Closed Bad Timing

Casper Kinnek

Artist- Growing- Found
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 17 Inch Swishy Wenge Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
6/24/2038 (22)
Casper could not believe he had missed the Quidditch game. He had been running around for a minute now, trying to find Lysander. Cas was out of breath, covered in paint, and absolutely mortified. He hugged the sign to his chest as he ran. He felt a wave of relief as he spotted his friend, rushing over without thinking to stop and check the mood. "Lysander!" Cas stumbled to a stop, his chest heaving. He offered out the sign, his hair a mess and falling into his eyes. "I'm so sorry I missed the game, I was making you this, I got caught up, I'm really sorry," he apologized rapidly. The sign was similar to last time, a dragon wrapped intricately around the boys name with flowers everywhere.
With the ongoing losing streak Gryffindor had gained since Lysander took on the role of captain, he'd found himself one, very specific spot at the lake to sit and watch the water with each new loss. His own private sad-boy spot, where he could chill by himself and just be, well, sad. It wasn't a good place to be, but he felt like he had to be there to really process his feelings. Losing had always been rough, that feeling of inadequacy, those lingering doubts about himself. This time was the worst, knowing it had been his last possible chance of taking the cup while he was the one in charge of the team. There were no more opportunities left. This was it, it was done.

This alone time was very much supposed to be that - time alone. So when Lysander suddenly found himself with company, he frowned slightly, eyeing up the large poster that appeared way too bright and happy for the current mood. "Great." He responded unenthusiastically. One of, if not his most important match to date, and Casper hadn't found the time to come support him? "Well, I lost. You'd know that, if you'd made it to my match." He said, voice tinged with annoyance. He'd liked Casper's signs in the past, but he'd seen enough of his art now. He may as well have reused the last one and spared himself the effort if it meant he could actually be there for him. "It ended ages ago. Where were you all this time? How long does it take to make you one sign?"
Casper wasn't sure what he had been expecting. His face slowly fell as Lysander spoke. He stuttered a few times, unable to really speak. He pulled the sign back, hugging it tightly to his chest. "I... er... that... I..." Cas stammered. His cheeks flushed, his eyes welled with tears. Feeling ashamed, he lowered his eyes to his feet. "I-i-i... I'm sorry..." He managed quietly. "I just... I thought... erm..." Cas swallowed hard past the lump in his throat. He had just wanted to do something for Lysander, he'd slaved for hours over the painting. The dragon was excruciatingly detailed, there'd been hundreds of little flowers. He hated the sign now, and the urge to just frisbee it into the lake and let it sink was strong. He gripped the painting so tightly his knuckles were white.
Lysander studied Casper's face as he just sort of stammered and rambled on about...nothing, really. His brows furrowed. This kind of awkwardness was sometimes really cute. Right now, it was just super annoying. "You thought what?" He said impatiently. "You don't get to not show up to my match, and then come here and make me wait for you to spit out whatever you have to say. You had that time, and you weren't there. Is painting really more important than your friends?" He huffed.​
Casper flinched as Lysander scolded him, taking a small step back. "Someone stole it, okay?" He blurted. "I went down early to get it and it was gone. I- you just seemed so happy last time, I didn't... I thought it would be bad luck if I didn't show up with a sign," He clutched the sign to his chest, biting his lip hard. "I... I messed up, I'm sorry..." He apologized gently, his voice breaking. He hadn't meant to miss the match. He'd been trying to be supportive, in what he'd considered the best way he knew how.

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