Old School Week But I Miss Him...

Professor Minnie Calida

independent | perfectionist | class of 2055
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Eric <3
Knotted 15" Unyielding Walnut Wand with Augurey Tail Feather Core
3/2037 (24)
Ever since her fight with Eric at the start of the year, she had found herself to miss him. It had been a ridiculous feeling, it wasn't like they had been that close.....but she missed his company. She knew she had to apologise for what she'd said, but she was worried he'd reject it, and be well in his right to. So, knowing that there was a possible rose giving. Minnie was sat on the window sill of the sixth floor, already preparing an apology note to send to him.
Simon wasn't expecting to run into any familiar faces but was pleasantly surprised to fine Minnie focusing on writing something. "You can't be studying already." he said with a laugh as he approached her. "I highly doubt even you have that much homework already."
Minnie looked up and laughed lightly, "For once, I'm not," she said. "But maybe I'm just getting some prep notes done in advance of the semester, can never be too early right?" Minnie joked with Simon, she wasn't about to say that she was thinking of an apology letter for someone else. What might he say to that.
Simon smiled. “Good. Or I would have seriously started to worry about you.” He joked and leaned against the wall next to her. “Wait, notes count as studying.” he said indignantly. “What class is it even for?” Simon asked and craned his neck to catch a glimpse of what she was actually writing.
"Prep work isn't studying, studying implies we've learnt something, prep work is the pre-learning part" she replied, laughing lightly knowing it probably sounded mad to Simon. "It's muggle studies," she told him, though it wasn't at all.
Eric hadn't been in a very good mood lately, and the reason for it was Minnie. Well, part of the reason. It was definitely something that intruded on his thoughts a lot, to his annoyance. He wished he could just stop caring, but that seemed impossible. So when he spotted her on the sixth floor, he was at first determined to ignore her. But he saw who she was talking to, and paused. "Is... he bothering you?" He asked, gesturing to Simon with his chin. He was friends with Sydney, which meant he was bad news.
Simon laughed at her defense. "That is a technicality, at best!" he teased and crossed his arms. He was about to say something else but was interrupted by Eric Holland. Simon stifled a laugh at the boy's question. Was he seriously trying to be intimidating? "I'd say there's some moderate bothering going on." he admitted playfully, keeping his posture relaxed.
Minnie smiled and laughed lightly at Simon's teasing. She felt her smile fades slightly at the boy who appeared. Eric. Minnie moved to hide her work. She didn't want Eric to see the apology before she'd had time to go over it several times. She looked at Simon lightly as Eric asked if Simon was bothering him. She had never had issues with Simon but perhaps Eric had. He replied but Minnie couldn't help the light smile. She looked to Eric, "There isn't Eric, everything's okay," she had a small smile on her features, holding Eric's gaze and a tone to assure him.
Eric ignored Simon's joke, keeping his gaze on Minnie. It wasn't until she said he wasn't bothering him, that he realized he'd kind of hoped he had been. The other option was that she was talking to him willingly, and that made him feel worse. He narrowed his eyes at Simon, then shrugged, trying to play cool. "...Right. Whatever." He muttered. "Just watch out for him, he's not to be trusted." He said, glancing back at Minnie and looking at her for what was perhaps a beat too long.
Simon felt a wave of satisfaction as Minnie agreed that he had not been the nuisance Eric had been hoping for, and he couldn't help but laugh at Eric's comment. "What's that supposed to mean?" he asked with more annoyance in his voice then he would have liked as he felt his composure slip for just a second, even though his made sure his posture remained relaxed and disinterested with the other boys presence.
Minnie was a little confused as Eric seemed to warn her against Simon. She knew Simon was a slytherin, but not everyone was exactly like their house. Simon had been nice to her, had been polite and friendly, she had no reason to not trust him, but despite their fight, Minnie knew she trusted Eric more. Minnie held Eric's gaze when he looked back at her, almost nodding. She heard the sharper than normal tone from Simon and only then looked back towards him. "I trust you Simon," she said, trying to diffuse whatever this was, though she wasn't sure she believed it.
Eric glared at Simon, glad to have gotten under his skin. "It means you have snakes for friends." He said. "Like Sydney." But as Minnie said she trusted Simon, Eric felt like an idiot. Whatever this was, he had been interfering. He sighed and shrugged. "Whatever." He muttered again, then shook his head and kept on walking. He'd made a fool out of himself in front of Minnie, again.
Simon relaxed a bit as Minnie defended him. "Thank you." he said and looked smugly back at Eric and couldn't help but laugh at what the other boy said next. "Is that what this is about?" he asked still laughing, finding it ridiculous and hilarious that he would hold his friendship with Sydney against him. "What a jerk..." he said to himself as Eric finally left them alone.

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