A Deadly Party

Professor Kalif Styx

transfig 5-7 † patriarch
OOC First Name
This was a little less than expected, especially from someone like Kalif Styx. As a Patriarch, he had to host at least one party besides the one on All Hallow's Eve in the traditional manner. This one was different because this was hosted inside of his separate estate in New Zealand. The Styx Manor was unplottable and hard to find unless by accident. It was guarded with spells to keep muggles and strangers away. This time though, Kalif lifted the non-muggle part of the spell. Kalif had his wife use floating lanterns to lead to the separate house that contained the pool. He spend years building it. Kalif invited his entire family, but he doubted that they would all show. If they did, then the pool house would not be big enough to sport them. Right smack in the middle of July here, which meant that it was somewhat cooler. The entirity of the family was used to winters being bitter cold, so this was definitely mild. The pool was heated of course, and so was the pool house. Kalif remained dressed, full of robes and cloaks. It was obvious tha the was not going to dive in. Both he and his wife hated the water and swimming all together.
The perks of being a daughter of the Patriarch were overwhelming. With the party underway, and dressed in a green bikini, Kairi was able to bring not just one guy with her, but two, since she enjoyed the company of both. Gabriel and Laurent. It was hard to say which one she favored, but she preferred both to stay with her. Kairi had a feeling that her father would definitely not agree. But it happened. She entered the pool area, with one arm per Nightray, before looking to them both with affection within her golden eyes. "Meet the family, you two. My father is over there, not dressed for the occasion. Please, join me within the pool as soon as you are ready." The whole reason she transferred schools was because she did not fit in, and now, she was at a place that she was accepted, likely due to her heritage. Kairi broke away from the twins for a moment, before jumping into the pool. The first one in as the guests and family started to pour in from all sides and entrances. Kairi popped her head above the water for a moment, really relieved that it was heated. Otherwise, this would have been very uncomfortable.
Sean did not usually go to parties. He didn't have many friends so getting invited to them was not something that always happened. This time was an exception though, mainly because it was a party with his family. The teenage boy was told he could invite someone and so he chose to invite Candace. Candace was a couple of years younger than him but she was pure and so he figured she was the perfect person to invite. That, and because he genuinely thought she was a nice person. Grabbing onto his father's arm, he was apparated, along with Candace and his mother, to his uncle's manor. The four of them then walked along the path, following the floating candles until they finally made it to the pool house where the party was going on. "We can go in the water if you like?" he said, turning to Candace. Sean didn't really care what they did as long as he didn't have to talk to everyone he saw. The teen waved hello to Kairi who was currently the only one in the water and waited for Candace to respond.
This had been Radoul's best winter for well over forty years. Instead of freezing half to death in a concrete cell, he was luxuriating in a heated pool at the home of his best friend. Radoul floated well, and he'd made many sly jabs towards Kalif for staying as far away from the water as possible with a suit and robe buttoned to the neck. The Bulgarian was starfishing in the middle of the lap pool like the world couldn't touch him, until he decided it was time to try out the water slide.

Radoul had a brief two seconds of fun before the plastic monstrosity gave an inevitable shudder and a squeak as it trapped him by the shoulders on a half turn. He lay there with the water rushing over his bald head for another half second before bellowing "Kaliiiiiif! Get your wand out!". Oh, the indignity. It wasn't going to stop him from doing it again, though.
An opportunity to relax and enjoy a day off at someone else's expense sounded like a good idea to the young quidditch player, even if he did have to spend it with his family. Figuring he'd see his mother and perhaps some of his siblings there, Jean headed straight from his hotel room to the patriarch's house, stopping to put his bag down and strip off his shirt as he reached the poolside. Jean's upper arms and back were completely covered in ink he'd picked up during his travels to games. He nodded to Kalif, hoping the man wouldn't want to talk with him. Really, he didn't want to chat with anyone who was here, so Jean kept his sunglasses on as he hopped into the empty pool.
Desislav was required to spend a certain amount of time with his Zhefarovich family each year, likely due to some agreement between his biological father and his mother. The only reason he was eager for this one was because it was a pool party, though he had doubts about how fun it would be when it was being hosted by Professor Styx who was probably one of the least fun people in the world. Still, Desi figured he'd have a decent time, especially since he'd invited Kayleigh Hunter along. How he'd managed to convince her to go to her Head of House's home was beyond him, but she'd agreed and he wasn't going to let her back out.

Dropping the floo powder into the fireplace, Desi said their destination in a gloomy voice. He was still feeling down about having failed his apparition exam. As he showed up, the boy wiped the soot from his shorts, patting his very full pockets to be sure the contents remained, as he stepped to the side so Kayleigh wouldn't squish him. "Come out, come out wherever you are" he muttered in a sing-song voice as he waited for his very best friend.
It had been since the clumsy kiss that Kayleigh had stopped lying to herself. The blonde had managed to finally understand and come to terms with how she felt about Desislav, and the kiss she gave him years ago at the Yule Ball finally made sense; though it was a terrible thing to do, and Kayleigh felt worse about it now that her and Des were together. Perhaps that was also the reason why she was throwing floo powder into the fireplace and uttering words she didn't think she ever would: the address to her Head of House's home. Kayleigh loved spending time with Desi, she couldn't think of anything else she'd rather do, even if it meant an afternoon of awkwardness. Sure, it was a pool party, but Kayleigh didn't know whether she'd swim yet. Stepping out of the fireplace, Kayleigh wiped the mess off of her, looking around and immediately moving over to stand by Desislav. She didn't know why she was feeling so nervous.
Kalif looked over toward the man that called his name. It was Radoul. Figures that man would get stuck. He was very bulky, about as much as his dad and his younger brother, Chavdar. Kalif sighed, not wanting to get around the water. He looked toward his brother, Kanos, and ordered, "Get him unstuck." Kalif shook his head because he knew just what Radoul would do. He would get unstuck, then try it again, and the process would repeat itself. Kalif placed his hand over his head, and eventually sank down onto a lounge chair.
Kanos was tipping a glass of goblin made wine, enjoying the party and wondering if his son, Sean, would end up falling for the girl that appeared to follow him around like a puppy dog. Not that Kanos ever had that. He barely managed to get his wife t bear his last name. Kanos was never the most thoughtful person. As soon as he heard his name, Kanos walked over to Kalif, and heard the order. "Fine, hold this." He shoved his glass into Kalif's hands, and rushed to the slide. Kanos removed his cloak, revealing only a short sleeved shirt and jeans, all black of course. Kanos tried to walk down the slide without sliding in his pointed, steel-toed boots. He managed to get close to Radoul, bent down and got his wand out of the holster. He waved it to get the man unstuck, not seeing that his boots were slipping in the rushing water.
"Believe it or not, Old Styxy isn't the scariest thing in this house" he muttered to Kayleigh as he reached for her elbow and pulled her away from a table that was known to attack if you got to close. Desi had always wondered what was inside, but he'd never managed to get in. He kept a hand on her as he gestured her towards the open doors leading to the pool. There was a place to change if she chose to swim. He hadn't wanted to ask her if she brought a suit, not wanting to seem like he was interested in seeing her in it. Which he absolutely was. He spotted Kalif and another of his family and immediately steered them in the opposite direction. He'd gotten a few steps when someone stopped them, asking him about his guest. "This is my friend, Kayleigh Hunter" he said, his tone suddenly more formal.
Kayleigh easily let Desislav lead her, sticking close to him. "I think I can believe that." The blonde replied softly, though had she been told that before arriving there, she wouldn't have believed it. Kayleigh let her eyes wander around as Desi lead her to the pool, grateful that he took her away from her Head of House. She didn't really feel like conversing with him. Kayleigh smiled at the person she was introduced to, but as they walked away, Kayleigh's eyebrows creased with a frown. She stopped and turned to Desislav. "A friend?" She demanded. They were both definitely in two different minds about what they thought was happening.
With Kayleigh in front of him, Desislav was forced to stop. He blinked at her, confused about what he'd done wrong. Then, he realized and turned around, shouting to the woman who'd stopped them. "I meant best friend." He turned back to Kayleigh, a grin on his face at how easily he'd fixed this all. Then, he caught sight of her face and felt like he'd stepped into a pen of Hippogriffs he'd forgotten to bow down to. "You've got that vein pulsing..." he trailed off.
When Desislav shouted back at the lady, Kayleigh let out a short laugh of disbelief. She couldn't believe him! After everything and they were just 'friends' - no best friends. She put her hands on her hips, and shook her head. Not usually one to lose track of her words, Kayleigh surprisingly found it difficult to know what to say. "Des - after, no but, you - you took me out on Valentines Day! And now, to your family party? And, and we've been hanging out lots, and I just - I just thought it was more than that." Kayleigh finished.
Marius Zhefarovich invited his date, another part-veela girl that graduated last year, Alexia Nightray. He told her to watch what he was going to do, because he spotted his twin brother, Desi, with Kayleigh. And she was really close to that pool. Marius also noticed that the two of them were distracted. Smirking, Marius slowly sneaked around, going toward the girl with the white shirt. Oh, this was going to be good. With that mischievous smirk on his face, that blonde boy pounced, giving a mighty shove, and sending Kayleigh flying into the pool. Marius started to laugh, so much that he was almost on the ground. It took everything in him to make sure that he didn't fall.
Callista Styx made her way toward the pool house, with her boyfriend hand within her own. Ignace had been good to her for the past couple of years, and recently started dating last year. She enjoyed his company and the fact that he was not dirty blood really helped. She planned on being his wife in the future, though of course, he didn't know that. Callista had her ways to get what she wanted. When she wanted something, her father always told her to just take it. Callista entered the pool area, and she took her boyfriend up to the Patriarch, before bowing her head in respect. She decided to introduce him personally, before taking him to her dad. "This is my boyfriend. Ignace Sarkozi-Belrose. And he is my boyfriend. I hope you find him suitable." Of course, Kalif didn't really pay much attention, simply nodded and kept an eye on the slide, for Radoul to come down.
Vulcan Zhefarovich was finally out of school, though he dismissed the title of prefect to return to Durmstrang because Esme was no longer there. He hated the school anyway. Vulcan apparated in the Styx Manor with Esme's hand in his own. He led her toward the pool, following the candles. He wondered when they should get married. They had so much to plan. Vulcan would love if all of his siblings could attend it. He had a couple of new ones with his step-mom, which he did not mind. That was common in the family, especially the newer generation. Vulcan looked to Esme, after seeing all of the people, "Um, want to go swimming or want to relax and talk about the wedding?"
It came no surprise that Arnost Zhefarovich the Second chose to bring Fiona with him. They have been calling each other husband and wife since they were first years. Five years ago. Arnost and Fiona apparated in with his dad and step-mother, before they went to get the ones that couldn't be brought in without someone to apparate them. Arnost led Fiona toward the large pool, watching someone get pushed in, and someone stuck on the slide. Others were talking about family matters, and catching up. Arnost didn't see a lot of people having a party, though the younger crowd seemed to be having more fun than the older people, like Kalif and them. It was almost sad. Did they forget to have fun? "Um, the big man we traveled with was my dad. He might look big and scary but he actually one of the nicest."
Having been invited to something like this, it made Candace Howard believe that she might mean something to Sean Styx. He was going to be a seventh year, and he was a pure-blood. His attitude and prideful demeanor really brought her toward him, and ever since then, she had been his friend. Her goal was to be more than that eventually. Candace asked her father if she could go, and told her who all would be there before she finally gained permission. Apparating in, Candace looked at the father, and how tall the people were. It was almost like being around giants. Just not official, ugly ones. Candace followed after Sean, hearing him ask her if she wanted to get into the water. This was a pool party. "Yeah, of course." She removed her shirt and jeans, revealing her white bathing suite. She pulled her long, black hair into a bun before she smiled toward Sean before diving in.
Virgil Zhefarovich had big plans for this evening, because he wanted to propose to his long since girlfriend, Asya Vetrova. They have been dating since the middle of their fourth year. So, he had been thinking about it for a while. He had an engagement ring in the pocket of his trunks, which he arrived to the party with his warm around Asya's waist, keeping her close to him. He was a lot worse than Astaroth wanted to be. Virgil was narcissistic, plain rude and well, doomed to follow the traditional dark path that his family often took. He led Asya toward the pool, before he pointed out, naming each family member, though not naming the dates. He didn't know who half were, and didn't care. And it showed. "Asya, you should get into the pool. Though, in the shallow side. I want to see your swimming skills before we try out the deep end." Virgil glanced over to see his little sister snogging the life out of another boy. Sighing, he turned away from that. That was the last thing he needed to see.
Apparating in not long after his twin, this time with Prim at his side. Already, Astaroth could tell that Virgil was really possessive over her. Astaroth was different. He was with Prim, and he wasn't possessive over her. He gave her enough space to let her do her own thing, whereas, he thought that Virgil might be a bit too controlling. Astaroth held Prim's hand, knowing that pissing off the wrong person, and this could turn into a real deadly party. Astaroth looked around once they got to the pool house, "Well, my father isn't here. My mother isn't either. So, this should be relatively safe." He shrugged his shoulders, knowing that Kalif was watching. It was just that his father scared him a bit more. Asparuh wasn't one to mess around with. Kalif could be like that but it seemed like he had a longer fuse. "Just stay away from the older ones. You say your uncle is intimidating or something, but I guarantee some of these smack some fear into him. Other than that, want to find something to eat or swim? It is up to you."
The number of guests already present as Esme was apparated into the Styx Manor was initially surprising, yet given how large the family was, and how quickly they seemed to breed, it should have been anything but. The seeress had never before been to such a large gathering, and while not every face was familiar, there were still a fair few she recognised, and some she did not expect to see. "I didn't take your family to be the pool party type." She murmured as they walked, her free hand releasing the clip that held up her hair, letting it fall carelessly across her shoulders. Admittedly it was the first pool party she had been invited to, so while she couldn't be certain of what to anticipate, it wasn't entirely like how she had imagined it. This was a positive, as the last thing the woman wanted to see was her old professor showing any skin, or wearing anything less than a robe. "Let's discuss it later. We have plenty of time, right now I just want to relax." Esme responded to Vulcan's question with a slight squeeze of his hand. She knew he was eager, and she wanted them to be married as much as he did, but right now simply wasn't the right time. So much had happened in the last few weeks, discussing their wedding plan was far from the front of her mind. "My brother almost died. The last thing I need is additional stress. Let's just enjoy the water and unwind." She hoped he could understand where she was coming from. With that said, the Lancaster witch seated herself by the pool's edge and dipped her feet into the water, her eyes finding Jean nearby, looking much different from how she remembered him is their seventh year. In that same moment, an image flashed sharply across her mind's third eye, the open sky, a broom, a quidditch stadium. It was gone just as suddenly as it came. As not every vision was gloom and doom, she shrugged it off, deciding not to focus on it. It could've been anything, a win, a lose. Her interest in the sport had died with Avie, it was no longer important. "Hello, Jean. It's been a while. Is your brother around?" She queried. It had been too long since she and Lucien had caught up. So far, she hadn't seen him.
Lanithro Styx was not a big fan of his dad right now for forcing him to break up with Lyra. Things were good between them now so, now he was dating another girl. Raylee. Lanithro was able to ask his older brother Kaleb to go and get her, and after that, Kaleb left him along with his girlfriend. Lanithro gave a smirk toward her, unable to smile. "Sorry about the lack of notice. Figured you might want to meet the family since you are my girlfriend and all." Lanithro led her toward the crowd. The crowd was large, but the really dangerous one that was there right now were the oldest of the bunch. Hades wasn't around as far as he could see. A few others had some other jobs to do.
Raylee was pretty sure she was the only Lagowski who would have accepted an invitation to a pool party at the Zhefarovich house at all, let alone on a few minutes' notice. She changed quickly into a loose blue dress, her bikini underneath it, and allowed Kaleb to escort her to the unplottable house. Immediately upon entering the garden she recognised a few faces - Vulcan Zhefarovich, and Esme Lancaster, to name two - but it was not until she spotted Lanithro among the crowd that she finally smiled and weaved through to meet him.

"Sure I do, Lan," she said, stroking his arm and admiring the way it looked in the light. Her long lashes caught the sun as she finally raised her gaze to meet his. "But I'd rather swim."
Rayna was one of the firsts to arrive to the pool party, with her date, Erebus, at her side. Of course, she had a bit of a chore to take care of beforehand. Her gown hugged her body, though her bathing suite rested beneath. Her long nails tugged a bit on his shirt, wanting it off because Rayna wanted to go swimming. The scar of the Dark Mark still remained, and she wore it with pride. Rayna barely noticed anyone around her, and how close she was with her new guest. He did bless her with something she wanted, but sadly, it was the wrong gender. So, she was eager to try again. And again. Rayna purred, "Come on... Let's get into the water." Her nails traced the bone structure of his cheeks, with her other arm tossed around his neck. Her body glued to his, and though Rayna could feel some stares, no one dared tell her what she could and couldn't do. The new Patriarch was her nephew, and she knew that he wouldn't care. There were no really young children around. Though if this party was adult only, then she had a feeling that things would get much more intense than this. Eventually, she would have to drag Erebus away. After all, she could only hold the lioness within at bay for so long.
Elysia could not believe that her date managed to go off with her brother. Though, she couldn't expect anything less. Elysia thought that Agrippina would be glued at her twin brother's side. And then he managed to invite Zared, someone she had complicated feelings for. Elysia sighed, before she walked to the side of the pool that was not occupied. Elysia dipped her feet into the pool, ignoring some of the couples that were expressing their feelings for each other quite physically. Elysia was surprised that one of her aunts was even having some fun with the man she brought. And it wasn't her husband. Elysia brushed her hair over her shoulders, adjusting her white bikini top. Elysia thought to herself, 'This is a little on the crazy side. Why would dad brings us here? What is the point of these parties, to see how strong we are together as one?'

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