Closed To Wonderland

Winnie Marsh

Dramatic | Hog's Head Bartender
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 12 Inch Whippy Ebony Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Winnie wasn't sure how to feel upon returning to Hogwarts for a new school year. When she returned for her second year she felt motivated to get ahead in classes to please her mum, despite feeling pressured to do so, but that year she did not feel motivated or pressured. Rather, she was apathetic at best, otherwise not feeling anything at all. Trying in classes was a given now, and eventually Winnie intended to find some sort of tutor that was her own age, but she was no longer being pushed in this direction or saw it as the be all, end all, of her time at school. She wondered if it was due to the weird tension in her home over the holidays and her dad's blatant absence weighing on her mind so much she couldn't focus on anything else. Not seeing the point in trying when her mother was quiet and her dad was focusing too much on other things to notice if her grades changed did seem to be part of it. But even so, thinking about all of this when she did not truly care was pointless, and Winnie wanted nothing more than a distraction as she began to return to her school routine.​
The only distraction available to her in the moment was losing herself in a story book, and this led Winnie to the lakefront one afternoon intending to spend her time reading. As she arrived and spotted what looked like a good sitting rock, Winnie quickly got comfortable and opened her book. Alice and Wonderland was a story she more or less knew backwards, but she never failed to lose herself in the madness of Alice’s adventures. As she continued reading she found herself smiling, feeling comfortable for the first time in a while as she slowly flicked through the pages.​

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