent content by Abby Britton

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    Abby gave a small laugh when Daniel complained."It's medicine, all you need to know is that it will help you get better." Abby told him."Now I think after being in that cold water you will probably get a cold, but that ca be cured in mere seconds."
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    "Ah, well then I think he may just have a cold.He went unconcious because of the sudden change in his bloods temperature." Abby told them both. She made her way to her desk and pulled out a small bottle with scarlet liquid in it.Abby walked over to Daniel and said,"Here drink this.It will help."
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    The Truth spills out

    Abby looked at the young girl that had held the pillow-like thing on the injured girls head."If you want to you can go wash your hands." Abby told her."It looks as if her ribs are broken," Abby said thinking outloud.Taking her wand she muttered something under her breath."That sould fix some of...
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    The Truth spills out

    Abby walked into the Hospital Wing with the rest.She watched as theygently placed the girl on one of the beds.Abby walked over and stood beside the girl, getting out a thermometer she gently spoke to the girl,"Can you hear me dear?" If you can I need you to open your mouth for a moment so I can...
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    An unfortunate event

    Abby walked quickly behind them, she could tell that the girl was in real bad shape. "It shouldn't take that long." Abby told the girl."We should get there any minute now." She added in. (((Feel free to start an RP in the Hospital Wing whenever you want. :)...
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    An unfortunate event

    Abby watched as they carefully began to carry the girl."Hurry now! We need to get her to the Hospital Wing quickly."Abby said concerned on what might happened if the girl didn't get some help quick.
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    (((Mr. Olsen, I have not told you my name yet, so therefore you should not know it. ;-) ))) "Yes, I believe your friend here is right." Abby said nodding towards the girl that had helped bring the injured boy to the Hospital Wing."You can come and visit him later on in the day," Abby told...
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    Just a flesh wound

    Abby watched to make sure that the student drank the potion.He then answered Abby's question."Well, Crispin, I'm Nurse Abby Britton." Abby said."How is your shoulder feeling?" Abby then asked Crispin.
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    "Ms.Katie! There is to be no shouting in the hospital wing!" Abby said, if anything the one thing that got her frustrated was when someone was shouting in a room where sick and injured people where at."There are other people in this Hospital Wing and I WILL NOT, have a student disturb their...
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    An unfortunate event

    Abby could tell the girl was scared, even she was afraid of what might happen to the girl if she wasn't helped fast."It's okay, calm down." Abby said in a soft voice.Abby took out a small object that looked like a pillow, placing it in the spot where the blood seemed to be coming out of."I can't...
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    An unfortunate event

    Abby arrived at the fourth floor corridor, where she figured the hurt student was located, since there was a group of people standing there.Running up the stairs she began to shout,"Get out of the way!The nurse is here!".After getting, Abby saw a young girl, and she was in fact bleeding form her...
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    In need of help!!!

    Abby jumped at the sound of someone screaming.She was able to hear someone say something about a student having fallen and was now bleeding from her head.Getting her bag she fill it up with all the things that would be neccessary and walked out of the room.
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    (((I suppose I will be helping you until the Head Nurse gets back. Oh and Mr. Olsen, it's c-o-u-s-i-n :) just thought I would let you know.))) Abby walked over to the bed where the three students where talking. Mrs. Carr had to go help a new patient that...
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    Just a flesh wound

    After the student had explained what had happened Abby stood up and walked over to one of the counter's.Reaching up she took a bottle with a redish liquid, walking back to him Abby told him,"Here drink some of this it will help with the pain." She didn't really believe his story but decided to...
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    Just a flesh wound

    Abby had just arrived at Hogwarts New Zealand.She was organizing her desk when a student walked into the Hospital Wing,Hello ma'am. I have an injury.The boy stated.Getting up from her desk Abby walked over to him."Okay, I need you to sit down on one of the beds." Abby told him.After the boy had...