🌹 Rose Giving Easy Delivery

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
OOC First Name
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Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (23)
Poppy was starting to feel exhausted as she made her way back into the castle hoping to run into either of the people still left on her list. It felt like her first bit of good luck when she spotted Chloe and she quickly made her way over to the other red head. "Chloe!" she called out cheerfully, wanting to grab her attention before she could rush off somewhere else. "You have got a rose." she said playfully and pulled one her second to last yellow rose and handed it over.

@Chloe Thompson
Chloë had been making her way back into the castle after taking some laps around the quidditch pitch, happy she had been able to get through all of her deliveries rather quickly. She still felt like she had lucked out in knowing everyone on her list, that surely had made things take a lot less effort. She turned around when she heard someone call out her name, leaning on her broom as Poppy made her way over. "Hi, thanks!" She smiled as she happily took the rose from her. "Almost done, huh?" She asked, nodding at the single yellow rose Poppy still seemed to have left.
Poppy smiled. "You're very welcome." she said cheerfully. "Yes, thankfully." she answered with a slight groan. It had been a long and relatively difficult day but the end was in sight now. "How did your deliveries go?" Poppy asked curiously, remembering she had seen Chloe's name on the sign up lists. "I'm assuming you're done?" she asked with a laugh and gestured to her broom.
Chloë chuckled at Poppy's response. Delivering roses was already tiring, so she figured having to figure out everything around it as well had to be nothing less than hectic. "I reckon you've still got plenty of time to take a nap before the dance." She grinned, before nodding when Poppy gestured at her broom. "I am, yeah." Chloë responded with a soft laugh. "I just got lucky, knew everyone on my list." She elaborated, well aware that it had made deliveries far easier for her this time around and thankful it gave her some extra time for practice. Realizing she hadn't even looked at the rose yet to see who it was from Chloë twirled it around for a second, before looking back up at Poppy and giving the girl a smile. "Was there a note?"
"I might have to." Poppy said with a little laugh. It sounded like a great idea even if she wasn't sure if she would be going to the dance at all. "That always makes things easier." she agreed. She had also knowing quite a few people on her list but it hadn't made things easier for her exactly. "Oh right!" Poppy blurted out quickly and started to look for the note. She had gotten caught up in having a friendly conversation she had forgotten about the task at hand. She pulled it out a moment later and handed it over.


You’re a great friend, thanks for helping me practice quidditch!

Chloë chuckled when Poppy said she might have to take a nap, although she wasn't really opposed to that herself. Especially now she had spend most of the energy she had managed to save by her roses taking little effort on some extra practice. "At least it saved me from a lot of shouting." She nodded in agreement. "Although I still need to have a word with Lysander about sending a rose to a lake creature." She laughed, shaking her head a little just at the thought of that. It had been utterly funny though and she didn't think that'd involve any shouting. "Thanks!" Chloë beamed when Poppy handed over the note, smiling as she read it yet feeling a little guilty when she realized she had forgotten to send Knox a rose herself. Maybe she should just make a list right now so she wouldn't forget some of her friends next year.
Poppy let out a laugh when Chloe mentioned the eel's rose. "I still can't believe he did that." she giggled. She had helped organized the rose giving event this year and had spent far too long thinking about the logistics of something like that before giving up. But she was glad Chloe apparently managed it. "You're welcome." she said with a smile. "Well happy valentine's day! I'll see you later." she added quickly before ducking out of the hall to finish her deliveries.

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