Open I Learn My Lessons From the Birds

Harper Alston

off we go, into the wild blue yonder
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Straight 12.5'' Flexible Larch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
Since completing her animagus training, Harper had found herself spending a lot of time in the Owlery. She'd never liked the room much before, finding it a bit too musty for her taste. But now that she could turn herself into a falcon, she no longer had to deal with the dirty straw or rodent carcasses blanketing the floor. Instead, she could hang out in the eaves, chatting with the other birds. It turned out that owls were major gossips, and Harper enjoyed hearing all about their travels and the strange things they'd had to ferry.

Today, Harper had gathered with a couple other owls to listen to a morepork complain about having to deliver a particularly heavy package all the way to Australia. The story had reached a particularly tense moment when Harper felt something brush against her leg. She glanced down to see a person staring at her. Though it was pretty obvious she was not an owl, some people still occasionally mistook her for a school delivery bird. Or they were just intrigued by the presence of falcon since it was rare to find a bird other than an owl or a raven in the Owlery. Harper shook her head to try and signal that she was not available for deliveries, but it was unclear whether her message had been understood.

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