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  1. Aine Thompson

    Y46 Rose Giving and Sign Ups

    Event ID #120567 Ah, May, where both love and spring are in the air...well, the former is, here in the southern hemisphere we're heading into winter...regardless, it's the return of a classic! INTRODUCTION First organised by Alexis back in the day and then ran by the lovely Steven and Daphne...
  2. Aine Thompson

    Open One Last Ritual Humiliation

    Aine liked the idea of the Yule Ball in theory. Dressing up was sort of special (at least it was more so if you only did it once, not every year), and celebrating was nice. And it wasn't quite as bad as Valentines, which felt extremely alienating when you didn't have a date. But it still felt...
  3. Aine Thompson

    Open Playing Into It

    Aine had, for the first time, actually come in with a degree of enthusiasm for Halloween. She'd probably never celebrate it again after graduating, and that was okay. But she had had a silly idea for a costume after she'd received her badge, and accordingly was now idly patrolling the hall with...
  4. Aine Thompson

    Open Abusing My Authority

    open after Verity! Aine didn't often head out to the far edge of the grounds. The forbidden forest was exactly that, forbidden, and she hadn't really had the nerve nor the foolhardiness to try and explore it to find out why. After all, in her first year there'd been a basilisk loose out there...
  5. Aine Thompson

    Open First Years Castle Tour

    The Head Girl badge still felt alien on Aine's robes. This had now been the third time she had been completely floored by a letter from Hogwarts. Like her acceptance letter, and the letter with her prefect badge, she had thought the letter with this badge must have been an elaborate joke. There...
  6. Aine Thompson

    Open Just Like Riding A Bike

    Aine had made a list of personal goals for the year, in order to help with her training. Maybe, she thought, if she became more of a complete human being in her final year of school, she'd be able to control her mind a little better, and she'd be entirely ready for adulthood. She was legally an...
  7. Aine Thompson

    Open At Seventeen

    No matter what Aine tried, she always felt like she wasn't quite right. She'd tried to embrace her cattiness and just felt awful for it, but whenever she tried to be nicer it always felt somehow dishonest. She had to have been missing something, she thought, as she felt an awful embarrassed...
  8. Aine Thompson

    Slow once again

    So I feel like I do this a lot but I've been pretty slack on posting, I've had very little motivation and my mental health is possibly the lowest it's been for a while. I'm lurking and trying to post but you'll have to forgive me for struggling atm. I am feeling extremely isolated and helpless...
  9. Aine Thompson

    Open Muggleborn & Raised Support Group - Q&A/Interest Gauging

    Thanks to @Callie Cardoso , Aine had been motivated to try again to get the muggleborn and raised support group going. She wasn't running it as a club, and hadn't done very much in the way of planning, but she figured she should at least make herself known outside the club fair, see if she could...
  10. Aine Thompson

    Closed Confronting Fears: A Guide On What Not To Do

    Aine was in part grateful that she didn't have to take on Transfiguration this semester. In a perfect world, it would have meant that she needn't worry about all the existential questions the subject brought up, or the dread the professor inspired. Unfortunately, Aine had committed herself to...
  11. Aine Thompson

    Closed Cheap Thrills

    While Aine was determined to have a nice break from Hogwarts, spending as little time thinking about it as possible after the stress of OWLs, she hadn't completely failed to notice Valerius' mood. Of course, she didn't really have a good opportunity to pull him aside and talk to him about it...
  12. Aine Thompson

    Closed It's Okay To Be Vindictive, Sometimes

    Aine was hurting for inspiration for something to write about in the next issue of the paper. The way OWLs were being built up to literally deciding the entire trajectory of one's future was bad enough, if she wasn't also willingly subjecting herself to the torture of studying under Professor...
  13. Aine Thompson

    Open OWL That You Could Hope To Recall

    ooc: i'm posting it early to give people the chance to casually post over the semester but here's an OWL study/panic thread for fifth years! Panic was starting to set in. For all the reminders that 'your OWLs are coming up', it didn't actually feel real until they were getting stuck into second...
  14. Aine Thompson

    Week off & general slowness

    Hey all, firstly sorry for totally dropping the ball on threads (esp. adult threads) this past semester, I started off strong and then real life hit me like a freight train. My anxiety has been off the charts and work has been pretty awful which has just about killed my muse for a majority of my...
  15. Aine Thompson

    Open But I'm Being So Brave About It

    Aine was realizing she hated school dances. She had known that, of course, considering primary school socials and the like. Everyone having to go to the year six dance and dress up and dance to bad music and judge each other's fashion. It had been awful. And that was just a one off, and she'd...
  16. Aine Thompson

    Alternate RP NEWT Level Problem Solving

    set in the Y44 mid-year break (posted in here to avoid time pressure), admin approved With all of the extra free time she now had (i.e. the exam cram could be put off until a mad panic in May), Aine had taken it upon herself to do a little of her own additional study. Apparently, rather than...
  17. Aine Thompson

    Open Ça Plane Pour Moi

    Aine felt completely and utterly ridiculous, but she hoped that maybe the fact that she looked so unlike herself would help. Maybe nobody would easily recognise her, and she could freely ease in to character and maybe if she was recognized, it would be such a horrifying experience for the person...
  18. Aine Thompson

    Open Y44 Muggleborn (& Raised) Support Group Meeting

    Aine had previously endeavoured to be more helpful to people at the school, and it hadn't gone very smoothly. Which, to be fair, was probably in part because she was a uppity second year with delusions of grandeur. But now she was an uppity fifth year, and a prefect no less. Which, okay, that...
  19. Aine Thompson

    neglected student plots perhaps

    I said I wasn't going to post a PD anytime soon and I am still a little on the slow side atm with college (which is nearly done if these hell assignments get finished though they sure are testing me at the moment) but I figured I might put feelers out for plots for some of my more neglected...
  20. Aine Thompson

    Open Keeping Your Wits About You

    The wit-sharpening solution. This was exactly what Aine needed. Sure, she knew she couldn't use it for exams - maybe she could in fourth year, but they'd find some way of substance testing for OWLs - and that wasn't a path she necessarily wanted to go down. She'd seen enough sports stories on...