Closed Life in Letters

Harper Alston

off we go, into the wild blue yonder
OOC First Name
Blood Status
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Straight 12.5'' Flexible Larch Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
It was nearly three weeks into the school year before Harper finally made her way to the owlery, hands clutching a thick stack of envelopes. This was unusual. Normally, she sent out the first wave of letters to her family and friends within the first week of the semester. Those letters were her lifeline to the muggle world, and she usually had no trouble writing page after page.

But this year, the words had dried up. Harper had never felt more distant from the muggle world, and suddenly all the letter-writing seemed pointless. How was she supposed to bridge the gap between two completely different universes with mere words? It was only guilt that forced her to finish the letters, as Harper knew that everyone back home would worry if they didn't hear from her.

She'd also written a letter to Chloë. This, too, had been difficult. Though Harper knew she could always go to Chloë for advice, she didn't want to just dump all her problems on the girl. Chloë was undoubtedly dealing with her own challenges now that she was an adult in the real world. In the end, Harper had decided to keep the letter relatively light. Maybe she didn't need advice at all. Maybe she just needed to hear from a friend.


Sorry for taking so long to write! Sixth year is no joke. I think I had three essays in the first week alone. If this keeps up, I might really have to drop out before NEWTs.

How have you been? Have you tried out for a professional team yet? Are you relaxing on a tropical island somewhere? I've tried to check the papers for quidditch news, but most of the stuff these days is about the election. I did overhear part of a match on the radio the other day, but I don't think the announcers mentioned your name. (By the way, if you're thinking of trying out for the Vratsa Vultures, don't. It sounded like they've been having a pretty rough season).

It's kind of weird not seeing you around the castle or on the pitch. Isaiah's probably already told you, but Gryffindor lost its first match against Slytherin, 10-170. The new chasers are okay, but they're no you and I bet we would've won if you had been playing. Also guess who's a prefect now?? I got the badge over break, and I still can't quite believe it. I guess Kingsley was willing to overlook my detentions. Also, I didn't realise that prefects can't give points or that they can't take points away from other houses. How am I supposed to make sure Gryffindor wins the house cup now? Only kidding. Seriously, though, if you have any advice on all this prefect stuff, I could really use it. I'm pretty sure I'm physically incapable of taking points from Gryffindor.

Hopefully things are good wherever you are. (I also hope this letter actually reaches you. I didn't have an address, so I'm just kind of hoping the owl does its thing and manages to find you). Write back soon!!

Miss you already,
Life after graduation had hardly been as scary as Chloë had expected it to be but perhaps she had just been lucky. Living with her brother meant she didn't have to figure it all out on her own and she'd be lying if she said Archer hadn't been a huge help in adjusting to adult life. And then she had Sully there to support her as well. The only downside so far was not having her friends closeby anymore. They weren't even all in the same place anymore and keeping up with everyone was taking a lot of effort. Which was exactly why coming home to a letter from one of them had been a pleasant surprise and she wasted no time in finding some paper to write back.


Tell me about it. Not to scare you or anything but seventh year is only going to get busier. Don't you even dare actually considering dropping out though because I'd make it my personal mission to find you and drag you back to school. If only because you can't possibly abandon your friends like that.

I've been good! Things have been going a lot better than expected and to answer your burning question: yes, I have tried out for a professional team and I made it! Can you believe it? I mean it's not the Vultures but I reckon being a Chaser for the Macaws isn't too shabby either..

It's cute that you think Zay would even consider making time to write me about how quidditch is going. I reckon he has plenty of things he finds more interesting than writing to his cousin. Although perhaps my new job might change that. Want to place a bet on how long it will take before he asks me to send him and his friends tickets to a game? On that note: I will be sending you tickets for one of the games someday because a promise is a promise. And yes, please pester him about that for me.

No way!! I can't believe they couldn't have made you prefect last year when I was still there. I'm so proud of you! Being a prefect can be difficult, especially for Gryffindor. I remember telling my friends to please not do anything stupid when I was around because I didn't want to be the one taking points from them. What's worse is sometimes you want to be the one doing stupid stuff but then you know you can't. I'm confident you'll be completely fine though!

Miss you too,

i apologize this took literal years
If Harper had thought writing letters at the beginning of the year was hard, it was even more difficult now. Every letter felt like an exercise in fiction. To a degree, this had always been true, but she felt it more acutely this year as she spun stories about her totally normal boarding school for her friends. Even in her letters to her family, Harper felt restrained. Most of the things in her life now — animagus training, dueling prep, magical lessons — were things they couldn't relate to.

So she was incredibly relieved when she received an owl at breakfast one morning and discovered that the letter was not from anyone back home, but Chloë. Harper opened it right then and there, skimming through it quickly until she got to the second paragraph. She let out a gasp of excitement. Ignoring the curious looks (and occasional glares) from her half-asleep tablemates, Harper took out a pen and some paper and began to work on her response.

To the newest chaser for the Moutohora Macaws,

Holy crap CONGRATS!!!!! Way to bury the news. Of course I can believe it! I can't wait to brag to everyone that I know a professional Quidditch player. I'm also selfishly very glad you'll still be in New Zealand. I think Moutohora's only a few hours from Auckland, so we should definitely meet up over break sometime. And if you think about it, I was kind of right. You did end up playing for a team on an island.

You're not doing a great job of selling seventh year, but I guess I can't drop out now, not when Macaws tickets are on the line. I'll point out though that some of my friends have been abandoning me. First, you, then Nikko, everyone's graduating (or will be graduating). So in a way, if I dropped out, I'd be joining my friends. (As for the rest, I guess I'll have to sneak back into the castle to visit them. Who knew my animagus training would come in handy so soon?)

I will gladly pester Isaiah for you. You could also try holding Quidditch tickets hostage to force him to write to you. I'm pretty sure the only reason my younger brother writes to me is because I always bring back magical candy during the breaks, and he thinks he won't get any if he doesn't answer my letters. If a packet of ice mice is worth one letter, then I'm sure a pair of Quidditch tickets is worth at least ten.

Thanks! I think I might have the same issue with some of my friends. They're not troublemakers or anything, but we've all been kind of lax about following the rules. (I think I may have accidentally already broken a rule this year...) I have to know now, though, what kind of stupid stuff did you want to do??


((it's all good!))
Chloë had been busy lately. Between trying to navigate adult life and spending most of her time on quidditch it was difficult to find time for other things. Even trying to see her friends had taken a bit of a backseat. She was sure she could change that once she had managed to find a new rhythm in her life, something that would hopefully happen soon. Walking into her room she suddenly noticed the letter on the edge of her desk. It had been there for a while and she had been meaning to write back sooner but somehow it had completely fallen through. Making time for it she took a seat and grabbed a pen, trying to think of what to write back.

First off, I'm sorry. Life kind of got in the way and I only just noticed your letter on my desk.

Second, hi! Thanks!!! Honestly, it's still difficult to believe I actually made the team. Even when I'm spending almost every waking moment on quidditch. I promise though that even if I had ended up playing for a team somewhere far away I reckon I would've still made time to hang out with you somehow. It might just have been often. (And just give you an early heads up: I will be offended if you don't invite me to your graduation next year. Just saying.) Also: yes, you were absolutely right. Want to know the biggest plot twist though? My cousin is now my teammate. Talk about a surprise.

What can I say, seventh year is difficult. There's no denying that. But it's also over before you know it and I can guarantee you there'll be times during which you wish it would just last a little bit longer. Also, I do think sneaking into the castle is even more difficult than sneaking out so I would not recommend that. We could always meet up during brightstone weekends though? If I have time.. Or you could just take Nikko to one of my games and then that's two birds with one stone. Either way, no dropping out only powering through! How's that going by the way? Animagus training? Didn't professor Summers quit?

Hmm, I could try that. Don't think he'd like me very much if I did that though. If he wants to write, he'll write. And if he doesn't I'll see him during holidays anyways so he'll have to update me on everything quidditch then. But yes, please, pester him and see what happens. I am curious to see what would happen. He might be tough nut to crack though..

I mean it ended up alright for me so I'm sure you'll be fine as well. Just tell them not to do anything dumb around you and you should be sweet. Very curious which rule you think you broke though? Also, no. I will definitely not tell you that. For your own good, obviously. It will only pain you knowing you can't do any of it because you have to set an example.

- The best Thompson
Time passed strangely for Harper. Even though the individual days seemed to crawl by, she was surprised to look up and realise that it was suddenly April. It had been a while since she'd heard from Chloë, but she wasn't concerned. She had to imagine the older girl's life was a lot more interesting and busy than her own. (Though between the Dueling Tournament and the animagus accident, Harper supposed her life hadn't been all that dull). When an envelope bearing Chloë's handwriting finally arrived, Harper tore it open immediately, eager to hear about her friend's adventures.

The best Thompson,

Don't worry about it! I figured life as a pro Quidditch player would be pretty busy. The thing about your cousin is kind of wild. At least you have some experience playing on the same team as one of your cousins? You know, because of Isaiah and Gryffindor. How's it been so far? I remember it being kind of nice to be on the same team as my brother, but we also fought like all the time. Of course, that was just a tiny summer football team and not anything nearly as big or official as a pro team. Also, for the record, how many cousins do you have exactly? I think I might have lost count...

Yes, let's meet up at Brightstone! I think there are only a few weekends left this semester, but if you can't make any of them, then maybe next year? At the very least, I should be able to visit over break as long as I pass my apparition exam (fingers crossed!). You didn't hear it from me, but I'm pretty sure Nikko wants to go pro too. You should get the Macaws to recruit him before he disappears off to Australia. Then it'll really be a two birds, one stone situation. As for animagus training, it's been okay. It could probably be better, if I'm being honest. You're right, Professor Summers is gone. So is Styx. I'm training with a new professor named Abberline, but he's also supposed to leave at the end of the year.

I actually did try pestering Isaiah at a victory party for the team (I guess there's your Quidditch update for the semester), but it sounds like I wasn't successful since he still hasn't written you. In fact, I'm pretty sure he just found the whole thing funny, so you might not be hearing from him anytime soon. If you've got any tips for annoying him, I'm all ears (all eyes?). You know him a lot better than I do.

It was the "don't take food from the kitchens" one. But that's not a real rule, right? It's not like the "don't enter the Forbidden Forest" rule which I definitely have never broken before. Also, now I'm really curious. You can't just say that and then refuse to elaborate. Will you at least tell me at graduation? (Honestly, I'm a little offended you thought you had to ask for an invitation). I'll be free of my prefect responsibilities then.

- Your favorite Gryffindor

P. S. I'm attaching some stuff I picked up at Honeydukes as a late birthday gift. But the owl looked kind of hungry, so I'm not too sure they'll make it...
Dear best Gryffindor (don't tell any of my other friends I called you that thanks),

I was going to say fair point but I don't think Isaiah and Paige could be any more different than they are. So far things have been alright though, I reckon it just takes some getting used to. Wouldn't have hurt to know she was going to try out for chaser at the same team as me though. Then again, I hadn't told a lot of people I was trying out either so I guess that's not a fair thing to say. Who knows? Maybe we'll even become better friends. I have six. Six cousins. Four are still at school.

I might've jumped the boat there a bit with the Brightstone thing since my schedule is pretty packed. I will certainly have time over the break though, so that would be good! You should definitely try to nudge Nikko in the direction of the Macaws if he truly wants to go pro. In my very biased opinion it's the best team there is.

I reckon it's disapponting that your mentor left and that the person who's stepping up is bound to leave again, sorry to hear that. But I know you'll be fine! It just takes a lot of effort. Which probably won't mean a lot coming from someone who knows very little about Animagus training but you know, just trying to be your cheerleader. Do you already know what form you will be? I'm very curious to know what animal would fit your personality.

Gryffindor won a game? Did Flynn catch the snitch? Did it at least make him a little less grouchy? That kid could definitely use a win, that's for sure. Zay did, in fact, not write to me yet. But you bet I'll make him give me a recap of both games when I see him during the break. I would've loved to see you try and pester him though. I don't know what to tell you. I feel like the only reason I was able to annoy him was because we've always been like siblings. I think the only way to get him annoyed otherwise is just to be incredibly boring or like, anti-quidditch or something. Trying to hard will probably just amuse him further.

I mean if you're going to break a rule while being a prefect I feel like that's a solid one. Also perhaps an easier one to talk your way out of if you would've gotten caught. Right. Obviously neither of us have ever entered the forest. Because, you know, it's forbidden and all. Wouldn't even dream of it. I might tell you at graduation but then again I might like to keep the mystery alive.. Can't go spilling all of my secrets if I'm to be a famous quidditch pro some day. Who knows where they might end up? Honestly though, there's only so many people you're allowed to invite to graduation so I didn't want to assume. I will very much put it on my calendar now though!

- Your #1 graduation guest

P.S. This the cutest. I think the owl behaved because it all looks fine, so I just gave it an extra treat.
To a very mysterious Quidditch pro,

Too late! I've already shown your letter to Isaiah and Professor Kingsley and will be sending a copy to Emma and every other Gryffindor out there. (Only kidding, of course). I didn't even know Paige played chaser. I think you're justified in wishing she had given you a heads up before trying out. After all, she already knew that you were on the team when she tried out. I hope everything works out. Also, six?? Paige, Isaiah, Elijah, Kiara... who am I missing?

You don't have to answer this, but don't you kind of have to go to Brightstone occasionally because of Sully? Did something happen? Anyway, I can't wait to see you over break. I'll try to bring the Macaws up to Nikko or at least slip some flyers and stuff into his things. You guys are still looking for a keeper, right?

Thanks, I do appreciate the cheerleading. Do you know why Professor Summers left? I know you were friends with Lysander, so I wasn't sure if you had heard anything... No worries if you can't answer that. (Sorry I keep asking so many weird questions). I actually do know my form. Kind of. It's some type of brown and blonde bird. I used to think it was a spotted owl, but now I'm not so sure anymore. I think it might be a hawk of some sort, but that's just a guess. I'm not sure how well that fits my personality, but at least it's not a flobberworm.

Not only did Flynn catch the snitch, but he caught it in the first five minutes of the game. It was crazy. I think some of the players were still getting into position when he caught it. To be determined whether he becomes less grouchy though. (Is it true he was your patrol partner last year?) I'll keep that in mind about Isaiah and give him my best anti-Quidditch rant the next time I see him. Or maybe I'll talk about why chasers are better than beaters. Actually, that might make him less likely to write you. Maybe I should just try the "be boring" strategy instead.

I hate to break it to you, but you're pretty much already a famous Quidditch pro. You're a starting chaser for the Macaws. That's why I've been cutting out your signature on all your letters so I can sell them later. I guess I'll just have to wait for graduation and hope you're feeling less mysterious by then. Speaking of graduation, I've been working on a bucket list of things to do at Hogwarts before then. If you have any suggestions, let me know!

- Your #1 fan

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