Closed Unwanted

Onyx Derouin

Dramatic- Loyal- Growing- Soft Boi
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eternally Smitten
Cedar Wood, Hippogriff Feather core, 13 1/2 inches
12/23/2033 (27)
Onyx was absolutely miserable. Even after talking to Isla, he felt... unlovable. He had moved down to the dungeons, knees pulled up to his chest, staring blankly at a stone across the hall. His sapphire eyes still shimmered with unshed tears. They always were anymore. He probably looked terrible, his cheeks still a little red from how much he had been crying. He was certain of it now. After everything with Elio, it was no wonder Chrys had kept playing around. Onyx had thought it was just that he wasn't enough for the Hufflepuff. No, it was worse. Onyx was... unwantable? Was that the word? Chrys had taken pity on the sad emo kid with no friends. Of course Elio and Chrys had wanted each other- they were both gorgeous, and cool, they were perfect. But Onyx? Who could want someone as pathetic as he was? He couldn't even flirt properly. He saw himself as a kitty, he probably always would, but maybe that was a bad thing? Elio was supposed to be safe, Ava always spoke about how kind and warm he was. But if someone worthy of her adoration wasn't even interested in him, then no one could be. He sighed softly, rubbing the sleeve of his too-large hoodie over his cheek. Well... Chrys's hoodie. Onyx should probably take it off. He just... couldn't bring himself to do it. Maybe Sapphire would...
Shane was always bored, it seemed that though the end of the school year was approaching and that he had very important NEWTs that he really should be studying for he hadn’t really yet found the motivation for it. It was just that studying was so dull and he wasn’t even sure what he wanted to do after school so what was the fun in studying with no goal. He was therefore doing the thing he always did, walking, looking for something to do. He was in the dungeons when he spotted someone, who seemed to be folded in on themselves looking a little sad. It was a pity, he knew the guy a little, had thought about flirting but he’d always seen him with someone else. Now he was alone and looking miserable and Shane wasn’t going to let that slide. He put on his best flirty smirk and walked over to him, sitting down next to him and nudging him a little. ”I can’t let someone so handsome look so sad,” he started, trying to have a caring but flirty tone. ”Which a$shole am I hitting as your knight in shining armour?”
Onyx was startled as someone sat down next to him. He immediately warmed to the attention, but was hesitant to show it. "I... You don't have to..." He sniffled, looking away. "He liked everyone else better... I know there were a lot but the one I caught him with was better than me in every way..." Onyx bit his lip. "I'm just a lost little kitten with no collar... You don't have to pet me if you don't want to..." He grumbled, feeling genuinely worthless. "You're gorgeous, you won't have a problem finding someone better to pay attention to..."
Shane shook his head, ”Well, that’s ridiculous,” he told him, ”People aren’t intrinsically better than others,” the teen told him, he just shook his head, he found it an odd analogy to a pet, but he just shrugged, ”I wouldn’t approach you if I didn’t want to,” He told him, keeping a light flirty tone. He let his smile remain basking in the little compliment, ”I don’t have a problem, but I’m finding it in you right now, I’m paying attention to you because you’re too pretty to be all sad looking.” he told him, assuring him, and reached out to lightly run his hand along the boy’s chin. ”The boy who can’t see how perfect you are is dumb,” he told him, ”That’s why I’m never looking for more than just a little fun and you seem fun,”
Onyx hesitated as the boy touched him, leaning into the touch a little. Onyx bit his lip, turning just a bit so he was more curled against the wall but still facing the newcomer. "A little fun is always good," He managed softly. "I wanna play..." He ran his tongue casually over his lip ring, something he did when he was thinking. He gave the boy a hesitant smile. "Sorry, you're so beautiful you made me forget my pick-up line," He joked lightly. "Do angels have names, or should I just call you beautiful?" He continued, biting his lip again.
Shane could admit he was a pleased when the boy leaned ever so slightly into his touch. He smiled at the boy faced him a little more. He was waiting for him to finish whatever thought he’d started, but then it seemed to go in a different manner, ”I think that pick up line worked just fine,” he was smirking lightly, appreciating being called beautiful but keeping the feeling light, there was no need for him to focus on it at all. ”I’m Shane,” he introduced holding out his hand to him. ”But you can call me angel, if you’d really like to,” he joked, ”What’s your name?”
Onyx smiled hesitantly, shaking Shane's hand. "Onyx," He introduced softly. "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" He flirted lightly, though he was still worried that he would say the wrong thing and this boy- Shane, that Shane would get angry with him the way Elio had done and reaffirm everything Onyx had feared about himself. He let himself look Shane over now that he was paying more attention to him. He wasn't exactly Onyx's usual type- not that Onyx really had a type, for that matter, but he had a pretty face and nice hair. He glanced at Shane's lips a second before looking away, blushing.
Shane smiled as the boy introduced himself. He laughed lightly at the flirting, but looked at the boy’s face, letting his gaze move quickly to his lips. ”Well, you know what they say, a little kiss makes everything better,” he had a smirk on his face, ”And this angel certainly did hurt himself,” he knew it felt cheesy and silly, but he still had his flirty tone and he was smiling at him. There was nothing wrong with cheesy things, he liked cheesy things when the situation called for it. The hufflepuff leaned in slightly, but enough away to let Onyx decide what he wanted, decide what he might say before Shane just shamelessly asked for a kiss.

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