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  1. Professor Misha Haden

    Seventh Years, Lesson Three

    "Morning Seventh year, now, this lesson will not be as amazing as the last, but it is quite interesting, and you'll enjoy it." Misha placed the cup down on the table he was sat upon, before he got up and went to the board, writing in chalk what they were doing, it read, Geminio "Geminio is from...
  2. Professor Misha Haden

    Fifth Years, Lesson Three

    "Good morning 5th year, I trust you are all doing well." He took a small sip of his hot coffee before continuing, "Like last week, you have a quiz to complete, it should be slightly more difficult than the last, but, I still would hope that you have very little problems with it. However, unlike...
  3. Professor Misha Haden

    Seventh Years, Lesson Two

    "Morning class!" Misha smiled at his students as he took a small sip of the tea and then placed it upon the table that he, as usual stood in front of. "Now class, time to get your brains into action, can anyone tell me, what spell you used in fifth year to blast an object out of your path? Or...
  4. Professor Misha Haden

    Fifth Years, Lesson Two

    "Good morning fifth years. I hope your week has been nice so far." He greeted with his usual cheery tone, "Most of you will have noticed, that on each table there is a quiz. A sort of revision quiz, and you'll get one each week. So, that's why you need to be prepared." He knew that the quiz was...
  5. Professor Misha Haden

    Seventh Years, Lesson One

    "Now, as I am sure you are all aware, you have all made it into the seventh year NEWT class for Charms. So congratulations, few make it this far!" Misha smiled at his students. "I believe this is the best year for charms, as they will be difficult, but very rewarding. Do not be fooled however...
  6. Professor Misha Haden

    Fifth Years, Lesson One

    "Good morning fifth year, and welcome back, I'm Professor Misha Haden and I'll be your Charms professor from now until the end of your school careers. Feel free to call me Misha or Professor or Haden, whichever feels most comfortable for you" He said brightly with a smile at his students, "This...
  7. Professor Misha Haden

    A Summons

    Misha had learnt of Mallory's marriage when he'd been momentarily confused by the new name on her door. But he was happy for her of course. He wanted nothing more than for those around him to experience love. Misha had also received her summons and was more than happy to go. He conjured some...
  8. Professor Misha Haden

    Closed Career Event: Misha's Table

    Misha was trying his best to feel presentable for this, he wanted nothing more than to help these students. He had written out a few bits and pieces of notes, things about charms about experimental charms. About his work there, and why he had then wanted to teach. Misha was ready, knowing his...
  9. Professor Misha Haden

    Needed Supplies/Required Grades

    Year Group Supplies Needed Grade Needed 3rd Year The Standard Book of Spells Grade 3 - Miranda Goshawk N/A 4th Year The Standard Book of Spells Grade 4 - Miranda Goshawk N/A 5th Year The Standard Book of Spells Grade 5 - Miranda Goshawk N/A 6th Year The Standard Book of Spells Grade...
  10. Professor Misha Haden

    So, When Should I Throw the Welcome Back Party?

    Professor Misha Haden was very excited that Professor Styx was back at school. Though their last conversation had made it pretty clear that Professor Styx didn't like him at all, the man was back and Misha couldn't think of a better opportunity to re-foster that proper relationship. He arrived...
  11. Professor Misha Haden

    Old School Week Asking Someone to the Dance

    Misha had been thinking about this for a bit. In all his years of being at the school, he had very rarely gone to the dance, but with Isabella, he was quite keen to. So, he'd come to the hospital wing and chapping on her office door with a question to ask.
  12. Professor Misha Haden

    Closed Nothing Wrong With Slytherin

    Misha Haden was settled himself back into his office. The sorting ceremony was over and the he was thinking ahead to the semester. Things were in a bit disarray in his office, but he knew that it was just as he got settled, things would be better soon enough he was sure. The man had enjoyed...
  13. Professor Misha Haden

    Closed It's A Funny Story, Promise

    Professor Misha Haden had been teaching at Hogwarts for almost 25 years now, he'd join the staff as a young man freshly out of his own education and having finished his teaching apprenticeship. he didn't think he'd have stayed at Hogwarts this long, in fact in his early career he had done a...
  14. Professor Misha Haden

    Make-Up Lessons

    Post any classes you missed in here with the header below Name: Year: Lesson:
  15. Professor Misha Haden

    Old School Week Don't Speak to Me Until I've Had Coffee

    Professor Misha Haden had run out of coffee in his office and so had braved the professor's common room for some. He wasn't usually good in the morning before his coffee and he really wanted some. He walked into the professor's common room and with his cup made a beeline for the coffee.
  16. Professor Misha Haden

    Closed To See If We Fit

    Misha refused to believe that he was suffering from an empty nest, but his daughter had flown away, she was off in the world with her boyfriend, and though she’d only come to stay with him for a few weeks at a time during the holidays before it had felt final. Misha had never had much luck with...
  17. Professor Misha Haden

    You Got Time?

    Misha had been surprised when Mallory had sent him a rose. He knew professor sent roses, after all he’d sent a few in the past but he hadn’t exactly thought she would send him one. And he felt bad when he realised that she might be a little saddened that he hadn’t thought of her. But instead of...
  18. Professor Misha Haden

    New Charms Buddies

    Misha had liked working with Robert, but the man had moved on to better pastures and instead there was a new woman in the charms area. He had noted from what he’d seen of her was that she was quite young, he hoped that the kids wouldn’t take too much advantage of that. It had been a while since...
  19. Professor Misha Haden

    Open Annoying Styx By Being Loud

    Misha had always been in touch with a few other people in the charms community, they were a close enough bunch of people whose sole interest was in charms. So he’d been rather saddened to hear about the death of one of those people. It had been a while since he’d been in contact but he’d reached...
  20. Professor Misha Haden

    Open The Best Chaperones

    Misha had been surprised for the invite to patrol the yuleball feast with one of the other professors. It was his turn to go along to it, he had managed to get out of the duty for the last few years, but he had to go this time, and it felt nice to go with someone else. He liked Harlow, she was...