Old School Week Belated Sympathy

Professor Angel Castillo

Herbology 5-7 | American | Handsome Devil
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
5/2013 (47)
Open after Madz

Angel was crossing the entrance hall when he spotted Joshua nearby, pausing before changing direction and approaching the student. "Joshua, hey, face healed up alright I see?" He asked tentatively. After the little fight he'd broken up last semester, Angel had somewhat unceremoniously dumped Joshua off at the Hospital Wing and found he was feeling a bit guilty about not checking up on him, even weeks later.
Joshua had a book cracked open, nose in the pages when Professor Castillo abruptly approaches him. "Hey Professor, yeah it looks like it. The nurse worked their magic as soon as they saw me," Joshua nodded. He appreciated they attended to him quickly, he was worried his lips would be left with a scar. Joshua worried for nothing. As soon as Joshua saw his reflection, it felt like it never happened. "Thanks for taking me to the hospital wing and ah, s-stopping Xavier before he did more than that..."
Angel was glad Joshua was okay. He was one of Angel's quiet students, which meant he never caused Angel any grief. Usually. "I'm not saying you can't take him, but maybe pick your battles a bit better next time," Angel said breezily. He knew he probably shouldn't be encouraging fighting on principle, but some things couldn't be avoided when you're a kid. "And maybe don't go kissing other people's girlfriends."
Joshua reddens by the professor’s next set of words. Joshua nods, “Is this a bad time to say I’m a pacifist. Sort of,” he admits then lowers his head. The professor was right, but then he didn’t regret it so much as he did before. It was something he felt that needed to be done, to make sure he wasn’t missing something with Alexis. “Have you ever just do something just to know, just to quiet something and get it out of your head?”
"If you're a pacifist then definitely don't go around kissing other people's girlfriends," Angel considered Joshua's question for a moment. It would be easy to brush it off and give him a Responsible Adult answer, but if Angel was being honest.. "Plenty of times. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it, well, gets you punched in the face," He said, motioning to Joshua. "Guess it's about working out if it's worth the risk."
Joshua had to laugh, as much as it hurt to get a punch in the face he quite deserved it for crossing boundaries. "Okay, I get it. I won't do it again...I just had to know. But now that I know I may have well ruined my friendship with Alexis and lost my chance with this other girl. It had quiet my thoughts but did more damage than good. How do I even begin to fix that?"
Angel nodded, glad that Joshua had some common sense here. He paused at Joshua's question though. That was a bit heavier stuff and Angel wasn't sure he was qualified for this level of life advice. "Uh.. Did you try apologizing?" He offered cautiously.
Joshua shook his head, "I wouldn't say it was an apology. It was more like I'm sorry I did this to you but I'm not sure if we can be friends anymore" Joshua admitted, a blush rising against his cheeks. "I know if they break up it will be all because of me, and I made it easier for Alexis," though he not sure if he made himself clear enough when he told her that. Knowing Alexis, she won't accept that as reality and would do anything to salvage their friendship. "The other girl, I never even had a chance. Her family is quite other there..."
"So wait, you kissed her, and then you said you couldn't be friends anymore? Brutal," Angel said, mulling it over. He hadn't expected Joshua to be able to pull something so severe with anyone. He'd always come across a bit.. gentler to Angel. "Suppose Alexis and this other girl don't get a say in it?" He asked, inspect his fingernails, if only something to do with his hands. He hadn't realized there was another girl involved too. Teenagers had all the fun.
Joshua sighs, uncomfortably rubbing the back of his neck. “I d-don’t know, I don’t know exactly what I did,” he truthfully told Professor Castillo. He imagined in his head that’s exactly how it went down, or something in that fashion. At this moment he was...confused. “I ah, see I feel like I’ve ruined everything. I d-don’t know what I should do...I feel so helpless…” Joshua cared for Alexis as he cared for his sister, Jenna. When it comes to Yvette, he had a deep desire to know her and possibly have a chance to start something anew with her. A fresh start instead of this confusing mess he unintentionally dragged her into. Joshua hugged the book he was holding, the cover now pressing down on his chest.
Alexis was coming back from the Hogwarts Gardens where WPC had their meetings for the upcoming annual rose deliveries. She just reached the top of the front steps when she spotted Prof. Castillo. She vaguely remembered the last interaction with the teacher. This incident involved her boyfriend and best friend. The man was talking to a student whose back was facing her. She waved hello to the professor as she neared them. It was too late to realize who was speaking to. She already stopped in front of them. "Hello, professor.", she politely said. Glancing at the other person, she quietly said. "Hi...Joshua." She had never called him by his complete name. This pained her but she did not know where their friendship stood.
"Look, you'd be surprised at how far an apology and some gifts will get you," Angel said magnanimously, patting Joshua on the shoulder. "You've got the whole puppy dog eyes thing going for you," He added, before looking up when someone greeted them. "Oh, hey Alexis, good to see you." He said smoothly, hoping to give Joshua a few seconds to compose himself before he had to turn around.
Joshua had apologized the first time around when he yelled at Alexis for no apparent reason. He didn't think this time around it was going to cut it, he took advantage of a nice moment between friends just to know if there was something between them. Joshua cleared his throat, Professor Castillo's smoothly alerted Joshua of the prefect's arrival. Joshua faced her, lowering the book he carried. "Hey, Alexis..."

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