Recent content by Fabian Cresswell

  1. Fabian Cresswell

    Good luck looking for that new quill you bought last week then ❤️

    Good luck looking for that new quill you bought last week then ❤️
  2. Fabian Cresswell

    You say "putting" like I didn't see you nick it twice on Thursday...

    You say "putting" like I didn't see you nick it twice on Thursday...
  3. Fabian Cresswell

    Have you seen my stapler, darling? It seems to go walkies onto your desk quite a lot...

    Have you seen my stapler, darling? It seems to go walkies onto your desk quite a lot...
  4. Fabian Cresswell

    Closed Silver Tongue in the Shadows

    Fabian's schemes didn't often backfire, he was generally good at reading people. This one had definitely been too far. A shame, since under any other circumstances he would be eager to have a nice, long conversation with Blake. Reluctantly, and surprisingly even to himself, he had to admit...
  5. Fabian Cresswell

    Closed Silver Tongue in the Shadows

    This situation was delicious, and Fabian couldn't quite keep his glee contained as he looked back and forth between Blake and Tyler in feigned awe. "You know him?!" He asked Tyler in disbelief, relishing his officemate's expression. If he could, he would bottle that face and have a glassful...
  6. Fabian Cresswell

    Closed Silver Tongue in the Shadows

    Fabian ignored Tyler's protest, smirking slightly. "Oh, so you're in his secret society." He smirked slightly. "I hope you at least got him a nice wedding gift." Speak of the devil - Fabian's thoughts of a particularly funny gift he could insinuate Tyler had picked out were interrupted all...
  7. Fabian Cresswell

    Closed Silver Tongue in the Shadows

    Fabian laughed lightly at the comment, leaning back in his seat. "You're probably right. Hell, there's probably a whole secret society back in the UK looking to ruin my life. I expect I'm lucky I got out when I did." He said with a small smile, before taking another bite of his sandwich. He...
  8. Fabian Cresswell

    Closed Silver Tongue in the Shadows

    Fabian chuckled, giving Tyler a teasing wink. "Oh come off it, we both know I'm fascinating." He grinned, thinking on the prompt for a moment. "Hmm, alright. I was close friends with this Ravenclaw girl in my first couple of years, we were both... well, I wasn't really shy, but we weren't...
  9. Fabian Cresswell

    Closed Silver Tongue in the Shadows

    Fabian couldn't help a real, genuine laugh as Tyler called him out. "Alright, alright! That was a bit too flattering." He smiled. "Go on then, give me a prompt. What kind of dirt do you want? Bad breakup, friendship drama, what? Give me some parameters to work with." He smiled, persona...
  10. Fabian Cresswell

    Closed Silver Tongue in the Shadows

    Fabian shrugged, meeting Tyler's eyes. "I know when I'm not being given the whole story." He said plainly, before slipping back into an easy laugh. "Let's see, what's a juicy one? Oh, in sixth year I accidentally said I would go to the Yule Ball with two different boys. I didn't realise...
  11. Fabian Cresswell

    Closed Silver Tongue in the Shadows

    Fabian gave him a pointed look. "And I'm supposed to believe your version of events?" He said meaningfully. "I'm trying to figure out how much I can trust you. This has been... informative." He added with a mysterious smile, leaning back and taking a bite of his sandwich. He chewed slowly...
  12. Fabian Cresswell

    Closed Silver Tongue in the Shadows

    Fabian sighed, leaning lightly into Tyler's shoulder as he finally started unwrapping his own sandwich. "Well, you didn't want to talk about it in the first place, but I still got my way." He teased. "I'm just trying to get to know you, grumpy." He added with a gentle nudge. "I'll tell you...
  13. Fabian Cresswell

    Closed Silver Tongue in the Shadows

    Fabian studied Tyler's face, trying to figure him out. He didn't think Tyler was a deliberately homophobic person, but people could hold all sorts of biases without totally understanding them. He sighed at the explanation, elbowing Tyler lightly. "If I'm getting it so wrong, feel free to...
  14. Fabian Cresswell

    Closed Silver Tongue in the Shadows

    Fabian couldn't help the small smirk as Tyler finally had to admit he was right, though his eyebrows raised slightly at the last part. "You know, I've been called weird before." He said coolly before moving away from that. "So he was struggling with his sexuality, and you ended the friendship...
  15. Fabian Cresswell

    Closed Silver Tongue in the Shadows

    Fabian nodded thoughtfully as he listened, intrigued to finally get some insight into his reticent officemate's life. "Interesting. Was he closeted? I know some guys take that stuff out on people." He said with a small sigh, thinking of the troubles he'd had with repressed closeted guys in...