🌹 Rose Giving A yellow rose for friendship

Sofi Ayre

All I can do is be me, whoever that is.
Sofi found it a little reassuring to see that she wasn't the only person delivering roses during lunch. Her next delivery was for another older student, and this time, she had confirmed their identity before approaching. "Hello, Ezra?" she questioned, still a bit unsure despite her prior check. "I have a yellow rose for you." She held out the rose, hopeful that they would be happy to accept it.
@Ezra Ito
Ezra was lingering at the Hufflepuff table a little longer than normal, hoping someone would come up to him and give him a rose. Just before he was ready to give up, a young girl approached him. He smiled and nodded to confirm who he was, then he grinned as she handed him a rose. "Oh, thanks!" He said, taking it from her.
Sofi enjoyed seeing the smile on his face when she presented the rose. "You're welcome. It's got a note attached too." She pointed out helpfully when she handed over the note.

Happy Valentine's day to my dear brother!
[Includes a black feather]
Ezra blinked in surprise as a black feather fell out when he opened the note, but as he read it he understood. Well, he understood that Elise had done something he didn't understand which was nothing new. "Thanks." He said again. "It's from my sister. Do you have many left?"
Sofi watched the black feather fall out, initially worried it might be a bad sign. When he mentioned it was from his sister, she relaxed, relieved she hadn’t delivered an omen. "You're welcome and happy valentines. I've got lots more deliveries to do, maybe seven left," Sofi answered his question then added. "I think one is for your sister too, Elise, right? The last name is quite memorable." She added, in case he thought it was weird that she knew who his sister was.

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