How's life in the public Eyes?

Victor Crimson

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
It had been a long clouded day one the few days in the summer were the sun was blocked from the shady clouds. One of the days when the temperature drop decreasingly and nothing felt better than the air rising up against your skin, kinda giving you the feeling of being able to breath again. Victor was use to the humidity, but not often during the summer did he felt just a day like this. It made his rambling thoughts go away for a while, long enough for him to detour the castle and actually admire the view from the owerly. Besides the scenario, Victor had written a letter to one of the given candidates in the run from Ministry. It wasn't long but it was something, Victor gave the letter up to an owl name Orange. Who he bribe with owl's pebble and than the letter. For at least twenty minutes he watched Orange take off, and continue to admire the view from the owerly.

Letter said:
Dear Mr. Khalid,
I still can't believe I'm writing you this letter. What shock me the most is knowing you were a wizard in the muggel world and now your a candidate in the wizaring world? Just a few questions? How did you do it? How were you capable of living a double life? Its not easy trust me. Dad will never believe it when I write to him, he will be please to hear about you, maybe a little glad that you hadn't turn your nose about from politics. Dad been struggling a little, hope your still aware of politics in California? Anyways write back when your life not hectic.
Much respect,
Sitting in his home office, making more preparations for his elections, he wondered how his son was doing in his classes. Even though he had gotten to spend time with all of his kids over the break, something was bothering him. This semester, for one of Hamza's classes, he was going to be learning under his mother. Hamza's mom was the charms professor, so he wondered how she was going to treat him because in education matter's, she was really strict on him, well, on all three of their kids for that matter. Thinking about his family, he received a letter from an owl that just flew in. Ahmad wondered who it maybe from, curious, very curious. Opening the letter, it was from a name he recognized, but just couldn't point his finger on it. He read the letter, took out quill and parchment to write a letter back.
Letter to Mr. Victor Crimson said:
Mr. Victor Crimson,

First off, I'd like to thank you for writing me this letter. I have been wondering about your name, Crimson for that matter. Was your father the Governor of the state of California in the muggle world? If he was, I knew your father quite well. It has been a while since I last met him, but if it wasn't for your father, I would not have gotten my position as Senator. Keeping a balance between both worlds isn't easy, but it is not impossible either. You just have to get use to it. I am aware of the politics situation in California, but it has been a while since I last visited, perhaps I should pay a visit. Anyways, thank you for writing to me again and hope to get a response from you.


Ahmad Khalid
Department of Mysteries
Current Election Candidate

Ahmad wrapped the letter and gave it to the owl to take back.
Another letter came this morning, it was significantly addressed to Victor Crimson. He had doubts of opening the letter, to much in fact he decided to just open it later. For the rest of his day didn't go so well. The urge to pry open the letter was becoming nerve wrecking, a little to much to stay focus on his lessons. By his last class he shuffle all his stuff into his carry on baggage, and decided sitting near a open window wouldn't be a bad place to read the letter. He open the letter a little satisfied by the response, now he knew where he'd be casting his vote for, if he's allow to vote. Instead of using parchment, Victor used muggel stationary and pen to write back. When he was done he hurried up towards the millions stairs up to the Owerly, this time picking a golden feathered owl to deliver his message. "To. Mr. Khalid please" like any obedient owl, the golden feathers ruffle and took off towards the skylines. Disappearing into the blue mist before he counted to thirty this time.

Address to Mr. Khalid Candidate of Minister of Magic said:
Hello Mr.Khalid,
Yes the very one, Crimson my father. Well his full name is William Crimson, and he's governor of California. I heard about your collision with him, dad always said there was something magical about Mr.Khalid. I guess he was right, he should be receiving my letter pretty soon. California no different, dad's been fighting off the muggel's media. They've been trying to locate where I truly attend school. It's not easy for my parents, mom tries her best to drive the media away. But you know muggels, they never really do stop. Well I'm glad you've written back to me. Best of luck for your run as Minister. I wouldn't choose any other to run for Minister. You truly are inspirational!
Sincerely yours,
Victor Crimson, 5th Year House of Gryffindor
A lot of work was being done in his office. Him seeing his assistants running around doing errands for him, his two auror's guarding him everywhere he goes and everything was pretty heck tick right now. Ahmad sat in his chair behind his desk, filling out some paper work when he saw a letter coming for him. He wondered if it was a fan letter or a letter from Victor. He opened the letter and surely enough, it was from Victor. He read the letter and started to write back.
Letter to Mr. Victor Crimson said:
Mr Victor Crimson,

I can imagine the kind of stress you're parent's are going through right now as well. Not to worry though, I have met your father a few times he is a man of strong belief, so he will do his best, I know that for sure. On the other hand, things weren't so easy for me as well, but then I completely made the transfer from the muggle world involvements to wizarding world, which made things more simpler for me.

On another note, how is school going for you? I take it you are a 5th Year student correct? I'm not sure if you have met my son Hamza Khalid, he is a first year Hufflepuff or my wife, Sadia Khalid, who teaches charms. Keep me posted and if you need anything, do let me know.


Ahmad Khalid
Department of Mysteries
Current Election Candidate
Looking through his old letter that were piling up on top of his desk, Victor realize there had been one unopen and addressed to him and not his roommate. He must've missed the delivery, maybe it had been around the time be broke his arm. His right arm had been bandaged for three weeks till it completely heal with the speed process of magic. In the muggel world would've taken longer than that. Nevertheless he open the letter and read right through it. Victor hadn't meant any of the other Khalid, maybe his wife but he wasn't sure right now. He took out a pen from his packed belongings and wrote back a letter. Its school break pretty soon, he wasn't sure if the letter will get back to him. Still he gave it a try anyways, Victor didn't had much mention except his personal problems. Being very contain about that, he wonder if he should mention it or. Still he wrote.

Address to candiate Ahmad Khalid said:

Dear Mr. Khalid,
I'm sorry I never got this letter to response back. I just saw while I was packing my things away. School break coming up and I'm going back to California to visit my parents with my cousin Vincent. To be honest not sure me going there the brightest idea. I try to leave myself out of the public eyes, don't think I'm cut out for it. Or anything to do with either world, I'm going through a stage where I'm not sure where I belong. Though I don't want to sound to down, I at least have my sixth year coming up. Hope all is well in the campaign route. Heard its bit competitive this time around.
Sincerely yours,
Victor C.

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