Closed Decisions

Onyx Derouin

Dramatic- Loyal- Growing- Soft Boi
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eternally Smitten
Cedar Wood, Hippogriff Feather core, 13 1/2 inches
12/23/2033 (27)
Onyx was starting to get frustrated. He knew that Jamie wanted to do more house viewings, but Onyx had been doing his best to avoid it. Jamie was always working hard at Quidditch practices, Onyx wanted him to rest at home, and let Onyx feed him and rub his back, not have Jamie running all over looking at houses. Onyx was already feeling guilty, frustrated that nothing was jumping out at him but trying his best to remain truthful with Jamie. He sighed, pushing away the magazine he'd been looking through and laying his head on the table. At least meeting the rest of the Michaels' clan had gone well.

Amaya and Onyx had gotten into a Just Dance competition after dinner, which she had won. He and Ember had ended up brain storming a few songs, throwing together some odd lyrics and strumming guitars while Jamie and Morwen had chatted over wine. His aunt and uncle had been welcoming, if not nosy, but Jasper and his girlfriend Arinna had been there as well, and Jasper's seriousness always brought a bit of calm to the chaos, as he was never afraid to call out his mom for being too nosy or to groan at his dad's childlike sense of humor. Onyx was just glad nothing else had gone wrong; his family was loud and chaotic and wild, and he knew they could be a lot.

He sighed, burrowing his head in his arms and trying to relax. He could feel the tears pricking his eyes and he hated it. He pushed it back, trying to ignore the mix of feelings twisting his gut.
Jamie could admit though he'd enjoyed meeting all of Onyx's family he was glad the bulk of the introductions were over. Now they were able to meet them more casually which was good. The problem they were now having was settling on a new place for them. Jamie didn't mind it taking long, but he didn't think Onyx would find what he wanted in the magazines, they had to get out there to the houses and he didn't mind how tired he was while doing it. He had arranged a viewing for a place just outside of Cannes, in a quieter more secluded beach front. The area was largely old builds, houses that had been there a while, with expansive gardens and often paths down to the rocky beach. He wasn't sure it was for them, but he needed Onyx to just know he didn't mind going out after work to do things like this. He walked in the door of their flat, "Baby, I'm home," he called out, he had a bouquet of red roses for him and walked over to where Onyx was. He seemed quite upset. "Baby what's wrong?" he asked as he approached the flowers in his hand, once he knew nothing was wrong, he would get him ready to go see this new place.
Onyx relaxed just a little when a familiar voice broke through his thoughts. He smiled tiredly, looking up to see Jamie there. "Oh, mon chiot," Onyx breathed, stretching a little and standing. He took out his wand and tried to summon a vase for the flowers, but winced visibly as instead of summoning a vase a loud shattering sound came from the kitchen. Onyx groaned, turning and laying his head on Jamie's chest. He wasn't sure why he kept trying magic, it was like his wand hated him. "Stupid stick," he grumbled.

He sighed, slumping against Jamie and trying to cuddle closer. "I'm just frustrated," he told Jamie gently, shutting his eyes and slipping his arms around the mans waist. "I know you want me to be honest, I just... I feel like a picky brat, I should just pick somewhere and get it over with." He sighed, peeking up to Jamie through his hair. "I mean, I just wanna be with you. The rest is just details, isn't it?" He asked softly, his pout growing more pronounced.
Jamie just gave him a little smile. He moved his hand and the vase finished its journey, completely fixed. "Tomorrow you'll get it," he said with a little nod. Jamie nodded, he knew that it was a bit frustrating, but he shook his head, putting his hands on Onyx's arms. "Welll....about that," he said, "I arranged a house viewing in an hour," Jamie pulled away to look at Onyx with a shy expression, hoping he wouldn't be too mad, "Its in one of areas we said we wanted to look at,"
Onyx let Jamie reassure him, enjoying the feeling of the mans strong hands on his arms. He was about to suggest something else when Jamie said he'd arranged a house viewing, looking up to his love with startled blue eyes. "Wait, what?" Onyx instantly started to fret, running his hands up Jamie's sides. "Oh, mon chiot, you didn't need to do that, you've been working so hard already," Onyx tried rubbing his hands along Jamie's back. "It's alright, really, why don't we just settle in and I can massage your back instead?" He offered, worrying already that Jamie would be doing too much if they went out.
Jamie shook his head, he was sure of it, "I'm not tired, come on," Jamie said to him, assuring him that he was good, that he could manage at least one. "It'll be quick for sure, we'll visit and then we can come home and bath, and then cook together and relax," he told him, assuring him that he didn't need to be taken care of like that and that he could manage just the one house viewing. "Baby it'll help, we'll see what its like and decide what we do and don't like from it and the be able to narrow the search," he assured him, hoping it was enough to persuade him.
Onyx stuttered a moment, shaking his head and trying to protest, but he couldn't really come up with a solid argument. He knew he was just being fussy, worrying when he didn't need to. He sighed, brushing his hair back and giving Jamie a fond smile. "Alright, alright. You win. But just one," Onyx held up his finger, trying and failing to look stern. He laughed lightly, shaking his head and reaching for Jamie's hands. "And why don't we go out for dinner instead? Grab something to eat on the way home and then just relax in the bath for a while before bed?" He asked, already liking the idea. "Once I'm curled up with you I'm not going to want to move out of your arms again," he admitted a little shyly, blushing and looking away. He still worried sometimes that he was being too clingy. He just couldn't help himself.
Jamie smiled content that he'd won that little back and forth. He then nodded, "Of course baby," he told him, if Onyx didn't want to cook and Jamie couldn't be bothered with it then getting some food at a restaurant would be best. He gave a little smile. "I can't wait," he kissed Onyx with a passion excited for when they could just relax and he could hold Onyx in his arms. "Right, let's go, you ready?" he asked Onyx. He wasn't sure if the man would want to change and was giving him the opportunity to opt into getting changed if he wanted to.
Onyx smiled, his breath catching as Jamie kissed him. Onyx sighed, melting into the touch and kissing Jamie back eagerly. He stood still for a moment after the man pulled back, taking a few moments to catch his breath. "Maybe not," he teased, opening his eyes and laughing gently. "I would be very happy if you kissed me like that again," he shook his head, putting a hand over his heart as it started to settle. "If you aren't I guess we can go," he held out his hand, offering his love a shy smile. "Where are we going?" He asked.
Jamie gave a little smile and though he wanted deeply to kiss him again, they did have a place to be. "Just take my arm, I'll get us there," he said, once Onyx had and Jamie had apparated them to the location, he began the short walk towards the house. The air was still warm, but there were unmistakeable sounds of the sea, of cicadas in the trees. All the houses here were clearly older but big. "We're a little outside Cannes, which is like an hour and half from our current apartment," he said, "This is a small neighbourhood, the houses tend to sit with families for generations," he told him. He got them to the house and through the front garden to the building. It was a white walled two story place, big windows. "I think this sort of area would suit us, and I saw this one and thought we should check it out," he pressed a quick kiss to Onyx's cheek and then rang the doorbell.
Onyx smiled, slipping his hand in Jamie's elbow and standing closer. He shut his eyes, letting the man apparate them away. He looked around as they reappeared, enjoying the breeze in his hair. "It is beautiful," he agreed, looking around. He liked the idea of a neighborhood with history around it. He noticed a woman out in her garden, smiling shyly as she smiled and waved to him. "Well, the neighbors are nice," he commented, looking back up to Jamie and moving to hold both hands on Jamie's arm as they moved.

He looked around, liking how they walked through the front garden to get to the door. He slipped a little closer into Jamie's side as they made it up to the door. "I do like the neighborhood..." he mused, tempted to keep tucked into Jamie's side and a bit more hidden, feeling shy as they waited for someone to let them in. "I suppose as the eldest you are pretty smart, sometimes," he teased, peeking up to smile at Jamie.
Jamie put his arm around Onyx, holding him in close and probably closer than really necessary as the realator showed them around the house. The house itself was nice, it had high ceilings, multiple floors, it was decorated tastefully, it had large windows, a juliet balcony, it was nice, undeniably nice. It had a good view and really if Jamie though hard enough he knew he could imagine himself living in this house. But, he knew it wasn't for them. It lacked really what he knew they wanted though he might not be able to describe it. When the realator had left them alone for a moment in the garden, which looked out to the sea, this house lacked a direct path to the water front, he looked to Onyx. "What did you think baby?" Jamie asked. "I don't think it's for us....but..," if Onyx felt differently he might try more to like it, but from the way Onyx was looking he could tell he probably didn't disagree with him.
Onyx liked being tucked into Jamie's side, and was oddly just eager to go home again. He followed through the house, looking around and feeling out of place. He snuggled into Jamie as they were left in the garden, sighing and shutting his eyes. "You're right, I don't think this is it, either," he told the man, peeking up at him through his ebony hair. "I just... it feels like this house has history, you know? It creeps me out a little. Like the walls just know stories we don't," He grimaced, shaking his head and hiding his face in Jamie's side. "I just feel like we're intruding here," he admitted, sneaking his arms around Jamie's waist.
Jamie gave a little hum of agreement. Then he thought he had a little idea, but it would be very difficult to do, they needed to pick a place, find a place. "let's go down towards the beach," he suggested. He had his arm around Onyx's shoulder and began moving them out of the house's garden and down the path towards the beach. He noticed to their left, as they approached the coast, the plot of empty unbuilt land, the last of it in this area. He guided them towards the centre of this area they'd walked to. "This would be a nice place to build a house, you could put something here and have a garden and a stone pathway down to the beach,"
Onyx let Jamie lead him away, looking around a bit and feeling a little sad that the house hadn't worked out. It was nice here. Calm, pretty. He liked it. He was pulled out of his thoughts as Jamie lead them away from the beach again, moving to stand in the middle of a bit of land. He looked up at his love, startled at first. His breath caught at Jamie's words, and Onyx looked around again, with new eyes. "You could put in a few trees," he murmured, pointing to a few spots. "A balcony overlooking the ocean. Maybe a porch swing..." His mind had started working, putting together a few things he would want. A nice, big couch you could get lost in. A room for his music. A few guest rooms. He looked up at Jamie again, his heart fluttering in his chest as he laced his fingers through his love's.

"Do... do you really think we could?" He breathed, almost hesitant to want it but knowing now that he desperately did. "We... we could build a history of our own," He shifted a little closer, the way he always did when he was starting to feel nervous and he wanted held. Did he even deserve something so nice? He often worried that Jamie was just a dream. Unthinkingly, Onyx starting nipping at his lip ring, hardly noticing the slight sting as he looked around the beach again.
Jamie looked at where he he pointed, they would be able to keep some of the shade and some of the light and be able to build something for them. They would need to keep in style of the houses around them, but Jamie didn't think that would be the worst element of it. He nodded. "Yeah, why not," Jamie told him, he moved to accommodate Onyx more and just held him close. "I'll speak to the realator and see about this land and make an offer, then we can get some architects in and start the plans." he thought it would be good for them to build something together, untouched by others and something they could both influence. He thought it would be a good fresh start for them. "it's going to be amazing,"
Onyx was drawn from his thoughts by Jamie, looking up to his love and cuddling in closer. Onyx smiled softly. "Whatever it costs, mon chiot, I really think we should do this," he bit his lip, holding Jamie a little tighter and nuzzling in against him. "I have a few connections, I can get ahold of a few of grandmothers architects and see if any of them can meet with us," he nodded, feeling good now about their plans. He sighed, purring as he snuggled against Jamie. He peeked out over the view again, his heart fluttering as he watched the sun starting to set. He purred softly for a bit, as the night started to drift in he looked up, his breath catching at the beauty of the heavens. He sighed, falling back against Jamie and relaxing completely. He purred a bit longer, completely content. Night had fallen before he stirred, shifting a bit to smile up at Jamie, reaching up to brush his fingers along Jamie's jaw. "Come on, you. I do believe we have a dinner date and a bath waiting for us," he chuckled, starting back towards the road and pulling Jamie's hands along in his own.

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