A new life for both of us

Irene Finch

Head of the Dept of Magical Transportation
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Knotted 14 Inch Rigid Spruce Wand with Doxy Wing Core
Irene didn't need to be a genius to realize that she was in labor finally. The excruciating pain that she was feeling told her all she needed to know. In the aftermath of her water breaking just as she was making her evening cup of hot chocolate, Irene had nearly flown into a panic. Her breathing had quickened nearly to the point of hyperventilation and that was before the first pulse of pain had hit. After it had subsided, Irene reached for her wand, and sent her porcupine patronus to Ioan telling him that she needed him NOW. This was it. Her last moments as a childless woman. It had taken long enough. Already, she was a week past the date predicted by the healers.

By the time Ioan showed up, Irene had changed and she was now pacing her living room slowly, her breathing deep and heavy. Her contractions were more frequent and she was debating the merits of apparating herself to the hospital. As soon as he entered, Ioan began taking action, throwing her bag over his shoulder as he asked her how long it was in between. "I don't know" she hissed as another contraction hit her, this one was the worst yet. "15?" she guessed. He rolled his eyes, grabbing her hand and quickly apparating them both there.

Quickly enough, healers were around Irene as they escorted her and Ioan to a private room. "Did you tell Lukyan?" Ioan asked over the noise of the healers who were readying equipment and asking what sounded like a thousand questions at once. "What? No- oh dear! I forgot!" she said, her hand covering her mouth. She'd promised she'd tell him. "Don't worry. I did it for you before I got to your house" he reassured her. "Then why did you ment- aah" she let out, her face contorting with pain as the healers pushed her back on the bed so they could give her a quick check. "I'll just be outside" Ioan hastily spoke, already retreating towards the door and leaving Irene utterly alone with the healers.
Lukyan arrived momentarily a few minutes later. He'd been busy fixing his sister's home, abstracting and conquering all types of spells to keep their two floor family home safe all times. Now only had he been doing this for their benefits, he was also doing it for Irene for when she had the baby. Faith must've been speaking to him tonight, he received the message from Ioan and surprisingly just on time when he was done with messing around with charms. Apparating sooner than five minutes later, he saw his old friend or school mate Ioan waiting outside for Irene. "How is she? She doing okay? What's going on in there?" he asked many sets of questions right after another. He was half decently dressed and his hair was tossed in brutal messed. Not appearing ready to be father, though deep inside he wanted more than anything to be there when she was having the child. If she let him, he couldn't just barge in there demanding to be in the room. It was unfortunately up to Irene if she wanted him inside or not, he will respect her decision of course.
Ioan sat in the waiting room just in case the healers came out and said they needed him. He hoped that Lukyan would arrive soon. He'd sent him a note just before he'd rushed out of his home to get Irene and bring her to the hospital. Although he'd been fairly upset when he had first found out that Irene was pregnant and by Lukyan no less, he was pretty used to the idea now even if he still wasn't all too pleased. Sitting in one of the seats, Ioan ignored everyone around him, tapping his foot against the floor.

It wasn't long before Ioan looked up and saw Lukyan speeding towards him acting like a man who was about to have a child. A smirk crossed the man's face. He'd been there and done that. Nodding his head toward the door, Ioan spoke. "What do you mean what's going on?" he rolled his eyes. "She's having her baby" he said as if anyone should have been able to figure that out. What did Lukyan think was going on in there? Ioan raised his arm and clapped Lukyan on the shoulder as he steered him towards the door. "Good luck" he said seriously. You're going to need it he added silently. "Send me word when she's had her baby. I have some business to attend to" he called out after giving the guy one final pat on the back, already heading for the door. Now that Lukyan had arrived, he felt less anxious about getting back to his 'work.'
OOCOut of Character:
I love how you send him off to his d00m =))

"With your sister? I'm gonna need it" Lukyan nodded once than sauntered forward. He was pushed into the heavy doors, the man stepping foot inside the patient units, he asked a healer where he could find Irene, several door down was her room. He walked hesitantly, till he moved his pace faster reaching her room. It wasn't packed, though there were two healers working on her having the child. He went around her bed, doing what a men suppose to do when a woman having his child. He look down at her, almost smiling at her, because he wanted to laugh for the pain she was going through. But the blow of rejection went away, his selfish need for a family disappeared. He said nothing at first, just waiting for her to say something till he muttered. "Your okay?" it came out gentle and scared a little, cause the thought of something going wrong cross the man mind. He could feel his heart beating fast when he thought of that right away.
OOCOut of Character:
xD Poor guy
Irene felt as if someone was inside of her performing the cruciatus curse. She was in terrible pain and as the healer attempted to give her something to ease the pain, Irene had the urge to swat the woman's hand away from her because any touch felt as if someone were performing a hot air charm and a stinging curse simultaneously. Irene tried her best to what the healer was telling her but every couple of moments she was interrupted by the pain and couldn't concentrate. Her hands gripped the rails on the side of the bed as the healer told her that she was close.

When Lukyan walked into the room, Irene was laying with her eyes closed, one hand over her eyes. It wasn't until he spoke that she moved her hand, the hospital's lighting shone down on her face. "I'm doing juuuust great" she spoke, the sarcasm dripping in her voice. She stared at him as she felt another contraction beginning to form. "Make yourself useful. Give me your hand" she demanded, snatching it before he could offer it. If she was going to be in pain, so was he. As the next contraction came full force, she squeezed on Lukyan's hand. It helped a little, but not much and she let it go as soon as the pain had passed. One of the healers pushed back her hair which was sticking to her sweaty head as she instructed her that the next few times should do it. Irene couldn't wait to be done with this.
Lukyan chuckle, he wanted to say something but caught his mouth before he said it. Instead he felt her hand gripping his fingers tight, ah the pain was horrible. He could feel the woman strength break into his knuckles, not exaggerating that's just how it felt. Irene crushing his fingers, as the pain passed. "Well good to know your doing okay..." he sucked in the pain, relief that she let go his hand. He could see that it wasn't the best of pain, never experiencing this before, observing a woman have his child. Grabbing a towel at a nearby counter, he dip in cool water briefly by the sink in the room. Moving back he pushed the cloth right above her forehead. Wiping away the sweat and letting a little water cooling to go down her face.

"Your almost there, come on Irene you can do it.." he whispered, his hand already out there for her to grab. He was gracious things were moving along quickly and his child will soon be born. His first, he thought smiling. It hadn't come out of the best situation, but who couldn't be excited about ones first child. Lukyan, and there was no denying since he was here, waiting for his baby girl to arrive.

OOCOut of Character:
sorry sappy :3
Irene was about to make another sarcastic remark when Lukyan did something that shocked the young woman into silence. As he toweled her head off, she stared at him as if they had just met, her blue eyes searching for something in his expression. The cool water did help and she breathed out a thank you in response. The breathing exercises that the healers had told her were a crock and as she readied to push once more, she hoped the healer was at least right about her almost being done.

Nearly an hour later, Irene finally heard the cry of her newborn daughter and she craned her neck to see. She couldn't though because several healers were around her cleaning her and measuring her and doing other healer activities. She felt like weeping herself but she was even too weak to do that, so she let her head fall back. Looking towards Lukyan, who had remained far most supportive than she would ever have imagined, Irene spoke in an exhausted voice. "I want them to name her Melina..." she trailed off, her eyes drifting closed from some sort of potion she'd been given just before her final few pushes. "You can pick the middle name if you want her to have one" her lids drifted closed but she forced them open, "it better be a nice one though." With those words and a smirk on her face, Irene drifted off into an exhausted sleep. Trying to stay up to catch a glimpse of her daughter was futile and she would have plenty of opportunities anyway. What she wouldn't have in the near future would be chances to sleep.
The baby screams came an hour later and Melina was born into this world, while Irene fell into a heavy and drozy sleep. Fair enough, she got to name her Melina, which sounded like his sister name anyways, while he picked out the rest of her name, a privilege he fell gracious about. Picking up his daughter, while they clean the rest of the mess up, Lukyan thought and thought, Melina drifting in and out of soft cries bundle up right in his arms. I know why not Melina Anya Kozlova?" he said it out loud, Melina to young to understand the man who was talking being her father.

"That's what I'll name you, Melina Anya Kozlova" he said over and over again, the name sounded like an angel already. Lukyan overwhelmed with mix emotions, stayed with Melina for a long time while Irene rested. He fed her, and thankfully the healer showed him how to change diapers and bath Melina when she grew older. It seem all at once, but being a quick learner he did well understanding. After a while he grew tired, placing Melina inside the bassnet. She drifted to sleep, though he stayed awake couldn't help himself to sleep when his daughter existed in the very same world.
Hours later, Irene began to rouse from sleep, the first note of consciousness coming when she heard her door open and then close relatively quickly. She assumed it was one of the healers, checking to see whether or not she was awake. The witch felt sore all over as if she'd been hit with a huge curse. As her blue eyes opened and closed several times, Irene fought to keep them open. She hadn't even had a chance to hold her baby before giving in to the medicine that coursed through her system. She still felt a bit groggy but no longer felt a strong urge to sleep. Not right now anyway.

Looking over to the side, Irene was startled to see someone sitting there and it took her a moment to realize that it was Lukyan. A faint smile crossed her face. "You stayed" she said in a hoarse voice. Anyone would still be able to detect the surprise in her tone though. Irene struggled to sit up, and after a moment she had managed to push herself up into somewhat of a sitting position. "Bring her to me" she said softly, holding her hands out so she could finally get a good look at her child.
Lukyan, close to falling sleep in the rocking chair heard Irene's voice. She acted to surprise to see him still there, it made him a little irritated by her reaction, but it also amused him. Did she not get it? He was going to be here till Melina turn seventeen, that's a long way to go. And it may cause problem regardless, still, he was going to be here no matter what. Lukyan sat up straight, "Sure, I think she sleeping but let me get her" he stood over towards the bassinet. Pushing the wheeled bassinet, he brought Melina close to her mother. "Here you go, if you want I can leave you alone with her. Come back later if you want?" he suggested.
Irene shifted as Lukyan brought the basinette close to her bed. She looked down at the sleeping child curiously, a soft smile finding its way onto her face as she examined the girl. It was easy enough to see that she had Lukyan's nose and it appeared that she had inherited his light hair as well though the baby books she'd read said that hair color could change. Her finger moved softly to caress the baby's soft cheek as she wondered whether she'd inherited the Finch blue eyes or if her eyes were Lukyan's shade of blue. She was enchanted by the little being so much so that she hardly heard Lukyan speak. It was like he wasn't even in the room.

Glancing up at him, she blinked once and then again and that's when his words registered in her brain. "You're leaving already?" she asked, horrified at the thought of being alone with the baby already. Irene knew she would have to get used to it though. Lukyan had promised his help, but she was not going to depend on that and his idea of help might simply be about money. "I'll see you around then?" It was more a question than a comment because she wasn't sure when she would be seeing him next. This new relationship of being parents together was going to take some getting used to.
"I can stay if you want? I just want it to be okay to be here. I'm not a pro at this Irene it will take some times getting use to this whole life change" he sat back down the chair, he was fairly exhausted as well. Not having slept all night because he was afraid if Melina started to cry he wouldn't hear her at all. Lukyan being a heavy sleeper, whenever he got the chance to sleep he slept well and long for more than a few hours. He sat quietly for the moment, watching Melina and Irene together crest a smile across his face. He couldn't picture someone like Irene to actually have a child, but now that's its all right in front of him. He saw it, they were good together. Weather he was here or not, Irene can manage well like he hadn't predicted just a few months back. He silently took all that he said back, it was bad of him to make assumption from the beginning anyways. No one can tell, till you actually see what you thought wrong happen before you. And that's when hits you, can't judge everything. "How are you feeling by the way? Still feeling frogy?" he asked her quietly, his voice so settle. He felt at ease now that the whole situation went okay. Nothing went wrong, which was good for him as a father now. He wish great health for the both of them.
Irene shrugged her shoulders, not wanting to show Lukyan that she was pleased that he wanted to stay. He looked as tired as she felt and Irene couldn't help but feel a little bad that she'd nearly broken his hand with how hard she'd been squeezing it just a few hours before. She looked back down at Melina who was beginning to stir a bit and then back up as the new father spoke.

She put a hand to her head and then nodded. "Yea, a bit. I still feel tired." She sat back and looked at Lukyan, really looked at him. Usually, she didn't focus on him. She knew what he looked like and because of his whole veelaness, she was sometimes afraid that if she looked him in the eye, his veela charm would influence her in some way. It was probably that he was goodlooking and she was a sucker for good looks that made her easily influenced by him but she liked to believe it was his veela side doing it. "She looks a lot like you" she said with a bit of a smile. Lukyan was a good-looking guy, so that didn't bother her one bit.
"I heard that if you drink muggel coffee it will wake you right up. Than again its just caffeine that gets you all hype up" he chuckle, his eyes were straying away from Irene, she was looking at him, he wasn't well aware of it. He just crossed his arms against his chest and yawn. It maybe morning, however it felt like bed time to him. The tipping of the rocking chair moving back and forth didn't help him stay awake. He stop the motion right away when he notice that. Irene spoke again, saying Melina look like him. "Well I assume that's good thing? Right? Watch out though she might have the most bad ass temper" again he chuckle. It was relief to laugh and not argue like they've been doing nonstop whenever they both came across each other. It was less tension the air between them, hey who knows? Maybe having a child help their somewhat relationship or something. "But she might have your eyes, more your eyes than mines. Mines just changes on me" he said, now he went back to looking at Melina, yeah she might or not. It didn't matter, she was healthy and that's all that count to him.
Irene listened to Lukyan speak and shrugged her shoulders. She'd only had muggle coffee one time, when she'd been an adult already because muggle items were kept out of her father's home. He didn't trust the items, fearing that they contained unnatural chemicals and contaminants that would make the family ill. After a moment of watching Lukyan yawn and struggle to keep awake, Irene put her head back herself. Already she was beginning to feel tired again. "You can go to sleep if you want Lukyan" she said quietly as the baby continued to stir.

When he asked if it was a good thing, she stared at him for a second. Was he fishing for a compliment or genuinely asking? Rolling her eyes, she couldn't help but chuckle. "Yes. It's a good thing, and the temper is a given as well what with the two of us as her parents." This had to be the longest civil conversation she'd had with Lukyan. Even when they'd gone to school together, she'd spent more time thinking of Lukyan as the pest who bothered her whenever her brother wasn't around. Just then, the baby opened her eyes slightly and then closed them again, her body moving. "She does have my eyes...at least" she said as she put out a finger towards the baby which she immediately gripped.
"Thanks I'm tired, but I think I'll go home instead" he stood up, picking up his coat. It was bond to be cold, not like Europe cold, still he needed a coat for outside. "I'll be here later on to visit. For now I have to go" he smile again down at them both. He accepted her somewhat compliment, its nice to here anything like that coming from Irene. "Enjoy and I'll take over when I come back" he said this while reaching to kiss Melina cheek, than he had to go. He said goodbye, besides catching up sleep he needed to report back to Russia, that he will be moving his office down here.

Couple days later when it was time to come home after a few more visits, he return with fresh flowers for to brighten up the room and a bag full of brand new clothes from his sister, along with a new Teddy bear. "Hello Irene and Melina" he greeted Irene, a a smile plaster across his charming face, today was the day Melina went home but with Irene. "Ready to go? I borrowed a car from the ministry, its ready outside for all of us" he announced resting simple lavender flowers right on top of her dresser. "My sister Meleena sent you this bag, well the both of them" he continued saying, for her to hear.
Irene was already sitting and impatiently waiting for Lukyan when he arrived. She'd been up since a little after dawn and today was already proving to be a difficult day. Melina had been rather fussy and in between taking care of her and the healers annoying questions, Irene was ready to go to her comfortable, quiet home. "I've been ready for two days" she said, getting up and beginning to put the baby's coat on. It was winter after all.

"A car? Is that safe?" she asked. She'd never used one, always apparating, flooing or using a portkey to get to her destination. "That was nice of her." She glanced at the things that Meleena had sent and then returned to the baby, picking up Melina easily. The little blonde was sleeping at the moment and Irene hoped she would the entire way home. It would make the ride much easier. "Why didn't you leave that stuff in the car or take it to my house? You've gone to the house right? And finished up the nursery. Right?" she asked, turning a sharp eye to Lukyan. She really hoped he had. She'd asked him to fix up the baby's crib and make sure the room was ready.

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