Oh, The Chaos

Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
It had been a crazy few days back at school, after a calm sorting ceremony something was surely in the water or something, because the kids just seemed to be going crazy, hyperactive. He couldn't believe the amount of chaos there had been. Perhaps Misha just didn't notice it was much, but he was beginning to wonder if every had on mass taken mushrooms or something. He was sitting in the staff room, hoping to escape the chaos which seemed to be found in every area of the school, he knew it was technically his job to be patrolling and making sure the kids were sticking to the rules, but it was just before eight in the morning and he didn't particularly want to do that, instead he just began making a pot of coffee and muttering away about something being in the water, "Insane this lot, just insane" There was nothing else that he could actually say on the matter, these kids, the ones coming in the ones just running all around the school, they were just insane. Something was definitely in the water, perhaps he too should stop drinking the Hogwarts water and bringing his own.
Summers was not looking forward to teaching any classes today. He wanted nothing more than to go home and crawl back into bed with Brodie, spending the morning snuggled up in his arms and sleeping undisturbed for as long as the twins allowed them. Instead, he had an early Transfiguration lesson to take up his time. Yawning, the animagus wandered down the corridor and pushed open the door to the Professor's Common Room. With roughly an hour before he had to start teaching his first years he figured he'd find something to help wake him up. Entering, Aeon noticed Misha already present, and raised his hand in greeting. "G'morning." He said, trying not to sound as sleepy as he felt. He wandered across to the cabinets, opening one door to peer inside. Briefly, he sifted through the assorted boxes. "Do we have any red tea? Surely we do. Elvera is crazy for tea." He asked, before deciding on just switching to coffee instead, since a pot was already made.
Misha glanced round when another professor walked in, Professor Summer's, Aeon, he thought his name was. Misha smiled at him, though not fully awake enough to respond to his morning in anything other than an affirming noise, "I'm sure if you keep looking you'll find some," he put down his own mug of coffee and began to help look for the tea, although the man seemed to have stopped, "Maybe ask her, make a note of it for next time?" he shrugged at the other man, "Although I'd be careful, the kids this year seem a little more chaotic than most others I'm suspecting something in the water," he informed him, though he was sure Aeon taught the younger years anyway so was sure he knew all about that, as well as the fact he was obviously joking. Misha was a little too laid back probably for those years though he taught them, but he just liked his own teaching style, it just didn't suit other people's teaching style.
Cyndi smelled the coffee as she stepped into the room, catching the tail end of what Misha had said. "It's not just the Gryffindors then?" The woman opened cabinets until she found the mug that she preferred, a black one with a chip on the handle. "I want to know what happened to them this winter. They're all so...energetic" she added finally, though she was thinking of another word.
Aeon grinned at Misha's comment, shaking his head. "Let's hope we don't catch it then." he replied, though perhaps the man's theory, despite being in jest, wasn't so far off. Even Aeon had joined in on some of the craziness. The animagus took a sip of his coffee as Cyndi entered the room, and raised his free hand in greeting. "Gryffindors seem to be the majority. Even a Prefect challenged a student to a duel. Or so I heard." He said once he'd lowered his mug, not willing to mention he'd been present during it. He was posing as a student at the time, after all. "But a handful of kids in other houses seem to have caught the crazy too. This is probably going to be one memorable year."
Kalif was not delighted to be back within the school halls, only to endure more and more chaos than anything he had seen since a relative of his was in school, until he expelled her. It had been quiet, and all of a sudden, all hell breaks loose. Shaking his head, he entered the common room, with a glass of ice tea within one hand. He barely heard the topic of the other professors, two of which he taught back in the day. "It is just perfect to come back from my hiatus, to this chaotic mess. By the end of the year, the dungeons and castle will be spotless with what all I plan to do with these kids, if they keep it up." Kalif knew that he was notorious for his ruthless punishments. He already thought about getting rid of one first year already. She was practically in detention for the rest of the year.
Professor Kingsley had just reached for the pot of coffee when she heard Aeon say something about a student challenging a professor to a duel. "What?" she exclaimed. She sighed heavily, pouring herself some coffee. Kalif seemed to have the right idea about it. She'd let her nephew off easy once, but she was pretty done with all of the students and lessons hadn't even begun yet. "Yes, we'll all be busy with monitoring detentions this year" she agreed.
Stood with his coffee he looked to Professor Kingsley whom he'd never really spoken to before, and nodded in his agreement to what she was saying. Misha had to smile at her use of the word energetic rather than anything else, which he might've chosen to, "There is something in the water," he said, shrugging though still obviously joking, though he hadn't heard about the duel, and that was just so surprising to him, at what had these students all grown so bold as that. Aside from the odd incident nothing major had really happened since his arrival at the school. Misha took another sip of his coffee as another professor, Professor Styx entered the room, he smiled in a greeting, though he knew this man would probably never return his smile, "Cleaning the dungeons will certainly keep them busy," he said, "I'm usually a fan of the kids are kids, let them be so method, but with this lot, I don't think that's going to work," he agreed with a small shrug, before taking a further sip of the coffee, "Hopefully once the term is in full swing they'll have so much work to do they'll start behaving,"
Sloane had been sitting at the back of the room when she heard the conversation pick up, so she decided to move closer in order to be a part of it. She looked at Misha as she spoke and fully agreed with him. She was usually much the same, but this year was something else entirely. "Yes. I mean I'm only new, but this seems a bit extreme and I can see from the way you're all talking now that it's not a usual occurrence." She said, leaning against the wall. "There were a couple of kids up at the cliffs earlier that I had to deal with. Two of them were racing up a tree and one fell, badly injuring himself. I don't know what's gotten into them. He could've died."
Kalif made a mental note to himself to make the lessons harder, and the homework nearly impossibly to finish within a week. That would definitely do it. Sipping his tea, he heard another professor say that two ran up a tree, and one fell. 'How tragic that he didn't die,' thought Kalif as he continued to sip his tea. He remained in silence, for now. He was still getting over his hell of a hiatus. Dealing with a wife that didn't deal with grief well was definitely exhausting.
Taking a sip of the coffee which was strong, thankfully, the woman nodded to her female colleague. "Thanks for dealing with my Gryffindors by the way. If I had them in front of me right now, I don't think they'd be seeing thew outside of the castle for the rest of the year" she stated seriously. She was still considering it actually.
Professor Justin Cliffeton was also sitting inside the common room as the Professors spoke, he too had been surprised at the lengths some of the newer first years would go too and how crazy they seemed to be. It was just ridiculous. "It seems to be all of them. You seem to have your work cut out for you with that new girl, hey Kalif?" Justin had heard about it, and he was surprised with how stupid some girl could be. Nobody who talked to Styx like that got away with it.
Sloane nodded at Cyndi as she was thanked for handling the cliff situation. "I'd say it was my pleasure, Cyndi, but it really wasn't." Who knew what could have happened if they hadn't found a nurse on time? "The semester hasn't even started yet and detentions are rampant. I don't even want to think about the state of the house points right now." She said, shaking her head. At Justin's comment, Sloane looked at Kalif. "It seems they all want to wait until they're fifty to Graduate."
Professor Haden wasn't much of a detention giving man, and though they seemed to be threatening the students it didn't seem to be making any difference to them or to the behaviour of the students, largely students didn't misbehave, but they were currently and thus maybe something more had to be done to help actually scare some of the students silly, "Nothing would scare some of these students more than actually threatening to kick them out," he told them, just as an off thought, "I mean some of these kids have parents to impress, others are from muggleborn families, the few would actually risk being kicked out," He had never been that harsh but if they were bad students keeping them till they were fifty wasn't good, you wanted rid of them, "I'd rather remove them from the school than keep them here until they were fifty,"

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