Dahlia Doherty

Dahlia Doherty

Teenage Drama Queen
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
15 (26/07/2046)

Character's Name: Dahlia Grace Doherty
Dahlia - from the flower, naturally. Dahlias tend to symbolize inner strength, grace, and standing out from the crowd.
Grace - from the Latin meaning 'favor' or 'blessing'.
Doherty - from the Irish Ó Dochartaigh, diluted over great time and distance.

Character's Birthdate: 26 July 2046
(Just barely) a Leo - tends to be confident, ambitious, loyal and generous, but also can be vain, domineering, stubborn & pretentious.
Hometown: Melbourne, Australia
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Wand: Curly 9.5" Flexible Rosewood Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Rosewood - A beautiful wand wood that tends to draw beautiful people to itself for best results.
Phoenix Tail Feather - Phoenix tail feathers are not easy to come by. The animal is known for its versatility, making wands with this core useful for wand casters who seek to become good with different types of magic.

Hogwarts House: "...you'd make a decent Slytherin...but you'll do even better in....Gryffindor!"


Playby: Angourie Rice
Hair: Blonde and straight, usually hangs around shoulder length. She ties it up for sport and for school uniform purposes but takes it out the rest of the time.
Eyes: Slightly faded blue.
Height: About average height for her age. Never tall enough to be a goal keeper or a goal shooter in netball, but speedy and aggressive enough to play center.
Style: Dahlia enjoys fashion and likes to be stylish, but comfortable. She's not going to wear anything outlandish but she takes pride in her appearance and likes to wear things that are flattering. She hopes she can spruce up her robes a bit.
Other Distinguishing Features: Stays in pretty good shape, likes to run around and play (muggle) sports.​


Personality: Dahlia is a fairly ordinary girl, you know, apart from the whole magic thing. She's cheerful and optimistic and isn't especially shy. She's friendly, but if you annoy her she'll stop being nice unless you have something she wants or needs. She's assertive, possibly to the point of aggression - but she mostly saves her aggression for the netball court, since her mother took great pains to teach her to channel it effectively. She can be blunt or rude at times but she doesn't go out of her way to be. She's a well brought up young lady for the most part. She can just...err in to the territory of being obnoxious, or a show-off, or perhaps looking down at people. Dahlia will call her younger sister a loser until the cows come home but heaven help you if you try to do the same. She's loyal to people who've earned her trust - yes, that even includes her sister, as much as they're at each other's throats at home.
Goals: She wants to learn how to pull off some old school tricks, like how to saw someone in half or how to do the water escape. She's not completely naive as to not know that they're sleight of hand tricks and not real magic (mostly because her little sister told her) but she thinks that using magic to do them would be really cool. She also would kind of like to be an actress of some sort, although wizards not having tv or movies does kind of cut down on opportunities. Sort of. She'd really like to do cute and flashy magic, both real and through sleight of hand, to make people smile.
Secrets: She actually kind of loves trashy (and non-trashy) high fantasy sword and sorcery stuff. Once she skipped out on a friend's birthday party to play Dungeons & Dragons entirely because another friend's cute older brother was running the game. She defends it by saying she wasn't that close to the other friend anyway, they were more just kind of in the same circle. She still cries every time she watches The Lion King. She got bitten by a spider once and she's completely terrified of them.
Strengths: Her boldness, her ability to work well in and dedicate herself to a team, her optimism and friendliness, her confidence at public speaking and being in front of a crowd.
Weaknesses: Her stubbornness, her tendency to prioritize with friendships behind people's backs, her bluntness to the point of being rude, her naivety, also her boldness (for the wrong reasons).
Amortentia: Banana and honey smoothie, citrus & the slightly weird sterile warehouse smell of parcel post.
Mirror of Erised: Probably her on a red carpet, looking very stylish and glamourous and being a star.
Boggart: A really, really big spider, its face dripping with venom. Like, comically so.
Patronus: tba
Patronus Memory: tba​


History: Dahlia was born in Melbourne, Australia, to a fairly well off family. She was a bit of a spoiled kid but not so super wealthy as to be completely out of touch. There were much more spoiled kids at her primary school, after all. She got pretty average grades throughout school but was able to get along with people well and make a lot of friends. She found a great love for netball and playing in a team, as well as just hanging out with friends and talking about clothes and boys. In short, she had a pretty ordinary life until she got her Hogwarts letter. Which was around the time her father got a better job offer to live and work in New Zealand, conveniently enough. She had a few months of home-schooling in between moving and going to Hogwarts which was pretty miserable for the sociable girl. But the lure of learning magic would make it all worthwhile, she figured.

Family: Dahlia is the eldest daughter of David Doherty, a muggle civil engineer, and Kathleen Doherty (nee Walsh), a psychologist specializing in relationship counselling and mediation. As you might expect, they tend to approach problems in different manners which can sometimes lead to communication issues but at least they know how to talk it out properly. Dahlia is a little bit more emotions-driven, like her mother, though she knows how to put things logically when she needs to. She loves both her parents very much and they adore her in return.
Her only sister is Zinnia Doherty, who is about eighteen months younger. Zinnia and Dahlia are nearly always at each other's throats. Zinnia is a lot more cold and logical, even as a little kid, but despite how much they drive each other mad they're still family and look out for each other. It just doesn't seem like that if you witness them at home. Zinnia is antisocial and prefers to just observe while Dahlia is outgoing and likes to get involved.
Dahlia isn't especially close to her grandparents but that's mostly because of a lack of time to visit them. On her parents part. Especially now they live overseas. But there's still the obligatory phonecalls on birthdays (and visits for Christmas). Luckily Dahlia's birthday is on the school holidays, otherwise that would potentially stir some family drama...​
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"Wait, so like, magic is actually...real? Oh my God! See, Zinnia! I told you it wasn't just camera illusion! I win!"

Having found out that she was a witch, and that she was going to have to move overseas to start a new life, one would excuse Dahlia for being a little morose. But instead she decided to make the best of it, being more enthusiastic about meeting new people and learning about magic than she was disappointed about saying goodbye to her old home. Although perhaps pivoting to a new life wouldn't be as easy as she had hoped...
Why here?w/ Cassius Styx
Setting the Scenew/ Leah Thorne
A Brand New Wizard Exploring Wizard Placesw/ Gregory Friend
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