Open First Yule

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Morrie Ayre

Moaning Morrie
OOC First Name
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Single (Not Looking)
Curved 8 Inch Unyielding Ash Wand with Kelpie Hair Core
Despite her adversion to socialising, dancing and dresses, this was Morrie's first Yule Ball and she decided to attend. She was mostly going to be nosey and know what it was about. Tonight she had made an exception, wearing an emerald green dress. It had frills, too many frills in her opinion, and unbeknown to her, some of those frills had become hopelessly entangled with her undergarments behind her, leaving Morrie with a rather unfortunate dress malfunction as she arrived in the Great Hall for her first Yule Ball.
Apolline was eager for the first school dance, she had heard so much about it, that it was obviously something she was going to do. She didn't feel super confident in the dress she was wearing, but she was determined to not let that bother her. She arrived at the yuleball, and was walking behind a girl and noticed the girl's dress. "Hey," she quickened to be standing next to the girl. "Your dress is stuck at the back," she said quickly. Not sure whether or not to offer to help.
Morrie didn't think anyone would talk to her, especially not a Gryffindor. "What?" Morrie looked over her shoulder and spun around like a puppy chasing its tail. She couldn't see what the girl was talking about, and automatically assumed she was playing a prank. "Whatever, have you got nothing better to do than go around making other people feel self-conscious?" She snapped at her. The Yule Ball had hardly even started and someone was already messing with her.
Apolline frowned a little at the reaction. "No, I wasn't...I didn't," she stumbled over her words. As the girl had the strangest reaction to it. "I just didn't...I would've wanted someone to tell me," Apolline replied, thinking that if her dress was sitting wrong she'd want to be told. "I didn't mean to make you self-conscious, sorry,"
Morrie, taken aback by their earnest response, found herself questioning her initial assumption of a prank. This doubt prompted her to take a second look at the back of her dress. To her utter dismay, she discovered that the hem was indeed tucked in at the back.

A wave of embarrassment washed over her, but she quickly regained her composure. With a forced smile, she cleared her throat and said, "Well, I see now what you meant. Thank you for pointing it out." Morrie pulled the trapped materials free and brushed down around her dress, "Does it look okay now?"
Apolline was worried the girl wouldn't believe her, and she'd feel bad both for bringing it up and for not actually being able to help, but she seemed to get it and even was a little more nice in her words after. "Yeah, it looks okay now," she confirmed after the girl had managed to fix her dress. "It's a pretty dress," Apolline added, just trying to also be nice about it.
Morrie's initial reaction to the compliment was one of suspicion. She always had a hard time believing people when they said something nice to her. She thought they were taking the piss, and they usually were. "It's not that great," she mumbled, avoiding her gaze. "I've seen better tonight." And no one else with a dress malfunction quite like hers.
Apolline wasn't sure what to say, whether to try and make her believe it, or just leave it. "It suits you though," she tried instead. "It's really not bad, I'm sure there are worse outfits," she said before blushing deeply. She hadn't meant to be mean but knew that she certainly would come across as it. "I just mean, some people might've picked just the first dress they could, or like worn a super old dress," she was stumbling over her words in an attempt to lessen what she had said.
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