Open The Best Chaperones

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Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
Misha had been surprised for the invite to patrol the yuleball feast with one of the other professors. It was his turn to go along to it, he had managed to get out of the duty for the last few years, but he had to go this time, and it felt nice to go with someone else. He liked Harlow, she was nice, a good teacher from what he’d heard, and they’d gotten along when they’d first spoken. He was waiting for her at the entrance of the hall, it was a little early in in the evening for most students, but they had to be there early to chaperone. He was happy to wait for her to appear, just watching the students enter and making sure that they were behaving.
Harlow did not know what came over her when she boldly asked the Charms professor to the Yule Ball Chaperone or not, she asked the man to be her companion and was not even sure if he accepted. Thank heavens he did and now the woman could already spot him as she came down from the stairs carefully, afraid of stepping on her dress. Not ideal for the task but she decided to enjoy the festivities. She kept her never steady and gave a small wave of the hand as she came close enough. "Hi! Have you been waiting long?" , she asked, a bit breathless from the short descent from her room.
Misha looked towards the Arithmancy professor as she arrived, he gave her a warm smile. He’d dressed for the occasion - somewhat, Perhaps not the fanciest suit or best suit he could’ve worn but it was the best for that occasion. He shook his head at the question, ”Not at all,” he replied, ”Plus, this way, I can be well established as the mean chaperone, and you can be the nice one,” he joked with her. He held out his arm to her, in the way that would be polite for any person to do when the other person was wearing heels. ” Shall we?” he said with a smile. He was sure this would be a fun night with a friend.
Harlow smiled at Misha's response. He looked especially good this evening, thankful she dressed up for the occasion. Laughing softly at the joke, "Sure, although you are most students' favorite which means they don't see you as the mean chaperone." The Charms professor was well liked by the student population, something that she admired on the man. She took his arm, taking her place beside him. "We shall." A fun evening with a fellow professor and a friend, this would be a wonderful memory for the woman.
Misha laughed lightly, ”Oh I doubt that, I’m certainly no longer the student’s favourite,” he joked lightly, ”I don’t have the easy charisma of professor Kalif Styx, who is obviously a student favourite,” he ws joking lightly, knowing his best friend didn’t really care about what students thought so was rather indifferent to being a favourite. He walked with Harlow into the hall, and was keeping his eyes on the students vaguely. ”Do you want to get a drink?” he offered, he knew this would be a long night, so starting it off with some pumpkin juice would be good fun. Not quite adult drinks because that would be so grossly inappropriate.
If there was one thing Angel enjoyed, it was a good party. And while the school parties were very much PG-rated, Angel still found them to be a good time. Especially when he didn't have to be on official chaperone duty thing year and could just do his level best to lurk by the snack tables looking dapper. It was still early in the evening, and while Angel hadn't spotted Josephine tonight, he did see Misha and one of the newer professors, Harlow entering together. "Evening, folks," He said, giving them a small wave hello. "Ready to quash some festive mischief tonight?" It wasn't exactly gloating, but Angel couldn't help but want to tease anyone stuck on chaperone duty, considering he'd already done his stint last year.
Harlow laughed at Misha's humor. She had not had the opportunity to meet Kalif personally but she had heard the Head of Slytherin was rather strict. "Well, if I were a student and you're my professor, you'd be my favorite.", she was quite bold to say that and could feel her cheeks warming up. Hopefully, the man did not notice as he was glancing at the students they passed by, she did the same on her side. She nodded at the offer, "A drink would be lovely." She spotted one of the other professors already by the table, lifting her hand in a small wave. She chuckled at his joke. "Sadly, yes but I'm hopeful it won't come to that. I'd love to enjoy this night as well." She subtly glanced at the man beside him.
Hezekiah had felt like going all out for the Yule Ball because why not? The werewolf became very good friends with the color red this year, and Hezekiah decided not to question it as he walked into Great Hall in his suit and excessively flashy, black knee-high suede pumps. That was indeed a lot to type. The blonde mad did not bother to rush anywhere. He was the best dressed in the room and that was the end of it. He made it to the snack table and poured himself some pumpkin juice. Okay, walking so slow had been exhausting. The man spotted Misha and waved. "You're lucky to have a date, Misha. I did all this only to walk in alone." he gestured to his outfit and pouted. The werewolf briefly looked at Harlow before giving her a small smile. He'd never interacted with the woman, so there was nothing for him to say. Hezekiah glanced at Angel before taking another sip from his cup. He was waiting for something.
Misha laughed lightly at her words, "That's nice of you to say Harlow," he said. Though he didn't mind interacting with the other professors he couldn't help the little hint of annoyance as another professor greeted them. It was a little unfounded, they were all their for a job, and Misha was only friends with Harlow. He just pushed it away and greeted the professor with a warm smile, he got a drink for Harlow and passed it to her. "Since I'm here, would you also like a drink Angel?" he said with a warm tone, laughing lightly at the man's statement. "The hogwarts kids are pretty tame," he said with a smile. He looked towards Hezekiah and smiled, the outfit was quite something, but mostly misha was just happy he was back at school. "Well, next time you should ask me first Hezekiah," he joked lightly. He got himself a drink too, "I heard the medley is having a yuleball too this year, are you guys going to go? Might be a bit more fun than this,"
Angel just had to offer Harlow and Misha a sympathetic shrug. "You say that now.." Saying that Hogwarts parties were tame seemed like just asking for trouble. Especially with the younger students running about not interested in dancing or making eyes at their dates all night. Though speaking of making eyes, he had to wonder about the glances between Harlow and Misha, though that line of inquiry was cut off by Hezekiah's arrival. "Evening Hezekiah, you're looking stunning as always," Angel said, impressed that Hezekiah was able to navigate a castle with so many stairs in boots like that. "A solo entrance is more dramatic at least," He said, giving Misha a grateful nod when he offered to grab him a drink as well.
Harlow lightly tapped Misha's arm, giving him a smile. Coming to the festivities with the man gave her an opportunity to interact with the other professors. Harlow just laughed at Professor Castillo's remark. Just shortly she accepted the drink from Misha, a fashionable professor arrived. Misha sure knew how to crack a joke yet her attention was caught by another event at the Medley. She just listened in to the others, wondering if she would be joining the mentioned festivities.
"Ah I'm happy to see some young blood here tonight," Sarah Harrington said coming up on a group of Professors and Staff looking towards the newer Professor West. She had a bright smile on her face, always enjoying the night festivities, usually she did not see much of the other staff other than the few who took part in nightly rounds or checking on the castle and made their way up to the Astronomy Tower. She always wished she had more time on her hands to enjoy the company of the other Professors but she loved her job up in her Tower. "You all look wonderful tonight!" She said passing a look around the group. She glanced out in the crowd wondering if her daughters had shown up to the dance yet and if they brought dates. She knew she shouldn't volunteer to help chaperone at the dances with two teenage daughters in the crowd but she couldn't help but curious about their lives.
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