Elizzabeth Dawn Lafay

Elizzabeth Dawn LaFay

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OOC First Name
Full Name: Elizzabeth Dawn Lafay
Nickname(s): Liz (by Kari and Kala)
Etymology & How The Name Fits: From Elisabet, the Greek form of the Hebrew name 'Elisheva' meaning "my God is an oath" or perhaps "my God is abundance". The Hebrew form appears in the Old Testament where Elisheba is the wife of Aaron, while the Greek form appears in the New Testament where Elizabeth is the mother of John the Baptist. Elizzabeth's family were Christian wizard's so that is why she was given a biblical name.

Date of Birth: June 3rd

Hometown: Blackpool, England

Hair Color and Style: Liz has dark black hair that she always used to take very good care of, before she was put into Azkaban her hair was very strait do to all the product that she used in it. Now that she is in prison it was become wild, curly and un-tamable. Elizzabeth liked her hair better strait, but preferences don't really matter when your a criminal.

Eyes: Elizzabeth has very odd eye's. They are purple in a very unnatural way. Liz dosen't know if it is a family trait or not because the only family she ever met were her mother and father who both had blue eyes. Weird or not Elizzabeth has always loved her eyes because she has never seen anybody else with eyes quite like hers.

Body Type, Height, and Weight: Elizzabeth used to be healthy, but years in Azkaban have not been good to her. Standing at about 5' 4” and weighing 105 pounds Elizzabeth is way too skinny. Most of the time she refuses to eat the food provided to her only eating what she needs to survive. It sickens her that she can see her ribs but then again she is sickened by most things about herself.

Complexion and Skin Type: Elizzabeth has not seen the sun since being put in Azkaban, so neither has her skin. She had already been pale before she arrived but now she was ghastly white. This made the dirt that she was normally covered in from poor living conditions all the more visable.

Smile: Before everything went down Liz used to laugh a lot. She had no reason not too but now it is rare to get anything better than a wicked grin out of Elizzabeth. The only thing that makes her happy is the memory of Kari.

Scars: Elizzabeth has many scars most of which she received in Azkaban. The reason being she is always throwing herself against the bars and walls and doing all kinds of things inflicting many scars in the process.

Birthmark: A medium sized blob located on her right calf.

Personality: Elizzabeth used to be a wonderful fun loving and all around friendly person. She was in love and was going to get married. Then she started to develop split personalities which influenced her decisions and behavior. They virtually took over her life and she ended up killing a man in the process. Now that she is Azkaban the voices are going away and she is left with the guilt of what they influenced her to do.

Boggart: Spiders. Elizzabeth is deathly allergic to spiders and once bitten has to be taken to the hospital immediately so she can be stabilized.

Fears: Elizzabeth is afraid of dieing in Azkaban without ever seeing Kari, her one true love again.

Interests or Hobbies: Elizzabeth used to enjoy reading and surfing before she went insane. But now that she is in prison her hobbies consist of sleeping.

Strengths: Elizzabeth is very loving and nurturing when she has her mind under control.

Weaknesses: The inability to distinguish fiction from reality. Not strong willed.

Describe your character in three words: Lonely, Misunderstood, Afraid

Name: Luna Lafay
Age: 60 at age of death
Relation: Mother
Job: Deceased (Heart Failure)
How They Get Along: Elizzabeth's parent's had her late in life and never really had the perfect family relationship, although Liz was sad when her mother passed without her being able to say goodbye.

Name: Artemis Lafay
Age: 69 at time of death
Relation: Father
Job: Deceased (Old Age)
How They Get Along: Elizzabeth was closer to her father and was still sane when he died. She was very upset but was thankfully she was with Kari then and he helped her through it.

Pets: None
Blood Status: Mixed-Blood
Special Abilities: N/A
Best school subjects: Defense Against The Darks Arts and Potions
Worst school subjects: Divination and Flying
Your Patronus: A cat, very smart and loving creatures, not to mention her mother was a crazy cat lady.
Your Patronus memory: The time she spent with Kari and Kala before everything happened.
Your Animagus: A wolf. Liz often feels very lonely like a lone wolf in the night.
Mirror of Erised: Being out of prison sane and reunited with Kari and Kala once more.

Favorites - -

Number: 0
Explanation: Because of it's circular shape
Movie: Nightmare before Christmas
Explanation: This was hers and Kari's favorite movie, they would sing along with it.
Song: Sally's Song – This is Halloween
Explanation: See Movie
Color: Purple
Explanation: Her eye's and their unique color.
Animal: Cat
Explanation: Elizzabeth grew up with tons of cat's in the house.
Item of Clothing: One of Kari's t-shirts.
Explanation: She used to where it just to feel closer to him.
Food: Fish and Chips
Explanation: Liz grew up in England and loved the fresh fish.
Holiday: Halloween
Explanations: Eating candy and dressing up was nice, plus watching Nightmare before Christmas over and over again.
Season: Fall
Explanation: To see the leaves and the sun always used to brighten Liz's day.
Color Of Eyes: Purple
Explanation: Like her own, they are unique and beautiful in their own way.

001. Purple eyes is an interesting colour. Does that colour run in the family or is Elizzabeth the only one with that characteristic?
002. You said you have a lot of cats at home. Does this mean that Elizzabeth loves cats?
003. Does Elizzabeth like being an only child?
004. In your journal it states that "Mother has left again" why does your mother leave? And does she do this often?
1. Purple eyes is an interesting colour. Does that colour run in the family or is Elizzabeth the only one with that characteristic?
Elizzabeth is the only one in her family that has purple eye's in her family as far as she know's, the only people she's meet in her family is her mom and dad.

2. You said you have a lot of cats at home. Does this mean that Elizzabeth loves cats? Elizzabeth dose love cat's but mostly the only reason they have so many is because her mom is obsessed with them.

3. Does Elizzabeth like being an only child?
Elizzabeth longed for another sibling, bun now her parent's are gone and the best she could hope for is to start a family of her own which there isn't much chance of now.

4. In your journal it states that "Mother has left again" why does your mother leave? And does she do this often?
Elizzabeth's mother left on a regular basis three to four times a month to a place she won't reveal to her or her father she simply changed the subject. They both suspected she was a death eater but never found out for sure.

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