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Stefan Archer

head librarian
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Knotted 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Fir Wand with Thestral Tail Hair Core
4/2015 (46)
Hello and welcome to another Bi-Weekly update! There are a number of things to get to so I won't delay.
End of Week 4 - Beginning of Week 5
The semester is truly rushing by. We are finishing up week four and now into week 5. Make sure your lessons are up to date, that the grading is up to date, which will make the end of year things a whole lot easier! If professors have any issues with posting lessons they should definitely reach out to any of the staff to allow us to step in and help. The house points are heavily in Gryffindor’s favour but there is still plenty of time to change this. So get on it students!
Duelling Tournament
Duelling rounded off not too long ago, points for the competition will be distributed soon. Other than that, we’d like to extend a huge thanks to the organisers for putting the work into the event to make sure that it ran smoothly. To the professors who helped facilitate the duels and to everyone who took part in them. Truly a fun and engaging event hosted by the SDA.
Additionally the IC Accio Superlatives are now over. You will have to wait a little for the results, they’ll be released when the yearbook itself is released (at the end of the semester). But, we want to take this moment to thank everyone for nominating and voting. The event is not possible without a high level of activity from members, especially in the first year of its return and everyone definitely brought that.
Brightstone weekend
The holidays area were opened last weekend and will remain open for another week. Be sure to get those threads started and finished up before the time ends. We are in the home stretch of the school year, so soon everyone will be able to post where they want to in the out of school areas. But for now it’s just Brightstone and it’s just until next week.
We had our quidditch match of the season against the Beaxubatons team. It was a slytherin victory and a rather short one at that. Both teams did however come out of the gate swinging. It was an engaging read! We’d like to take this time to thank the teams for their participation, to the captains for their organisation and to the organiser, the referee and specifically Cyndi for the work that went into ensuring all the games ran smoothly.
Electives Fair
The electives fair is on going. If you have a second year, or you teach an elective subject we would encourage you to check out the elective’s fair here.

We still have a shop keeper app open for anyone who might be interested in taking up a shopkeeper position. It is a role that requires some activity but it doesn’t need to be all the time, like a professor position. It can enable you to create your own spin on a shop if you had a character that was interested. Be sure to check it out here.
August Spotlight
Our August Spotlight was Juniper Zumwalt, played by Kiersten. Head on over here to give her some congratulations and to ask her questions about her character or here to read the bio in question. A huge congrats to you Juniper is a great character.
Just as a general warning, we are very quickly heading into the sorting stage of the site, this means things get exceedingly busy for members of staff, specifically the admin. So, apps will be closing soon. We will give plenty of warning before they do but they’ll be closing soon. Get apps you need in before you have to wait.
Lovi Promotion!
Head on over here to read the announcement of Lovi’s promotion. She has rejoined the staff after a long break and we are really happy to have her back in purple. Good Luck and welcome back Lovi!

  • A New Denizen: The spare bed in Aramis' dorm has been empty forever, but a new transfer student means that's about to change
  • Duty and Fun: Aisa and Adorah attend the Valentine's Day Dance together and have an awkwardly cute first date.
  • Don't Know Where to Begin: Blake's biggest secret has been eating him inside for years and he can't hold it in any longer, seeking support from a former enemy.
  • Unusual Situations: Two strangers have an unfriendly encounter in Brightstone Village
  • Interactive Demonstration DADA Second Years, Lesson Five: Second Years are in for a treat!! As Professor Drage and Professor Haden demonstrate the spells on each other.

  • Graduation!
  • Exams!
  • Sorting?! how many will you sort?!
  • Another food fight?!

And that's it. Thanks for taking the time to read this, any questions/comments leave them below.
(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)[/class]
woop woop! SORTING!
Food fight?! Throw lemon cake at me, please :frantics:
Thanks for the update, Emzies! ^_^ Can't believe graduation + sorting are just around the corner! :o
thanks for the update! ✨
Yaayyy so much going on and coming up!! Thanks for posting Emzies!
Thanks for the updates, Emzies!
Thanks for the update :hug:
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