Plots Please

Archie Renner

🦁 Gryffindor | Father 🌈
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Hey all :hug:

So might it be redundant of me to post a plot development after responding to all of the current ones?? Possibly. But there are a few characters I have that need things, and need more role plays so I am here anyway to ask for plots. I am weirdly able to keep up with the current rps I have and I am mostly ahead of my to do list, what???? Unheard of, couldn't be me. On top of all of this I am still very inspired as well, so I want to make the most of this as it's a glitch in the simulation.

If you're interested in rping with me and have characters that could work with the ones listed below please respond here or message me!
Pascal Watties

6th year | Gryffindor | Biography
Pascal is a dreamer and he wants to be a famous performer one day. He is usually upbeat and energetic and enthusiastic but over the last couple of years his parents have separated and then divorced, and this change in his life has affected him deeply. He is very much a hopeless romantic at heart but his parents divorcing has caused him to question if love really exists and if he will ever find the fairytale kind of love he has always wanted, and the love he thought his parents had.

The changes in his life have caused him to feel sad and be unlike his usual self, instead of being social at Hogwarts he is instead withdrawing and keeping to himself so he doesn't have any friends. It doesn't help that he feels that Hogwarts is holding him back from his dreams of stardom and he would rather be at home practicing dance routines and going to auditions.

I need everything for Pascal, friends to help him come out of his shell and return to his normal self, possible romances (I would like to develop romances over time and see how characters interact and get along before committing to anything) and basically just to roleplay him because I haven't been around to do this for most of his time at Hogwarts so far.​

Theia Carnahan

18 | Vibez Assistant | Biography
Theia has recently graduated from Hogwarts where she was in Slytherin, and now that she is away from school I want to develop her dating and pursuing a career in music. Theia has always loved music but has mostly kept this to herself and hasn't ever really performed in front of others, but I want this to change and for her to feel confident performing and writing music. Theia can be a bit standoffish and distant and definitely judgemental, she also has a lot on her mind and finds it difficult to let her hair down and have fun because she has to take care of her siblings a lot of the time, but she does try to be kind and understanding of others.

I want Theia to eventually start a band and have lots of friends in the music scene, and I want also friends for her generally, people that she can spend time with at bars and party with and people she can trust and rely on. I would also like to explore romance for her, she is gay and interested in women and she is open about this, but she hasn't ever dated before and would not know how to flirt so I would like role play her figuring this out and also likely embarrassing herself when she tries to show interest in someone.​

Marcus Carnahan

48 | Comic Artist | Biography
Marcus is always interesting for me to write with. He is very silly and loves pranks, and wants to make everyone around him laugh and wants to make the world a happier place, and this is what makes him happy. He loves to be the life of the party and the person everyone has fun being around. But at the same time he loves making others happy and making others laugh, he is hiding his true feelings, and emotionally quite immature because he covers up his feelings with jokes instead of dealing with them.

His wife passed away almost a decade ago, and he hasn't really processed his grief at all because he has been trying his best to raise his four children alone and keep everyone happy and keep his head above water. His wife was the responsible parent to balance out his silliness but without this Marcus is very lost, and trying to be a good parent but ultimately doesn't know how to function without his wife to help him. Now that Theia has graduated and his other children are in school Marcus has a lot more time on his hands as well, and is realizing after everything that has happened in his life, he really is alone. He wants to distract himself and avoid his feelings as this is his usual way of coping with things, though as time passes he will realise he won't be able to do this for much longer. He is running on empty, really.

I want everything for Marcus, but because he is emotionally immature and still relying on covering up his feelings it is difficult for him to really connect with others. I imagine it would be easy for him to make friends, but friends he keeps at arms length. Any closer friendships or romance would likely be a slow burn type of situation because Marcus has a lot to process in himself and it would be difficult for him to let anyone in. He definitely has a wall up and it would take a lot for him to break down this wall. But hey, I am down for a slow burn always if anyone else is interested.​

Leo Malstrom

34 | Musician | Biography
Leo is the guitarist for the band Ashes, and this as well as taking on a lot of responsibilities in keeping the band organized and managing them is what takes up most of his life. He can be very distant and emotionally unavailable, and even quite rude when someone annoys him. Leo is also very judgemental as well and is difficult to get along with I imagine for most of the people he meets. Despite this I would love to role play him more and have him make friends outside of his band, if this is even at all possible.

Leo has dedicated his life to his band and he wants nothing more than to be successful with them, but he does need people in his life who aren't directly involved with the band that he can vent to and let off some steam with. I would love for him to have a few people he tolerates, that are the closest thing to 'friends' as he can get that he drinks with and spends time with when he needs a break from the band. I also would like him to be friends with fellow musicians as he would want to network in the music scene as much as possible.

I also think it could be interesting for Leo to have a few friends with benefits type situations with women. I do need to preface any romance type suggestions by saying that Leo is in love with one of his band mates, so any semblance of a relationship wouldn't get very far or past a fling stage as he is taken (emotionally at least). In saying this though, Leo could be a fun antagonist as well I think, so if someone wants a character that is emotionally unavailable to ruin their life for a short period of time Leo is definitely available for that. He is bi-curious as well and I am not against exploring this, but Leo does keep this secret so any interactions in this bracket would also need to be kept secret.​

Carine Vale

40 | Dark academic | Biography

Carine is my most recently made character that is inspired by Morticia Addams, and I am itching to role play her. She is French and from a wealthy family so has never had to work a day in her life. She spends her time researching and studying old magic and dark magic, and raising her family. Carine like many of my characters I have noticed, is introverted and can be rather cold, and dismissive when she doesn't have a common interest with who she is socializing with. She doesn't have time for small talk or talk about things she doesn't see as important or relevant, and only enjoys gossip when she is talking with someone she cares about. But when someone matches her intellect and they have common interests and can theorize and talk about different subjects is what truly brings Carine out of her shell, and brings a light to her otherwise dark eyes.

I would love for Carine to be friends with women her age, they could possibly have a book club type gathering each week or every month or so, and drink lots of wine when they do gather. Carine in a book club would always read the assigned books and want to discuss the book, but she would allow her friends to gossip and drink around her as long as they end up discussing the book theoretically and return to the point of the meeting. Carine also collects magical antiquities and old books and tomes so any friends who share this interest would be welcomed. I would love for Carine to also have a friend she researches with and helps her with her potion making. Really I just want to role play Carine as much as possible, I want her to have lots of different friends in different places.​

Ignacio Morales

41 | Groundskeeper |
Ignacio is the eldest Morales sibling in the first generation of the family I've made, and he is outdoorsy and fun loving and active. He is happily Married to Ruby Morales and he has 2 daughters that he adores, and though he has had a bit of a tragic and dark past he now finally has the life he always wished for and he is truly happy. He is the groundskeeper at Hogwarts currently, and the main reason I am adding him to this plot development, is because I want to RP him more at Hogwarts. I would love for him to interact with his colleagues and interact with students and be more active around the school. He does love his job and I want to post more with him, so if anyone needs a groundskeeper for anything please hit me up!

If you would like to role play with any of my other characters not mentioned in this topic, you're welcome to message me as well. I am always happy to plot and talk about things so don't be afraid :p
Hello! I am not very helpful atm because I am very sluggish on muse but I could offer Violet as a friend (question mark) to Marcus? She felt a bit burned by the magical world and though she's trying to get back into it it's slow going and the hard feeling of approaching 50 and only just starting to actually find joy in life. I just imagine they'd both be kind of difficult but maybe manage to crack the walls just a little. Plus she mostly distracts herself by avoiding her own feelings so there's that? Idk no obligation for you to want to just thought it might be interesting, lol.
Anna! I bring you plots!

Delilah x Theia: I liked their friendship a lot and would like to do more with them. And with Delilah graduating this year they'll have plenty of time to hang out soon. She's also trying to get into playing music and being a bit more adventurous so I'd love for her to maybe be apart of that maybe? But I'm open to anything!

Aleena x Marcus: These two might be an interesting pair to throw together. They're both widows, although Aleena's loss is still a lot more recent. But she's trying to figure out what to do with her life now that her kids are almost all grown up and she's kind of neglected her social life for a while.

Aleena x Carine: If you're looking for mom friends this could be fun. Aleena was quite studious and well read when she was younger so she'd definitely be keen for a book club and a place to vent. She moved form London several years agon but hasn't really found friends so I would like that for her.

Jelle x Carine: Not a mom friend, but he's the owner of the Silver Snake and I've unfortunately done nothing with him so far. Before coming back to New Zealand he did a lot of traveling and working in the realm of cursed antiques and other miscellaneous artifacts, so I'd love for them to be pals!

Let me know what you think! And of course if there's something you can think of that I didn't mention let me know!
Hello! I am not very helpful atm because I am very sluggish on muse but I could offer Violet as a friend (question mark) to Marcus? She felt a bit burned by the magical world and though she's trying to get back into it it's slow going and the hard feeling of approaching 50 and only just starting to actually find joy in life. I just imagine they'd both be kind of difficult but maybe manage to crack the walls just a little. Plus she mostly distracts herself by avoiding her own feelings so there's that? Idk no obligation for you to want to just thought it might be interesting, lol.
I think this could be fun and Marcus definitely needs someone he can talk to when he decides he wants to talk to someone. Is there any particular situation where you think they'd meet and interact and eventually get to talking? Or could we say they have known each other for a while, in this case how should they know each other?

Anna! I bring you plots!

Delilah x Theia: I liked their friendship a lot and would like to do more with them. And with Delilah graduating this year they'll have plenty of time to hang out soon. She's also trying to get into playing music and being a bit more adventurous so I'd love for her to maybe be apart of that maybe? But I'm open to anything!

Aleena x Marcus: These two might be an interesting pair to throw together. They're both widows, although Aleena's loss is still a lot more recent. But she's trying to figure out what to do with her life now that her kids are almost all grown up and she's kind of neglected her social life for a while.

Aleena x Carine: If you're looking for mom friends this could be fun. Aleena was quite studious and well read when she was younger so she'd definitely be keen for a book club and a place to vent. She moved form London several years agon but hasn't really found friends so I would like that for her.

Jelle x Carine: Not a mom friend, but he's the owner of the Silver Snake and I've unfortunately done nothing with him so far. Before coming back to New Zealand he did a lot of traveling and working in the realm of cursed antiques and other miscellaneous artifacts, so I'd love for them to be pals!

Let me know what you think! And of course if there's something you can think of that I didn't mention let me know!
Kadi :hug:

I do also love Delilah and Theia rping together, I would love for her and Delilah to reconnect after Delilah graduates and they can play music together, I have always loved this idea and i am happy to roleplay it still.

I think given Aleena is only recently a widow it might be better to roleplay her with only Carine for now. I imagine if Marcus was aware of Aleena's situation it would bring up his own grief that he's trying to avoid and he would avoid Aleena as a result, but maybe after some time has passed this would change.

I think Carine would gladly be a shoulder for Aleena to cry on, did you know which magical school Aleena went to? Carine went to Beauxbatons and on the off chance they both went we could say they knew each other then and have kept in touch? If Aleena went to a different school of course we can always say they are possibly pen pals from way back when or something :D

I am also game to roleplay Jelle and Carine, I definitely think Carine would be familiar with the silver snake and go there regularly to see if there's anything new. Is Jelle new to the store? (I haven't been keeping up enough to know this) I imagine if he has run the store for a while Carine would know him already but if he is new then it would make sense for Carine to go to the store and introduce herself to the new management and get on their good side.
Hmm, well Violet kept herself on the outer of the magical world for a long time and has only in the past few years cautiously been re-entering it, and now just started working at the Ministry. I had her move from Australia to NZ but haven't exactly decided where to (I haven't done a whole lot with her). So she could live near-ish so maybe they've met in passing a few times and know each other's names (and maybe employment) and that's perhaps about the extent of it? Know each other enough for polite small talk but haven't actively pried in each other's businesses? idk I'm terrible at plotting :lol:
Hmm, well Violet kept herself on the outer of the magical world for a long time and has only in the past few years cautiously been re-entering it, and now just started working at the Ministry. I had her move from Australia to NZ but haven't exactly decided where to (I haven't done a whole lot with her). So she could live near-ish so maybe they've met in passing a few times and know each other's names (and maybe employment) and that's perhaps about the extent of it? Know each other enough for polite small talk but haven't actively pried in each other's businesses? idk I'm terrible at plotting :lol:
Hey :D yeah that's understandable. Marcus lives around Burkes' pass in nz which is in the south Canterbury region according to my google searches. This would be around the towns of Timaru and Ashburton I think? so if Violet lives in that area it could make sense that they know each other. Which section of the ministry does Violet work for? We could also say that they ran into each other during the recent election where I imagine Marcus was drawing various comics and caricatures of the candidates and kind of go from there!
me being slack on replies-

She only just started working at the ministry at the end of 2057, but she was following the election nosily. Works in the trading standards department. Either way, could be just a vague handwave :r I'm not sure if you had anything in particular in mind or we pull a situation out of a hat and go from there, lol.

I realize she could also be friends with Carine, maybe book club? She's a few years older but not completely out of the age bracket. I could also offer Gabrielle, my HoM prof also for book club/friendship as she's just about the same age, is very to the point, has a sarcastic streak but genuinely loves history and analysis so they might actually get along.

And I also have Leon, my neglected potioneer, that she could meet/know. He's about 41/42ish and works making potions at St Mungo's. Doesn't have to be much there just could be someone she's come across in potion making.

Throwing ideas and not expecting to get anywhere is my specialty :r don't feel obligated by any of them though if none appeal.
me being slack on replies-

She only just started working at the ministry at the end of 2057, but she was following the election nosily. Works in the trading standards department. Either way, could be just a vague handwave :r I'm not sure if you had anything in particular in mind or we pull a situation out of a hat and go from there, lol.

I realize she could also be friends with Carine, maybe book club? She's a few years older but not completely out of the age bracket. I could also offer Gabrielle, my HoM prof also for book club/friendship as she's just about the same age, is very to the point, has a sarcastic streak but genuinely loves history and analysis so they might actually get along.

And I also have Leon, my neglected potioneer, that she could meet/know. He's about 41/42ish and works making potions at St Mungo's. Doesn't have to be much there just could be someone she's come across in potion making.

Throwing ideas and not expecting to get anywhere is my specialty :r don't feel obligated by any of them though if none appeal.
I do like all of these ideas :D I think both Violet and Gabrielle could fit for the book club, which of them did you want to rp more with Carine?? I am happy either way :)

I also like the idea of Carine knowing Leon through potion making, Carine would definitely like to exchange potions ingredients she has grown in her garden and want to hear about his work.

For Marcus, we could say they ran into each other during the election and are kind of familiar? like they got to talking possibly and Marcus could see Violet at a cafe and say hi? If she wouldn't mind him bothering her :p
I'm thinking maybe Gabrielle for the book club, goodness knows she needs an outlet outside of Hogwarts. :lol:

Sounds good, do you want me to start something for Violet and Marcus? I'm having a few off days but I'm getting there I promise x_x
Sounds good, you're welcome to start the RP in a cafe or something :D

For the book club, we could look at working on a group RP for it? @Poppy Perkins do you think Aleena could be friends with both Carine and Gabrielle, and we could put them together in a book club rp? Carine would be happy to host in this case, and we could see if they could put fliers together or something to see if any other women their age are interested?
Kadi :hug:

I do also love Delilah and Theia rping together, I would love for her and Delilah to reconnect after Delilah graduates and they can play music together, I have always loved this idea and i am happy to roleplay it still.

I think given Aleena is only recently a widow it might be better to roleplay her with only Carine for now. I imagine if Marcus was aware of Aleena's situation it would bring up his own grief that he's trying to avoid and he would avoid Aleena as a result, but maybe after some time has passed this would change.

I think Carine would gladly be a shoulder for Aleena to cry on, did you know which magical school Aleena went to? Carine went to Beauxbatons and on the off chance they both went we could say they knew each other then and have kept in touch? If Aleena went to a different school of course we can always say they are possibly pen pals from way back when or something :D

I am also game to roleplay Jelle and Carine, I definitely think Carine would be familiar with the silver snake and go there regularly to see if there's anything new. Is Jelle new to the store? (I haven't been keeping up enough to know this) I imagine if he has run the store for a while Carine would know him already but if he is new then it would make sense for Carine to go to the store and introduce herself to the new management and get on their good side.
Hello yes, I am alive.

Cool we can plan for girl hangs at the end of the year. Maybe they can go out to celebrate graduation or something?

And that all sounds good. Aleena went to Hogwarts Scotland unfortunately. But maybe we can have them meet through the book club and have them get closer from there??

Jelle is semi new to the store. He's originally from New Zealand but has been traveling all around for a few years and just came back. So yeah, would love for them to get acquainted. I can start something for them if you would like??
For the book club, we could look at working on a group RP for it? @Poppy Perkins do you think Aleena could be friends with both Carine and Gabrielle, and we could put them together in a book club rp? Carine would be happy to host in this case, and we could see if they could put fliers together or something to see if any other women their age are interested?
Yes that sounds good! Would love to get a little group together.
Hello yes, I am alive.

Cool we can plan for girl hangs at the end of the year. Maybe they can go out to celebrate graduation or something?

And that all sounds good. Aleena went to Hogwarts Scotland unfortunately. But maybe we can have them meet through the book club and have them get closer from there??

Jelle is semi new to the store. He's originally from New Zealand but has been traveling all around for a few years and just came back. So yeah, would love for them to get acquainted. I can start something for them if you would like??

Yes that sounds good! Would love to get a little group together.
I am happy for Delilah and Theia to hang out after graduation :D

I am also happy to start the RP for Jelle and Carine, I imagine Carine would walk into the store and introduce herself assuming she has heard its under new management, if that makes sense. I think she would make a point to get to know Jelle so she has first dibs on different potions ingredients :p

As for the book club, did we want to have one of them organise a meeting and we can go from there? I am happy for Carine to host, would we have Aleena and Gabrielle and Carine be acquaintances first? @Aine Thompson
Sounds good! Gabrielle also went to Hogwarts Scotland so she could maybe vaguely know Aleena but she's probably just keen to have acquaintances her age to talk books and oddities with. I'm happy to have them be acquainted from perhaps book store wanderings etc :lol:

I am getting to that thread I got distracted by games :r
I am happy for Delilah and Theia to hang out after graduation :D

I am also happy to start the RP for Jelle and Carine, I imagine Carine would walk into the store and introduce herself assuming she has heard its under new management, if that makes sense. I think she would make a point to get to know Jelle so she has first dibs on different potions ingredients :p
That sounds good! 👍
Glad we're on the same page with the book club, did you guys want me to start that at Carine's house? I imagine this would be on a saturday afternoon or something and there is ample wine :p
Hello Friends I have started the book club topic :party: @Aine Thompson @Poppy Perkins

I have left the book they chose to read vague because i wasn't sure what they would all choose, did we want to keep it vague or decide here what they read?
For Marcus! Let me know if you want anything changed, sorry it's not the best I'm just getting back into it slowly lol. I'm okay with anything for books (I am not very good at coming up with ideas) and will get a reply in a bit later today!

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