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  1. Professor Percival Zephyrmoon

    Third Years Lesson One

    Percival was back for the second half of his temporary contract at Hogwarts. If last term was anything to go by, he'll just about get through it. And hopefully the students would too. As the third years entered, the professor busied himself with something, anything to avoid eye contact, or...
  2. Professor Percival Zephyrmoon

    Second Years, Lesson One

    Percival agreed to cover Astronomy for the year and had begun the final term of that agreement, today he was teaching the second years. He sat at his desk as the students came in, paying little attention to them until it was precisely time for the lesson to begin. He stood up to close the door...
  3. Professor Percival Zephyrmoon

    First Years, Lesson One

    Percival had begun his final term at Hogwarts and today was teaching the first years. He sat at his desk as the students came in, paying little attention to them until it was precisely time for the lesson to begin. He stood up to close the door and locked it behind him, any late commers would...