Maybe too excited about flying?

Ava Prince

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yew Wand 14" Essence of Fairy Dust
This was it. The big day. Well to Ava it was a big day, she was finally meeting up with Sterling. She was in a bit of a state though, she didn't know what she would wear. "Should I wear something casual or something a bit more fancy?" She asked her roomates who thankfully had a good taste in fashion as she did. Ava finally came up with an outfit which was casual but was very stylish she could also fly quite comfortably in it. She tied her hair up in a styled ponytail. Asking her room mates for there final thoughts she grabbed her Sienna Storm and headed down to the Quidditch Pitch.

She felt butterflies in her stomach out of nervousness. What if he forgot? She asked herself worriedly.What if I make a complete fool of myself on the pitch? She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before entering the pitch. Once she walked in she was shocked to find that no one was there, not even Sterling. Her heart fluttered wildly and he wasn't even here yet. She bit her glossed lip slightly as she looked around at the beautiful day. The sun was shining and the sky was clear, there was only a slight breeze in the air which always made flying a little easier. Ava flattened out her outfit as she waited for Sterling to arrive, If he would arrive.
Sterling had looked forward to the flying day ever since he had invited Ava to come flying with him. Though with the amount of classes, Sterling didn't have a moment of time to actually go flying to practice up. Now this Slytherin hoped that he was in good enough condition to show off to his best ability. Showing off was something he really hoped he would be able to manage.

This eleven year old boy finished getting ready throwing on his white underage thinking shirt as well as a pair of simple blue jeans. Running his hand through his hair, Sterling messed up his hair going for the right out of bed look yet at the same time his outfit showed that he worked hard enough to look his best.

With his broom, Sterling walked outside towards the pitch. Had Ava arrived already? In a way he hoped so. Sterling hated to be early for anything and would almost like the fact that Ava would be waiting for him and not the other way around.

As he crossed the pitch, his black converses hit the grass. There he saw Ava. A smile formed on his face as he noticed her outfit. Wow He thought keeping his cool as best as he could. "Hello Ava" He said wondering how this whole flying experience would turn out.
Ava heard his voice. Sterling's. She looked up and saw him, he looked as charming as ever. In fact Ava couldn't imagine this boy not being charming. Everything about him was so..Charming She thought dreamily. "Hi Sterling." She said giving him a small wave. What was that about? She asked herself feeling so stupid. How she wished she could take that wave back. Though she managed to stop the burning of her cheeks- thankfully.

While she was thinking about how silly she was she just realized what happened. Sterling showed up. He didn't forget. He was here in front of her and she was thinking about how stupid she was! Now that was stupid. She gave him a small smile. "How are you?" She asked with concern in her voice. She placed the bottom of her broom onto the grass and leant on it slightly, she was going for the more casual look. As she waited for his response she looked into his dreamy chocolate brown eyes, which she never got tired of.
Sterling was more than glad that the day had turned out nice for this. How many times he imagined the day to be rainy and to have them have to cancel this outting. Believe it or not, a cancelation would probably bring Sterling's spirts down. Not that he would willing say that to just anyone.

Ruffling his hair when she gave a small wave. Whatever He thought deciding to pass off the wave. In a way it was rather cute. Her smile seemed to just fix everything though. "I'm well." Sterling said simply "It's a great day. I get to fly" He paused looking straight into her eyes the smile on his face simply increasing. "And I get to spend the day with you. It's going to be a blast" He said wondering how Ava would take this statement. Hopefully she would have some sort of reaction, reactions always seemed to interest Sterling.

"And how are you today?" Sterling asked as he held his broom in hand still.
Trying to keep her cheeks from being pink was completely pointless after what he said to her; "And I get to spend the day with you". Oh my god Ava thought to herself giddly. Her cheeks were now extremly pink and her face was lit up with her smile. Her heart was thumping loudly in her chest. He always found a way to make her blush, something that not even Henric Lee or Kaleb Styx could manage.

As he returned the question she still was smiling, it took her a couple of seconds before she realised that she hadn't answered. "Oh! I'm fine. Its a great day. I get to fly..." Ava said slowly but with a bit of playfulness to her voice. "...and I get to spend the day with you." She looked right into his eyes feeling 'over the moon' with herself. Him being here in front of her was so surreal. Though she could start to feel her cheeks burn again so she looked down at her sandels, hoping that this wouldn't happen all day.
When Ava blushed a feeling of accomplishment seemed to rush over Sterling. He had said just the right thing to get the perfect reaction. It had occured to him over the years that girls in general had many forms of blushing. There was the embarrasement blush, which was never good. Then there was the compliment or statement blush which was one of the best things that could happen. This type was what Sterling aimed for all the time.

His mouth opened letting out a small laugh when Ava answered his redirected question, yet she had done it the exact same way he had with a slight spin of course. Sterling keep his gaze with Ava, his ever so common smile on his face. He keep his gaze completely on her amazing eyes until she looked down. Sterling saw that hint of pink that once more feel on her cheeks. This is really going to be a great day Sterling thought to himself.

"Well you can't fly looking down at your feet" Sterling began carefully placing his hand under her chin and gently bringing her eyes up to his gazing eyes once more. Dropping his own hand at his side he continued to speak. "So know that we have that astablished" He flashed her another smile. "Why don't we began. see what you've got" Sterling added as he mounted his broom easily just by swinging his left leg over the broom not yet kicking off the ground.
When Ava felt his soft touch under her chin her heart skipped a beat. This really is surreal She thought to herself in amazement. The cutest boy in the school just had his hand under her chin. She didn't smile and her cheeks didn't go pink. Her eyes stared into his. Her face was expressionless. She couldn't bring any of the muscles in her face to form some sort of emotion expression. She was in shock. Though all she wanted to do was giggle away to herself followed by a crazy amount of jumping.

Snap out of it. She told herself sternly, forcing her eyes to look away from his. If he could keep his cool so could she, Well, he probably doesn't think that way about me that I think about him. He probably just sees me as a friend. If I'm that lucky. Ava watched as he mounted his broom and she did the same. She looked up at the empty sky above them then turned to Sterling and gave him a quick smile before kicking off gracefully. As she sped through the air she felt a wave of happiness spread inside her like wildfire. She hadn't been on a broom in such a long time. She wouldn't have though it possible for her to be even a tiny bit more happy but she was. Once she was fully up in the air she placed her hands around her mouth and called down to Sterling, "Well? Are you coming?" Her London accent was full of playfullness and of coarse...happiness.
Sterling watched as Ava kicked off the ground gracefully. She did seem to be an overall gracefull girl. Graceful, beautiful, Seemed rather intelligent, Great Fashion, and that little bonus of a london accent. Perfect... Shaking his head he moved his mind back into the real world, reality, what was happening at this very second. "Of course I'm coming" He said noting her playful tone that was used.

A huge smile was still on his face as this brown eyed Slytherin kicked off the ground going higher than he had expected yet still he keep him composure. His brownish black hair going just about all over the place as the wind wiped through it. Coming to a high hovering stop, his eyes glanced over at Ava. He flipped his hair out of his face before flying towards Ava."Not bad" He said referring to her flying kick off, though he probably meant it in a slightly other fashion as well.

Sterling held his broom loosely. That was always rather the first thing that showed if someone was a good flyer or a new starter was the grip on the broom. This Slytherin boy had noticed how starters began by holding the broom for dear life yet the ones that had been flying for ages seemed to only hold it as if it was second nature. Some didn't find the need to hold onto the broom handle at all. Though Sterling could balance quite well on the broom he wasn't exactly ready to show off yet. There would be plenty of time later on hopefully.

"So Miss Prince" Sterling began "I take it you've done some flying before this adventure. Practicing up to put on the best performance perhaps?" Sterling added a slight hint of teasing in his voice. Though really he was the one that wanted to practice before he got together with her, even if the time that he wanted to had failed him.
Ava smiled to herself as he called her 'Miss Prince', she was starting to find herself smiling or blushing at everything he said wheter it was a compliment or just a simple 'Hello'. She wasn't sure if he had that effect on every girl or was it just her. Thinking about 'other girls' Ava started to feel a bubble of jealously building up. What if he did like someone else? She thought to herself worriedly. So what?! Thats his choice and you'd find someone better. Ava reminded herself though she couldn't imagine finding someone better, Sterling really did seem to be perfect.

"This is just my natural skill if you must know." She said sticking the tip of her tongue between her teeth. Ava was going to go and practice for today but she didn't really get the time to, she was glad that flying came back to her as if she practiced yesterday. When in fact it would have been a couple of weeks or a whole month. "What about you? You seem to be 'alright' yourself." She said teasing obviously. Ava saw Sterling flawless no matter what he did, wheter he was in class or just having a friendly chat. Flying was definitely included. She flashed him a wide smile before bringing her face to the sky letting the breeze brush past her face. Perfect.
Sterling already had fallen in love with Ava's smile. How perfect it really seemed to be. Not that he hadn't seen some amazing smiles in his eleven years of life. There were tones of lovely girls with sparkling smiles back in London. Many were in magazines that Sterling had caught from the corner of his eye as he passed a news stand. Never buying or even looking at the magazine any more than that. What was the use? If he wanted to read about some dumb muggle celebrity he would look it up on the internet. Something that he rarely went on. Anything that kept Sterling inside for hours at a time wasn't a thing on his favorite list. This year that included classes. Yet back to the smile that he seemed almost memorized by. Lovely he thought and it was.

One of his laughs came out of Sterling's curved mouth as Ava told him that she was using her natural skill. "Well I'm glad you have some natural skill. I was worried you were going to be one of those girls who were completely hopeless on the field asking for help with the simplest things" Sterling said rolling his brown eyes. Though really he wouldn't have minded if Ava was one of those girls. Or even if she was one that couldn't even kick off the ground without someone telling them how. Somehow Sterling would have found that just as nice as the situation with Ava's natural talent now. Maybe less impressive but still. Maybe it was that he didn't mind Ava no matter what she did. Oh god keep your mind off anything of that form Sterling thought not wanting to get him attached to the school's 'pretty' girl in which every guy would be going after. Sterling didn't mind competing if he knew he would win. In Ava's case he wasn't sure if she felt the same way.

"Oh I seem alright" Sterling repeated shaking his head slightly as his hair seemed to move with each movement, his face lit up with just that simple smile. "Well I hope by the end of today I'll seem more than just alright" He said as he flew around Ava slowly, circling her once. Once the circle was done, Sterling playfully flew a few feet away from Ava every second inching just slowly away wondering if she would follow.
Ava let a small smile slid onto her face at what he said. It wasn't really anything to be smling about but just looking at Sterling made her smile. When he laughed her smile broadened and did stop until it practically reached across her face. Though she didn't say anything, she couldn't really think of anything, Ava found herself lost for words when she was around Sterling.

As Sterling circled her with his broom she didn't take her eyes off of him. The small smile on his face just lit it up making him seem more charming and handsome than ever. Then, once he flew away Ava tightened her grip on her broom (but not too tight) and followed him gracefully. But instead of stopping beside him she flew on towards the goal posts. Where she laced in and out of them skillfully. A pretty smile appeared on her face as she looped around the final post. "Your going to have to prove that your better than 'alright'" She called over to him playfully. "..or by the time that day is out, you'll still just be 'alright' to me." She said with a wink.
Sterling seemed to like the fact that Ava keep her eyes on him. It was just like back home well with a slight twist. Now he also was almost physically unable to take his eyes off her. That hadn't happened to Sterling once in his years of schooling. Was this normal when he hit the age of eleven or was it just Ava? It was a question his mother would ask his father yet Sterling knew he would never talk to either parent about girls or anything important ever. It was just one thing Sterling learned to never do. After his first crush at age seven, he told his mother who told the girl's mother. The whole school found out and Sterling had to live through that, gracefully of course. Never again would he let it slip when something like that came up.

As his brown eyes followed Ava through the goal posts, his body would soon follow. After she finished he let go of the broom and clapped his hands a total of five times. Clap Clap Clap Clap Clap The claps were soft and his smile the same. "Well I think if you want to get in my books as a skillful flyer you are going to have to do much better than that" Sterling said looking away from Ava for just a moment as he tried to get his head in the game.

Leaning forward slightly his broom flew right through every hoop looping in and out just as she did moments before. Now add He thought as he began to circle the post itself as if he was twirling around it. Once his broom became closer to the ground and his head grew slightly ditzy, Sterling pulled up on the handle gently having the broom come up obeying without hesitation.

Without difficulty, Sterling brought the broom back over to where Ava was at the moment flashing her a smile almost to say 'Still just alright? or maybe more of a beat that.'
Ava raised an eyebrow in a challenging way as he said she would have to do better than what she just did. She opened her mouth to say something back to him but was mesmirised at his own 'trick'. It definitley made hers look like a two year old muggle could do it. She coudln't take her eyes off of him again. The way he held his broom, the way his hair blew as he flew, how easy he made it look. She could never get sick of watching that. Though once he returned to her she quickly shut her mouth from its 'O' shape.

She looked at the sky pretending to think and she gave her shoulders a small shrug. "Meh!" Her face still faced the sky but she let her eyes glance towards him, she held back a smile on her face. After a couple of seconds she let it appear. "That was brilliant. I must say I'm impressed." She said flying closer to him while keeping eye contact. She stopped when she was quite close to him not able to take her eyes off him. How perfect he was. How perfect this was. "You're just full of surprises." She said to him in an absent-minded tone.

To stop herself from doing anything stupid Ava quickly leant forward on her broom and flew quite a distance away from Sterling as much as she didn't want to, she knew it was best. She quickly stopped and turned her broom around to face him. "So you can do fancy tricks? How good are you at racing?" She called over to him, her eyes dancing with excitement. She then turned around and sped straight forward wondering how long it would be for Sterling to be right there beside her once more.
Sterling had to admit to himself that he was surprised that Ava wasn't more excited about his trick. In some way he hoped for something, some great reaction, something to let him know that his small attempt at showing off was working, having it's effect on the young girl. His smile decreasing slightly, not because of her in general, but due to her reaction. Soon however when she did seem to be impressed, the smile reappeared his head moving slightly higher in the air, not noticable at all though.

"Well I aim to impress" He said keeping his eyes on her. Not for a second did he want to look away. Not for a second did he plan to. As Ava flew closer to this Slytherin, his heart beat seemed to increase the slightest almost at the pace in which it would be at right before the starting kick off at a game or the coin flip at a football came. Not many girls could kick start, Sterling's heart, yet Ava seemed to have that power. I'm gonna have to watch out for this one He thought finding it a great thing to think about. She didn't seem like every other girl. Ava was different.

A hint of sadness seemed to fill this boy as Ava flew off into the distance, only to be replaced with excitment and a slight competative nature. "Well I guess you are just going to have to find out" Sterling added the smile appearing on his face growing slightly. His body naturally leaned forward and the broom followed the movement with the action that was proper, it flew forward.

It didn't take long to find himself flying right next to Ava, though it did take the reasonable amount of time. Sterling may be a natural on a broom but he wasn't pro. No first year could possibly be that good. Looking over at the girl next to him, Sterling flashed her a smile before pulling only a few inches ahead of her, playfully he wondered if this would be a cat and mouse race. If so it was going to be interesting and well fun. Yes Sterling Staton for the first time in this dreaded place of New Zealand was having fun.
Ava heard his last comment even though she was a bit away from him. A wide smile grew on her face and it didn't seem to stop. Wheter it was because she was with Sterling or it was because she was simply flying- something she loved to do. She secretly thought it was the first one.

Once as Sterling flew up next to her, her own heartbeat sped up quickly out of excitement. She looked over at him to catch his wonderful, heart-melting smile. Stay focused She reminded herself and quickly looked way. She turned her head away from Sterling so he couldn't see the excitement on her face and the blushing of her cheeks.

As Sterling flew away from her just a bit Ava leaned forward on her broom to go that bit further than him. It was both a race and a 'casual fly' that they were doing. Ava had quite a competitive side to her and loved to win but in a way, today, Ava wouldn't mind losing. Not if she got to see a triumphent smile on Sterlings lips, one that would make her feel all giddy and special.
Sterling could barely get his head in what he was doing. His thoughts seemed to be all over the place always focusing their way back not to flying but to Ava, the girl who was right next to him, the girl he seemed to want to pay attention to. How she seemed to mess with his mind. Was this girl trying to? If so, she was suceeding. Trying to bring himself back into the fact that he was now on a broom flying into the air.

His eyes brought this way to looking right in front of him. The quidditch pitch was basically bare besides the two of them. This for some reason gave the whole situation more excitement. Like when you walk into the movie and realize that you are the only one watching this certain movie at this time. Much like being the only one in the middle of the dance floor with your partner. All these situations were perfect. This was one of those situations.

Sterling continued to fly watching Ava forward a little bit. And let the games begin He thought happily leaning forward and going faster than he had expected. Now he found himself a few feet ahead of Ava. This Slytherin turned his head around to see where she was, intentionally slowing down the broom to a less than normal speed just letting her keep up. This was not a race at all yet it was something that at least Sterling was enjoying. At the moment his normal competative nature was not kicking him at all. "Don't fall too far behind" Sterling called from behind joking around.
Ava kept to a slow enough speed when all she wanted to do was to speed around the pitch gleefully smiling, but she had a reputation to keep especially with Sterling. Shortly Sterling caught up with her and flew a good bit away from her. She watched him for a bit, fascinated by him. She pressumed she had some goofy expression on her face but what are the chances of him turning around? She thought to herself before ironically he turned around to her. She instantly snapped out of her daydream and quickly rolled her eyes playfully.

She noticed that he slowed down for her, gentlemen aswell? Ava thought still in shock that this was all happening. Though she picked up her speed quickly to a much, much faster pace. Once she was up beside Sterling again she slowed to his speed, "You don't have to go easy on me just because I'm a girl." She said with a wink, then sped up quickly and flew way ahead of him.
Sterling continued to fly at the slower speed waiting for Ava to catch up. He guessed she wouldn't take too long, at least he hoped not. Something about having her not fly right next to him was something that bothered him slightly. Why did it bother this Slytherin? Actually Sterling didn't understand. He didn't understand much about this whole situation as a whole.

Soon enough, Ava seemed to be flying next to Sterling just enough for her to get her word in. "Oh I would never go easy on you just because you are a girl" Sterling said Maybe for other reasons Sterling thought not wanting to say that aloud. That was all he needed was for Ava to think that he was falling for her. That in his opinon took all the fun out of the guessing part. If both people knew about a crush then the fun disappeared with the first word. This slythering boy loved to amusement and fun in the game and wouldn't wreck it. Plus he wasn't sure if Ava even felt close to the same way.

As Ava flew ahead of him, a wide grin fell into place on this eleven year olds face. Leaning forward, Sterling pushed his broom as fast as it would fly making sure that once he reached Ava he would have a slight chance to show off. Leaning farther in, Stering reached Ava. Doing a small circle around her, almost cutting her off.

Before long he was riding right beside her. "I don't do this often but the finish is right there" He motion at the goal posts that were a few feet away from the two getting closer with each second. "you can cross them first. Just so that you are able to say that you beat the one and only Sterling Staton at a race" He continued of course his voice was not all high and mighty but more a light hearted tone.
Ava kept flying wondering when Sterling would be beside her again. The thought of him beside her made excitement spread through her body. Soon enough, he was, but he circled around her which was a change. It made her slow to a stop, though once he was next to her she continued to fly but at a slow pace. However what he said next caught her off gaurd and it melted her heart. It was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to her. Her cheeks blushed into a violent pink and she smiled widely.

She didn't really know what to say to him, of coarse she loved to win! But today, she didn't. Today she wanted Sterling to be the winner. " tempting as it sounds.." She began slowing to a stop to look at him. "I think I am going to have to give it to you. I mean, what if it came out that you were beaten by a girl?" She said with a small giggle. "I mean, of coarse I would tell everybody that it was a close race and that I let you win but...your dignity is at stake here." She said jokingly still smiling at him. It was like she was uncapable of stopping herself from smiling and blushing today or maybe it was just when she was with Sterling.
When Ava slowed to a stop, Sterling did the same, just hovering in the air for moments as her sweet voice filled this Slytherin boy's ears. The redness in Ava's cheeks only made Sterling smile more. Again he noted that he must be doing something right if Ava continued to blush and smile so much.

This Slytherin was actually quite surprised by Ava at times. He would have thought she would love to fly through the finish line, winning the race with ease. Yet when she decided against it, his eye brows raised slightly. "Oh really my dignity is at stake" Sterling repeated a laugh escaping him.

"Well we can't have my dignity at stake" He continued not knowing if he really wanted to take the lead and cross the line. It really wasn't a race afterall. This was something more of a nice fly since neither of them seemed to be able to get their head in the flying and just the flying. "True that I can't be beaten by a girl and live to tell the tale. My reputation here at Hogwarts would be completely ruined" He added though a playful eye roll occured. Of course, Sterling cared about his reputation and image but he didn't want Ava to think that he cared overly so.

The thought swirled in his mind as he just simply hovered there. Then an idea came to mind. He flew slightly closer to Ava holding onto the broom with one hand. His other hand pointing in the direction of the finish line. "We have a little distance left" He said putting his hand out in her direction as if Ava was expected to take it. "We can cross together. Then there would be a tie and no one has to deal with the loss" He said smiling his charming smile as he awaited Ava to take his hand hoping that she would be able to fly with just one hand. If not this situation may not work out as planned.
Ava nodded still smiling sweetly as he said that he couldn't have his dignity at stake. She was in a way glad that Sterling cared about his reputation and what people thought of him. She hated those who were just shameless in public and apparently 'didn't care what people thought of them'. Usually they just put up that barrier. Coming back to reality Ava continued to listen to Sterling speak, how she loved to listen to him talk. Once he said that they had little distance left Ava nodded and looked at the goalposts. It was true they didn't have much time left in this so call 'race'. When she looked back to Sterling she noticed his hand was out for her to take. She looked at it in disbelief and then looked back up to Sterling who had one of his charming smiles on his face, with this she instantly let her hand fall from her broom and into Sterlings hand.

She couldn't believe this was happening, she was holding Sterling's hand. Sterling's hand. At this stage she didn't care if he felt the same way about her, she was holding his hand! She let her fingers close around the back of his hand and let her eyes slip from their hands to his face. There was nothing else she could do but smile..and blush. Pull yourself together! She told herself, if she hadn't she would have just smiled at him all day. Looking back at the goalposts that weren't that far away she let her smie get a little bigger, "Shall we?" She said letting her eyes drift back to Sterling's.
[Sorry it took so long for me to reply. I had this major college placement essay that I had to do so yeah...I really have to stop waiting until the last minute to do things]

Sterling wanted to let a sigh of relief out of his mouth yet luckily this Slytherin boy was able to contain himself from doing so. However, he did find himself almost a whole level happier now that he felt Ava's hand just touching his. What a perfect idea coming out flying today was. Even this browned eyed boy was surprised at how well things were working out. Potential He thought to himself the smile on his face increasing slightly as he kept his gaze locked on Ava. He wasn't even sure at this moment he would be able to look away.

Keep yourself together He thought almost giving himself the needed advice to bring his brown eyes away from her entrancing ones. "We shall" Sterling stated when she had asked whether they should move. Holding on loosely with his one hand, his other hand was still naturally in Ava's. It was natural, the action, which probably surprised Sterling more than anything yet had this day. Well maybe out of anything...

His brown eyes looked over at Ava for a moment almost to state that he was going to move slightly forward. With a little difficulity he looked forward once more leaning on his broom only enough to go at a decent pace. Neither of them needed to go dreadfully fast for Sterling was actually a tad worried that he would either fall off or have Ava fall off her own broom. That would make these events turn out for the worse. That was not needed and would be more than dreadful.

As Sterling continued to fly side by side, hand in hand, he crossed the goal posts and the so called race was ended. "And no dignity or image was hurt or ruined" Sterling said his eyes looking to meet hers again glancing for a moment at their hands, something he wasn't sure he was able nor wanted to break up.
[Its okay, I was away for the past week anyway ^_^ ]

Ava still couldn't believe all of this. It was one thing having a day alone with Sterling but being alone and holding his hand was something else entirely. Their hands just seemed to fit into each others perfectly like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. She didn't want them to be separated. As Sterlings chocolate brown eyes caught her blue ones she gave a small nod of her head and then in perfect synchronization they flew at a slow pace to the 'finish line'.

Once they were at the goalpost they slowed to a stop and Sterling spoke, Ava let a small- yet pretty- smile slide onto her face, she couldn't speak. She found herself almost incapable of doing so especially at that moment as their eyes met once more. She noticed Sterling looking down at their joined hands. Should I let mine go? Does he want to have his hand back? Thoughts rushed through her head but no matter what they were Ava couldn't seem to bring herself to taking her hand back. It felt so natural in his hand. But what he had last said continued to repeat in her mind. She had a feeling that her dignity would soon be lost if she didn't let his hand go soon. What if she did something very stupid? Is it stupid if it feels right? she asked herself snap out of it! and with that final thought she quickly took her hand away from his and rested it on her broom.

Ava kept her eyes away from Sterling and she looked up at the sky. Grey clouds were beginning to gather. You have got to be kidding me she thought fustratedly, not only had she to let go of Sterlings hand but now rainclouds were gathering. As much as she wanted to look back at Sterling she knew it would just be unbearably embarassing, the fact that she had to let go of Sterlings hand made her feel completely mortified. She kept her gaze low and said in a quiet tone "Um..prehaps we should return to the ground?" Not waiting for his answer Ava flew away from Sterling to the grass. She couldn't believe what she had just done, what other chances would she have of holding his hand and the fact that he didn't immediately let go of hers gave her a bit of hope but she felt she utterly blew it now. Once her sandals touched the grass she slid off her broom and waited for Sterling to land but didn't look up for him, her eyes looked everywhere but him.
The feeling that Sterling recieved just by holding hands with Ava was something completely and entirely new for this Slytherin boy. Yet that unknown feeling disappeared the moment Ava seemed to rip her hand away. Did he hold her hand for too long? Was she on a completely different page than he was? Maybe Ava wasn't even feeling the sam way Sterling was? Maybe she was leading him on. This situation seemed reversed as to what normally happened when this boy met a pretty girl. Somehow actually seeming to like Ava turned the tables right on Sterling. With this being known, or at least thought, Sterling wasn't fond of it at all.

Placing his own hand onto his broom he kept his gaze on Ava for a few moments longer. The what if's and maybe's seem going through his mind as he looked at the girl who for the whole day thought she was going after the same thing. What a fool I was He thought keeping a simple smile on his face, unable to admit defeat. His brown eyes found their way difting to the sky when her voice pointed out a fact. Rain He thought not knowing if that was a good thing or an awful thing at the moment. Something inside Sterling was almost disappointed with the sudden weather change.

Not bothering to look at Ava, Sterling leaned down on his broom bringing him down towards the ground. His landing as had been practiced quite perfect. Putting his broom under his arm, Sterling wondered what to say. Should he tell Ava that they better end this or should he well Sterling wasn't sure. For once Sterling could admit that he wasn't exactly sure. "Well that was enjoyable" Sterling said truthfully. Yet the time was enjoyable it was just as much confusing.

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