MESSI Presents: The Threadies - Nominations

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Teddy Pirrip

Walking the line, most of the time 🧸
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care

Welcome to HNZ's Thread Appreciation Awards, otherwise known as The Threadies! MESSI are rolling out the thread carpet and inviting you to nominate threads and biographies that you have particularly enjoyed over the past year. Let's celebrate the amazing talent and creativity from our HNZ community!

The Categories Open for Nominations are:

1. Biggest Tearjerker Thread
2. Most Dramatic Thread
3. Funniest Thread
4. Best Line(s) from a Thread
5. Best Biography for a current student character
6. Best Biography for a non-student character

How to Nominate:

Post your nominations in this thread. Specify the category, link the thread and any additional comments about your nomination. To do this, you have the option to use the templates provided in the spoiler at the bottom of the post.

Nominations will close the weekend of May 10th. Voting opens soon after nominations close to choose the overall winners of each category.


The winners will get badges!

  • Each RPer is capped at one nomination per category, although you can vote for as many categories as you like.
  • Nominated threads must have taken place during 2059 (Y44), 2060 (Y45) or 2061 (Y46).
  • Nominated biographies may have been started at any time, but the older bios must have been edited since the 29th April 2023.
  • RPers can nominate threads their characters are in, but we are NOT accepting self-nominations for biographies!
[b]Category:[/b] Biggest Tearjerker Thread
[b]Thread Title/Link:
Additional Comments:[/b] [spoiler][/spoiler]

[b]Category:[/b] Most Dramatic Thread
[b]Thread Title/Link:
Additional Comments:[/b] [spoiler][/spoiler]

[b]Category:[/b] Funniest Thread
[b]Thread Title/Link:
Additional Comments:[/b] [spoiler][/spoiler]

[b]Category:[/b] Best Line(s) from a Thread
[b]Thread Title/Link:
Nominated Line(s):
Additional Comments: [/b][spoiler][/spoiler]

[b]Category:[/b] Best Biography for a current student character
[b]Character Name/Bio Link:
Additional Comments:[/b] [spoiler][/spoiler]

[b]Category:[/b] Best Biography for a non-student character
[b]Character Name/Bio Link:
Additional Comments:[/b] [spoiler][/spoiler]

Happy nominating everyone!
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My brain is mush and I tragically don't read as many threads as I should so some gratuitous self nominations.

Category: Biggest Tearjerker Thread
Thread Title/Link: Stay Gone
Additional Comments:
Is it cheating to nominate self rp? lol But Ethan coming to terms with his mom's basically abandonment was quiet emotional to write.

Category: Most Dramatic Thread
Thread Title/Link: Y44 Duelling Match #11
Additional Comments:
Caleb and Celia try and kill each other for real.

Category: Funniest Thread
Thread Title/Link: Wishing On An Open Fire
Additional Comments:
Find yourself someone who can commit to a bit. Love some banter.

Category: Best Line(s) from a Thread
Thread Title/Link: Another Clue
Nominated Line(s):
She could count the members of her family on one hand: her grandmother, her aunt, herself, and her brother, and even then she'd be missing a finger.
Additional Comments:
Cheating a little cause Mia pointed this line out before. I didn't think much about it at the time but I do think it's good lol.

Category: Best Biography for a current student character
Character Name/Bio Link: Kiara Madeline Thompson
Additional Comments:
Llove Marijke's bios. So pretty and detailed.

Category: Best Biography for a non-student character
Character Name/Bio Link: Kahurangi Josephs
Additional Comments:
Rowan's bios are great and crazy to see how long some long time characters bios can get haha
Ok so I have to admit. I want to read more topics from others, but usually I am too busy with keeping up with mines next to classes. So same as Kadi some self nominations here too. I have such a blurry mind so hard to remember some.

Category: Biggest Tearjerker Thread
Thread Title/Link: An Situation Of Life and Death
Additional Comments:
An self nomination because this was an plot I thought a long time on (and still is going on) The situation around Lauren and the Davenports is an emotional one and heavy topic to handle. And this was the moment where Lauren opened up and gained an ''tiny bit'' trust in adults. It was emotional since she is a victim, but still feels guilty about the consequences for her other siblings and even her parents. That is just sad, and wrong. But unfortunately happens in this situations (which I know from my work experiance)

Category: Most Dramatic Thread
Thread Title/Link: Away with Quidditch!
Additional Comments:
Giselle making an poster and Lius making her own version of it. Some fighting and calling names. Because they don't like eachother and not agree on how to feel about Quidditch.

Category: Funniest Thread
Thread Title/Link: Nautical Yellow
Additional Comments:
Doesn't need much comment, it's just hilarious if I imagine this in front of me.

Category: Best Line(s) from a Thread
Thread Title/Link: Professor & Staff Meeting Y45 S1
Nominated Line(s): "My goal this year is to encourage a bit more shall we say, friendliness and comradery in the Slytherin common room.''
Additional Comments:
And how is that going right now? Good luck with that! xD

Category: Best Biography for a current student character
Character Name/Bio Link: Lennox Mia Addison
Additional Comments:
It's so detailed and a lot of stuff thought about. Even the house where they live in and a video made for the character. So for me this stands out.

Category: Best Biography for a non-student character
Character Name/Bio Link: Chloe Thompson
Additional Comments:
I like this one from Marijke a lot. The way it looks, very clean and love the family tree and information is just detailed.
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Hello everyone! Nominations will be closing in a few days. If you haven't submitted yours yet, be sure to do so ASAP! :)
Category: Biggest Tearjerker Thread
Thread Title/Link: No Other Sadness in the World Would Do
Additional Comments:
I just really enjoyed writing Louis genuinely sad and getting his heart broken

Category: Most Dramatic Thread
Thread Title/Link: What Should Be Over Burrowed Under My Skin
Additional Comments:
Similar to the previous one but I remember how fun it was to make this so dramatic, it has love confessions and friendship breakups and everything.

Category: Funniest Thread
Thread Title/Link: Stocking Up
Additional Comments:
The chaos!

Category: Best Line(s) from a Thread
Thread Title/Link: Fresh New Beginnings
Nominated Line(s):
"I just heard that prefect and the headmaster talking, apparently they are evacuating the castle!"
Additional Comments:
Just the way this post changed the whole tone of the thread and made it so funny, I still laugh when I think about it.

Category: Best Biography for a current student character
Character Name/Bio Link: Briony Mettlestone
Additional Comments:
Just love this one, the pictures are so pretty.

Category: Best Biography for a non-student character
Character Name/Bio Link: Ainsley Lynch
Additional Comments:
The amount of detail in this one is WILD
🤝 I too do not read as many threads as I would like. Gonna have plenty to read when voting comes around though!!

Category: Biggest Tearjerker Thread
Thread Title/Link: Ducklings in a Row
Additional Comments:
Anna and I started talking about Flavio & Kauri's kids in no joke late 2018, so it's a plot we've both been looking forward to forever & the thread always brings me happy tears to read back ;u;

Category: Most Dramatic Thread
Thread Title/Link: Silver Tongue in the Shadows
Additional Comments:
I love digging back into the Blake & Tyler drama, with the new layer of Fabian & Tyler's whole workplace rivalry/situationship on top >:3

Category: Funniest Thread
Thread Title/Link: A Proper Welcome Back
Additional Comments:
The LAYERS of chaos building in this one had me in stitches

Category: Best Line(s) from a Thread
Thread Title/Link: The Changing Seasons
Nominated Line(s): She wanted to pretend that [graduation] wasn't coming up, that they could just stay here walking in the garden at the cusp of the seasons changing.
Additional Comments:
Mia has this amazing dreamy way of setting scenes, and after painting such a beautiful atmosphere at the beginning of the thread, she brought it so masterfully around to reflect the subject matter of the thread itself wough I love it

Category: Best Biography for a current student character
Character Name/Bio Link: Ethan Alexander
Additional Comments:
Ethan has such a unique history, and I wanna hype it up soooooo much! He's such an interesting character, and Kadi does a great job expressing him - he comes to life so quickly through her descriptions. It's a small detail, but I also love the way Kadi denotes rose threads too, it's such a sweet pop of colour in the thread list.

Category: Best Biography for a non-student character
Character Name/Bio Link: Angel Castillo
Additional Comments:
The image and font choices do such a great job of conveying Angel's whole vibe right off the bat. I've always been a big fan of Angel's personality and backstory from its earliest (much scummier) incarnations, and Kris does such a good job painting a picture of him that you can read in seconds. I also love the little summaries of each year, shows how he's been growing and changing with time.
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