Open Comparing and Deciphering Notes

Emmanuel Okoye

budding historian | joyous
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Curly 10 1/2" Rigid Elm Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
04/2045 (16)
Emmanuel had been writing down the odd bit and piece about what he'd learned so far, he had done it continously and written a lot about Ravenclaw, since he had promised to compare what he had with Senna. He was still committed to being stuck with her throughout this seven year journey they were both embarking on, but since they were in different houses he knew it would be important to at least chat and compare what he had with what she had. To talk about what Ravenclaw was like and find out what Gryffindor was like. Emmanuel had gotten enough information in these first few days at the school that he'd decided to seek his friend out. It was difficult sometimes, he was finding, to locate people. The school was huge, and with some able to enter places others couldn't he wasn't always able to find them, but he'd come to the great hall because it was around breakfast and who would skip that. He walked over to the Gryffindor table and spotted her. "Senna!" he greeted loudly before walking over, "Can I join you?" he asked already mostly moving to sit down with her.
School had been.. something so far. Senna liked being there, liked discovering more about magic and its uses but at the same time it was hard to even pay attention to everything when even the tiniest new discoveries made her mind wander in all kinds of different directions? What she did know so far was that she liked her house. Gryffindor. She had heard different descriptions of what Gryffindor's should be like left and right and it just felt like she was exactly where she was supposed to be. Like she belonged. Which felt strange knowing untill a couple of months before her eleventh birthday she wouldn't even have believed anyone who would've told her that magic was real. Or anyone telling her she would be attending a magical boarding school for that matter. Senna had been stuffing her face with breakfast when she heard someone call out her name, the food at the school definitely being on the top of her likes list so far. "Emmanuel!" She grinned, happy to see her friend since she was still slightly disappointed they hadn't somehow ended up in the same house. "Like that's even a question." She grinned, picking up a piece of toast from her plate and offering it to him.
It was fairly reassuring to Emmanuel that Senna wanted him to sit, they had agreed to be together through it all, and he wasn't going back out on that. He sat down in front of her and took the toast that she offered him. "Thanks!" he said. He took a bite as he placed his notebook down in front of him. "Congratulations on Gryffindor," he hadn't really been able to see her since the sorting and it seemed right to congratulate her on the house she had gotten. "Tell me all about it," Emmanuel asked, very keen to find out all that he could about her house and he would of course share everything about Ravenclaw.
Senna has just taken another bite of her toast when Emmanual congratulated her on her house, trying to swallow it so she could answer. When her chewing wasn't as fast as she liked she just held her hand in front of her mouth for a second to respond. "Thanks!" She quickly swallowed her food after and grinned at him. "It's the best. I don't even know that much about it yet and I probably should've paid more attention to core values and whatnot but I just feel like I fit. Which is great. I promise I'll tell you when I learn more." Senna beamed. She knew she probably should've paid some more attention or looked up more information on her house to share with her friend but everything had been way too exciting for her to remember most of it. "What about Ravenclaw? Does it suit you? Are the boys in your dorm nice?"
Emmanuel took a bit of his toast and nodded as she talked about her house a little. He knew that with time they'd all learn more about the values of their respectively places and he was quite keen to share that information with Senna and anyone else that would be interested in it. "I look forward to it!" Emmanuel said having finished his bite of food. He put the toast down and wipes his hands on a napkin before nodding. "Ravenclaw is great, we have to answer a riddle to get in the dorm, which I'm certainly going to have fun with. The boys seem nice, but we haven't spoken much yet, things are still a little awkward, which is probably in keeping for a house which values seem to be intelligence, creativity and wit," he said, he opened his notebook, "I've written some descriptions of Ravenclaw house, there is a focus on astronomy, which I'm not sure is because ravenclaws tend to like it or just proximity to the stars,"
Senna grinned when Emmanuel seemed keen on learning more about gryffindor as well, almost wondering if she should start writing down the things she learned about the house, even if it was by accident. With the chaos that was her brain she was sure she'd forget some things almost as soon as she had learned them. She listened intently when he started speaking about his own house, wondering how anyone would be able to answer a riddle every time they wanted to get into their common room. But Emmanuel said he thought it was fun, which just made her realize why there were different houses in the first place. "Sounds interesting." She nodded, snorting when he referenced them being up in the tower. "Maybe it's both." Senna grinned. "It definitely sounds like you're in the right place though." She added with a small nod. Sure, she didn't exactly know a whole lot about her friend yet but from what she had seen so far it sounded like he would enjoy being a Ravenclaw.
Emmanuel was glad that Senna didn't seem put off by his eagerness on talking about ravenclaw. He liked discussing it and always enjoyed talking about it with someone. It was the good part of being able to be around others, to bounce ideas off them, to discuss with them different things. The ravenclaw nodded, as he took another bite of the piece of toast. "Well, yes, but perhaps I would've also found the right place else where, we can never now know," he said with a little laugh. "What are the Gryffindors like? I've met Josh and Kyon, but none of the other ones," he wasn't sure if Senna would know who those people were, but he was keen to know if her experiences in the house with the people were reflective of them rather than something else.
"That's very true." Senna nodded when Emmanuel said he might've also found his place in one of the other houses. It could very well be possible but even if she didn't know much about the sorting hat and its origins she liked to believe it was wise. Knew what it was doing. And if it did, then Emmanuel was right where he was supposed to be. "Oooh, you met Josh?" She responded excitedly when he asked her about gryffindor. "He's great. He was, like, the second friend I made. Right after you!" She smiled, not sure if she had met the other person he mentioned yes but trying her best to remember the name. "Well the Gryffindor's I've met so far are all a lot of fun. I don't know the girls in my dorm that well yet but they seem nice enough. Perhaps a bit calmer than I am.." Senna explained before letting out a laugh. "But I guess that's not very difficult to be since I have way too much energy most of the time."
Emmanuel nodded eagerly, "He's a very good person," Emmanuel agreed somewhat eager, since he was much in agreement with her that Josh was cool, certainly he seemed to be quite fun. He was sure he would enjoy spending time with him. "We should all spend time together," he declared happily, since he would always enjoy having all the friends he could, and they would have fun all together. Emmanuel laughed lightly at her joke. "I like your energy," he did say to her afterwards, she said she had too much, but he liked it. He found infectious and the good sort. "It might just take others more time to be more energy filled," he knew that the nervousness of a new place and new people that some might warm up and have more energy enough a few more days down the line.
Senna was glad to hear Emmanuel seemed to like Josh as well, lighting up when he said they should all spend time together. She could already imagine all of the fun they could have, how they could grow to have their own little group of friends. Perhaps they'd make even more friends that could join. It would all be great. "Definitely! That would be so much fun." She nodded, wiggling from left to right a little in her excitement. Senna smiled and scrunched her nose when Emmanuel said he liked her energy, glad he appreciated her. "Yeah, I know." She nodded at his words, slightly impressed by how well he seemed to be able to put everything into words. "I'm sure we're all going to be the best of friends though. I mean I know I said you're stuck with me but they share a dorm with me so they literally are stuck with me." She laughed. "Did you make a lot of other friends yet?"
Emmanuel couldn't help but be excited about the idea of spending time with both Senna and Josh, as a little friendship group. He would probably always be a bit of an add on in a way, since he was Ravenclaw and they were both Gryffindor but he did welcome it really. Did welcome having some close knit friends and if two of his friends were friends with each other, then they would work well as a group. Emmanuel nodded in agreement, "It cannot be hard to be best friends with people you see every day...," he said, "Not too many yet, I've found Ravenclaws a little more closed off, but I think it'll come with time. Like yours,"
Senna though about what Emmanuel said for a second, wondering if it was true. It seemed logical to think it wouldn't be difficult to be friends with people she had to see everyday, but then what if it was? What if their personalities differed too much to become good friends? From what she had seen of the girls so far she doubted it would and yet she couldn't help but to wonder for a second what it would be like to share a dorm with someone she didn't like for seven years. "I'm sure it will!" Senna nodded confidently at his next words. "I mean you're great so they would be dumb if they wouldn't want to be your friend." She added with a small shrug and without the tiniest hint of dishonesty. She did think Emmanuel was great and any of the boys in his dorm should happily want to be his friend. "Have you found out anything else interesting yet? I mean I was gobsmacked when I saw the paintings move and talk but I reckon you already knew that happens?"
Emmanuel was warmed by her kind words, "Thank you," he replied putting a hand to his heart and giving a little bow of his head. His tone was sincere and grateful for the kind words, taking them seriously. He had of couse said something in return before, but it felt important to be thankful for her words. He was certainly glad to have met and become friends with Senna. "I did know those things. My mother's own grandfather's portrait always yelled at me for running around the house," He said There are some interesting ghosts, and apparently a rather talkative portrait that visits Ravenclaw a whole lot,"[/b] he told her, there had always been a lot of magic for him growing up but he hadn't quite realise how much comparatively. "I haven't spotted anything yet, there are rumours of the great eel in the lake, and centaurs in the forest," he said. The centaurs he'd found documents of, but the greet eel was mostly heresay.
Senna snorted when Emmanuel mentioned one of the portaits at his own house always yelling at him for running around, trying to imagine what that would be like. "That's horrible!" She laughed. If there had been any talking portraits at her own home she could only wish they would've been chill ones. Although perhaps that depended on the personality of the person who was in the portrait. She was't entirely sure how it worked just yet. "So the portraits.. they're pretty much like how the real people were? Or are?" She asked curiously. The idea had potential. What if she got someone to make a magical portrait of her so she could give it to her parents? If it worked that way that would mean they'd still sort of have her around while the real her was at school. "Hmm, maybe I should do some ghost hunting soon." Senna grinned when Emmanuel mentioned intersting ghosts, already trying to think of questions she would want to ask them. "No way." She exclaimed when he mentioned centaurs in the forest. "That's so cool! How can they even forbid us from entering the forest when there's literal centaurs living there? Do you think there are other cool things? What if we're just not allowed because the professors want to keep something to themselves?"
Emmanuel laughed lightly with Senna as she exclaimed about his troubles with the portraits. He gave a little shrug to the question. "Yes, they are, if they're based on real people," he said, he knew there had to be some paintings where the enchanted subject was not someone that known and therefore not someone who would have a personality, "I think it works like, when you enchant a painting, you give it personality, in how you cast the spell, so you might enchant a paint of someone you know to be like them because you know them, and one of someone fictional to be exactly how you see them," Emmanuel said, in a tone that he was fairly certain of himself, just seemingly not 100%. He would've focused more on the ghosts but Senna had focused on the forest, "Centaurs are territorial, they don't particularly like when people walk onto their sections of the's dangerous," he said to her. That was the reason in his mind, as to why they didn't get to go to the forest, it was dangerous.

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