Closed A Study Session for Two

Lucy Montague

Inquisitive | Friendly | Naïve
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
It was still early in the semester, but Lucy knew it was important to get a good study routine going. It was easy to get overwhelmed if you put it off till exam week, and somehow this year felt even more significant even though it wasn't an OWL or NEWT year (Lucy very much wasn't looking forward to those). She she wasn't in the youngest groups anymore, and she felt more grown-up for choosing her subjects (though admittedly it was her parents who chose the majority). Lucy had mentioned wanting to get some study started, and Teddy had shown an interest so she'd invited him along. Now she was poring over a book on potions, wondering just what was in store for them. "Are we supposed to remember the new ingredients on top of the old ones too?" Lucy complained, finding it hard to stick in her head just what potion ingredient was used for what. "That's so much effort." It wasn't like Lucy to complain, but she was feeling somewhat overwhelmed, and an unfamiliar pressure to do well in what was a relevant class to what her parents expected her to become.
With his schedule overflowing from signing up for every class possible, it was important that Teddy stayed on top of his homework from the beginning. He thought studying with Lucy was a good idea because she might actually get on with her work and help Teddy out because, well, Ravenclaw's were smart. Seated beside Lucy, he leaned in to her textbook when she spoke. "I hear you." Teddy said, "I swear Potions is mostly wing it and hope for the best." He added.
Lucy laughed at that. "Yeah, it kind of is. It's fun making the potions, but knowing what everything means, well..." Lucy trailed off, looking at her book but secretly thinking. She was remembering the prank they'd pulled last year and how much fun that'd been. Not really conducive to studying, but it was on her mind. She'd been feeling slightly rebellious lately, and even though they should both be paying attention, Lucy's thoughts were elsewhere. She tried to wrangle them back, but they wouldn't budge. "Say..." she started slowly, not one hundred percent sure where she was going but wanting to say something, "done any interesting pranks lately?" she asked. It wasn't strictly on topic at all, but if Teddy really wanted to study he could tell her that and they could keep on.
Focusing back on his own textbook, Teddy knitted his brows in concentration, slowly working through his assignment. However, Lucy's inquiry about pranks acted like a tempting charm, luring his attention away from his textbooks. "No, not lately," he confessed with a hint of regret. "Between classes, homework and Quidditch practice, there's hardly been time." After he spoke, he made a valiant effort to refocus on his homework, hoping to make some headway before being pulled back into the conversation. But Teddy didn't have much willpower when it came to pranks, and Lucy's question proved too enticing to resist. Eventually, he surrendered, casting a curious glance her way. "Why? Do you have something in mind?"
Lucy nodded, thinking that was reasonable enough. Things felt like they were getting more intense for Lucy, and she didn't have the full schedule like Teddy did. When he stopped talking she figured he'd gone back to studying and thought the matter had dropped. But then Teddy spoke up once more. Lucy gave a small smile. "Not really," she said, dragging out the last word. "But I was kind of could be fun to try another one. You know, like we did last year. Just if you want to." Lucy knew they should be studying, but pranking just seemed much more interesting to her at that moment. "Is there anyone you want to get back at right now?" Lucy asked mischievously.
Teddy knew exactly what Lucy was going to say, his grin widening, "It would be nice to do something more fun than homework," He glanced around the room, a thoughtful expression crossing his face as he considered Lucy's question. "Hmm, well, you know Milo?" he asked, "I have been struggling with ideas though, I've been too busy.m the focus on anything else." He explained, he had not forgotten that there was a second year who could help too.
Lucy's eyes lit up at the mention of Milo. "I know him, he played a nasty prank on me when we were first years," Lucy mentioned, "It'd be fun to get him back for that too. But what did he do to you?" she asked curiously, tilting her head slightly. She supposed it made a lot of sense that Teddy would be busy - she didn't envy his schedule at all, plus he had quidditch on the side. She paused in thought for a moment, ideas rolling through her head. She had a small eureka moment, her eyes widening and her demeanour becoming more animated. "Oh, what if we glitter bombed him?" Lucy suggested enthusiastically, maybe a little too loud for a library. She looked sheepish at her own outburst but wasn't deterred. She liked the idea of glitter - and everyone knew it took days, sometimes weeks, to get glitter out of your clothes.
"The rat tail?" Teddy asked, recalling a past conversation with Lucy when she had told him about it, "Glitter bomb?" He repeated, "I'm more partial to a dungbomb, but I could get on board with glitter." Teddy grinned, the idea sparking his interest. He closed his textbook, giving up on any study for now. "Let's make it happen," he agreed.
Lucy shuddered at the memory of the rat tails flying towards her face. "Yes, the rat tails," she said very seriously. Lucy made a bit of a face at the idea of a dungbomb - it just wasn't her style; too boyish and immature. She copied him, closing her textbook without looking down, keeping apt attention on this idea. It excited her. "Yes, let's do it," she said enthusiastically, "but do you think just doing a glitterbomb is enough?" She tilted her head in thought. "If he has a change of clothes he could just get changed straight after. So maybe if we take most of his clothes somehow?" She was trying to work out the logistics and not doing a very good job.

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