Old School Week Under Pressure

Aine Thompson

Most Interesting (Head) Girl In The World
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curly 13" Rigid Pine Wand, Meteorite Dust Core
18 (21/9/2043)
Aine had returned to school with a renewed sense of determination even if it came from a place of hurt. She was just going to have to throw herself into studies, and had quite literally thrown herself into the lake, casting the bubble-head charm and seeing how well she could make it work. She had goggles and a swimsuit on and was going to see what she could see underwater.
Caleb loved to swim in the lake every chance he got. It was one of the only places he could fine some peace when he got too far in his head. Today he was in a good mood but he still came to the lake to take advantage of the warm weather, and he wasn't alone. He spotted a girl who seemed ready for an expedition. "Are you about to go diving for the eel?" he asked with a laugh.
"Yes," Aine said, sarcastically. "I hope I can build a long lasting friendship with it that culminates in a tearful goodbye when I have to send it away into the ocean after it attempts to eat someone who's wronged me." She had at least attempted to cast the bubble head charm, but the distraction made it pop around her, startling her. "Oh, bugger."
"Oh I see." Caleb said, suddenly much more interested in this random girl. "Well in that case don't let me stop you." he laughed. "I would feel awful to get in the way of such a beautiful love story."
Aine cast the spell again, starting to submerge herself...then coming back up as the bubble popped around her, distracted by following a train of thought. "Eels probably can't survive in ocean water, now that I think of it. Plus, it'd probably tell me it already had a mermaid girlfriend," she added, pretending to look concerned but unable not to smirk. "Long distance grindylow boyfriend, perhaps."
"So it's a tragedy then. Unrequited love." Caleb said playfully at first but then he thought of his own failed love life and he was no longer having fun with this hypothetical. "Do you need help with that?" he asked and pointed at the girls head and gestured around it to mimic the bubble that should be forming.

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