🌹 Rose Giving Duel for a rose

Sofi Ayre

All I can do is be me, whoever that is.
Sofi had been searching high and low to make her next delivery when someone directed her to the duelling chamber, a room she had never visited before. Upon arrival, she found it empty. Instead of leaving immediately, Sofi decided to stay for a while. She set her bag of roses on the ground and approached one of the training dummies. Drawing her wand, she cast a spell, but the result was weak and barely made an impact. Determined to improve, she prepared to try again, momentarily forgetting all about the rose deliveries she was supposed to be doing.

@Yuelia Rossingol
Yuelia wasn't really sure what she was doing anymore. She found herself going back to the duelling chamber out of habit, as it was one of her favourite places to be, but it felt like every time she started spellcasting she initiated a countdown for someone with authority to miraculously appear and watch her like a hawk. There was a strong distrust towards her now, and the only thing she really hard to actually look forward to was hanging out with Chaos. And even then, she had a lingering sense of dread she couldn't quite place her finger on.

She was distracted from her moping, however, by the sight of a first year trying to cast a spell. "Um..." she started, tilting her head curiously at the girl. "Your stance is okay...but, ah, you should maybe imagine the dummy is trying to hit you so you want to hit it first..." she trailed off, not sure if what she was saying was at all helpful. It wouldn't have surprised her if it was useless. She was of no use to anyone.
Sofi turned her head to listen to the girl offering her unsolicited dueling advice. She kept a friendly expression despite feeling as if she hadn't really wanted to hear it. "Okay, I'll try that next time. Thank you," she said politely. "I should probably carry on with my rose deliveries now, though." Tucking her wand away, she continued, "I don't suppose you know where I'd find... uh, I forgot their name. Let me check my list." Rummaging through her bag, Sofi found her list and scanned it for the first unchecked name. "Yuelia Rossingol?" she asked, hoping this person could help.
Yuelia ducked her head guiltily, of course she shouldn't have tried to help, she was that useless and destructive and all she brought was misery. "Sorry," she added, in a very quiet voice. She was startled, though, when the younger girl mentioned her by name. "Um...that's me..." she responded, apprehensive. Who was sending her a rose? Maybe Chaos, she had sent a pink rose to him and hopefully maybe he felt the same (and that feeling of dread crept up once more. But nobody else would dare to acknowledge her. After all, if nobody had been able to intervene, she would have by all technicalities been a murderer. There was nothing good to be gained from associating with her.
Sofi's eyes widened as she realised the girl was upset '"Oh, I'm sorry if I seemed ungrateful," she said quickly, offering a reassuring smile. "I really appreciate the advice. And you're Yuelia? Great!" Sofi handed the rose to Yuelia, "I hope this rose brightens your day a bit."
No hard feelings
Yuelia shook her head, not wanting to make the situation worse. "No, it's okay, I was nosy..." she explained, reprimanding herself internally. "Duelling is...fun." At least, it had been, right now she felt a little at odds with her spellcasting. She carefully took the rose, unfolding the note and reading it. She felt a knot in the pit of her stomach at the words, though she didn't want to look like it was bad in front of the young girl. It was a nice note, far too nice of Cameron to send to her. She had been avoiding him, not wanting to bring up any bad memories and not wanting to deal with her own guilt. "Um...thank you."

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