🌹 Rose Giving Midday news

Hugo Stark-West

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
11 (12/2046)
Hugo didn’t really have a plan for today. He had so many roses to deliver and only recognised one or two of the names. One of them was Charlie from the newspaper. Which reminded him he needed to swing by the office to put his name next to an article for the semester which he hadn’t done last semester. He decided to make a stop on his way to lunch before he forgot. He opened the door and was surprised to see that he wasn’t the only person there. happy Valentine’s Day charlie he said to the older boy. Glad that was one less person he had to look for.

@Charlie Helkovaara
Charlie was having absolutely no luck today. When he'd been outsed in the arts room and then the lounge, he'd decided to hide in the monthly. Surely no one would find him there. He bit back a sigh when he heard someone else talk to him, turning to the younger boy with a smile. "Happy Valentines, Hugo. What's up?" He asked, doing his best to be friendly despite his irritation.
hugo smiled and looked at the board, which listed who had which articles wondering which he should take. "I came to add my name to the article list." he said, thinking he had an idea of what he was going to write. he had intended to write it last semester but the time had gotten away from him. "but I do have a rose for you" he said putting his bag down so he could get the notes out. He shuffled through them and found the right one and held it out to him along with a yellow rose

Puff boys best roomies ever! Love you bro x Manaia

@Manaia Te Rangi
Charlie had almost let himself relax- talking about the monthly was easy enough. But of course Hugo had to have a rose for him. Charlie took a deep breath. Well, maybe he just needed to go to bed to avoid these deliveries. He forced a smile and took the rose and its note, putting them into his bag. "Thanks, kid," He offered.

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