One More Time

Archie Renner

🦁 Gryffindor | Father 🌈
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Archie was evidently more busy this year than in any of his previous years, with the new responsibilities he had in addition to his old ones actively consuming all his time and energy. He wanted to make the most of his final year in school and knew the effort was worth it, but he did need to take a break from it all every now and then for the sake of keeping sane. This usually meant spending time with Orwell or even sitting down quietly to write a letter to his family or friends. Archie had chosen the latter that day, deciding to quickly scribble a letter to his friend, ex quidditch captain, now graduate and professional quidditch player, Jean Snow. The title of professional alone was enough to intimidate Archie away from sending the letter, but his desire to catch up with his friend overcame everything else despite how much he regretted not sending an owl to the older boy earlier. But he figured it was better late than never to catch up with him because he was very curious to how Jean was fairing outside of school and in the professional quidditch league.
Jean Snow said:

LONG TIME NO SEE (or write in this case!)

How have you been? What's it like to play real, grown up quidditch? I bet it's a lot of work but I also bet it's super rewarding! I've considered becoming a pro myself but I don't think I'll be selected like you were because you're so much better than I'll ever be.

Being captain for Gryffindor is super fun by the way! Ailsa and I argue all the time but we're making it work, I promise!

Oh, and before I forget, I was also made a prefect at the beginning of this year. Kingsley must have had no other choice to make me a prefect, because I'm sure she's regretting all the puns I have made (which is only one, but it was a doozy, I assure you).

Anyway, I hope everything is going well with you and I hope you're able to write back soon. Can't wait to hear all about your amazing grown up life!

Archie Renner.
With bruise paste covering his ribs from a bludger shot he'd taken during practice, Jean finally got around to returning Archie's letter. It had sat unopened on his desk long after he'd returned from a small away trip with the team. Jean was having a rough go of things, and he'd been wallowing in his feelings. Finally, he'd opened it, his fears that his friend thought things were going fantastically for him realized as he read. With a bottle of fire whiskey by the parchment, Jean picked up his quill and began to reply, taking a long swig halfway through.

It's great to hear from you, man. I can't believe you're a prefect now. Hanging out around me really rubbed off on you, huh? It can't have been the puns. If you told her anything close to what you told me, I'd be surprised if she let you remain captain let alone given you something else. I joke, of course. You deserve all of it. Who got Head Boy then? Isaiah? Please tell me Brocken got it. It would make my day.

Playing professionally is great. I'll have to send you a few clippings from the local paper so you can see how amazing I'm doing. It's definitely a whole other level of gameplay, but I think you can do it. You're a keeper, after all. How's the team doing?

It was great to hear from you. I'll write more next time. I'm off on a hot date with a redhead.

Sending the note off, Jean winced his way to his feet before shuffling off to the kitchen for another bottle of firewhiskey, trying to not bang into anything and wake up his mother. He didn't want her seeing how drunk he was. Again.
It had taken longer than Archie expected to receive a reply from Jean. He would have worried about the lateness, but quickly brushed it off with the assumption that the untimely response was due to Jean's busy life as a professional quidditch player. Archie endeavored to be more prompt with his own reply and managed to scribble down a letter during the evening of the same day he received the one from Jean. The older boy sounded like he was having fun and Archie was both happy for his friend as he was annoyed that he wasn't having fun alongside him. He honestly missed the amount of fun and silliness they had when they were both in school but avoided mentioning this out of worry he would seem jealous of his friend's success, or even unsupportive of it. When the letter was finished, Archie quickly folded it in an envelope and sent it away, hoping he would receive his next response from Jean in a much more timely manner.
Jean Snow said:

I still don't think I deserve to be a prefect, but I appreciate that you think I do. Someone has to agree it wasn't the worst idea ever!

It was Isaiah who got head boy, and that new transfer Pia who got head girl. You know how biased I am and how much I would have literally died if Orwell got head boy but I do think Isaiah was a good choice. If not only for the puns ;)

Oooh yes, send me the whole newspaper if you want! I want to see how well you're doing so I can be jealous happy for you!

The team is going well, there's a couple of new beaters this year and they're pretty good! We've been practicing a lot and working really hard, though it's yet to show in a game. All the more reason to work harder, I guess?

You better write more and respond quicker next time! It's the worst when you leave me hanging.

All the cuddles,

P.S That redhead better not be cuter than I am!
In spite of Archie's request for him to respond in a faster manner, the letter from his friend sat on his desk at home for weeks, a blank piece of parchment beside it. On Christmas Eve's eve, he noticed it again, and with a sigh sat down. The feeling in his gut was one of shame at forgetting this small task for so long. Really, he wasn't doing anything important enough that he should've delayed this long. And he was growing tired of disappointing people.

Merry Christmas!
I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to write back. I've borrowed my sister's owl which is much faster than the one I used last time. She bites though (figures, right?) , so be careful!

I figured it would be Isaiah, but I'm still disappointed it isn't Orwell. Not sure who Pia is, but if she was picked she must be alright. As for the team, I hope by now you've played your asses off. I have been, but thankfully we're off for holiday. My body needs the break. I have a few broken ribs for Simone to nurse. That's the redhead. She's been fun but definitely not cuter than Fon you. Don't worry.

Archie had waited just as long (if not even longer) for a response from Jean and he begun to question whether or not the boy still wanted to hear from him. It was unlike Archie to be so affected by a late, short response when he was promised one that was longer and more prompt but he simply could not help it on the eve of christmas when his family and friends were on his mind. He had considered sending Jean a small gift earlier on in the holiday season but decided against it because the boy hadn't responded. Archie regretted the decision when a response finally arrived on the windowsill of his dorm room with an energetic looking owl. He opened the letter and responded almost immediately, writing it with Orwell during breakfast, finding one of the small, glittery paper snowflakes he had made and sliding it into the envelope when he sent his response back. A way to hopefully make up for the lack of a better gift and a way to get Jean into the festive spirit, if he wasn't already.
Jean Snow said:

First of all, Merry christmas!

Second of all, this took way too long. Is everything okay with you? or are you just super duper busy? Either way, I'm glad you responded before christmas and that you have a little break. Being a professional quidditch player sounds exhausting!

Orwell's here with me and he told me to tell you that he says hi. He also says you need to write back quicker because he doesn't like when I'm worried. We made paper snowflakes the other day and I've included one in the envelope for you so you have something to remind you of us when you're so far away (and busy, oh my gosh!)

The team has been playing super well! We're still practicing a lot and I'm hopeful we'll win next semester!

Oh, and before I forget. JEAN! I HELPED SOMEONE. One of the new beaters was acting different so I asked what was wrong, and she told me she thought she was gay!! She was super confused and worried about it, so I gave her advice and then she was super grateful!! She's going to the wild patch pride event this year because of me and now she looks much happier! I think this was why Kingsley made me a prefect and I'm super proud of myself and of her for being so honest!!

I hope this Simone person heals your ribs properly! (she doesn't sound cuter than me, so I'm not worried anymore).

Merry christmas again,
Archie and Orwell.
Jean was sitting at his desk, the snowflake that Archie had sent hanging from his window where it caught the best light. It was early morning, and the house was quiet though he was sure that wouldn’t last too much longer. Jean was feeling better than he had in ages.
Hey Archie (and Orwell),

Merry Christmas! Thanks for the snowflake. I’m doing alright fine, no need to worry about me. Professional quidditch is tough, but I love it even if it is incredibly exhausting.

Whoa, that’s great, Archie! I don’t think I did anything anywhere near as good during my time. Really, I have no idea how I made Head Boy. I still think it was because of all the time I spent with Victoire. Too bad you don’t get another year. Maybe you’d have made Head Boy.

I hope you like the gifts! The whistle is for you –this one has phrases programmed into it. Maybe it’ll help you with the Gryffindors. And the seed packs are for Orwell. Hopefully, he doesn’t have those in his garden.

Happy New Year!

Making sure to enclose the gifts in a small box later in the day, Jean tied the letter to it before securing it onto his sister’s owl.
The gifts Archie received in his next Owl from Jean more than made up for the short responses. The whistle brought a smile to his face and instilled a new motivation to use it during practices and games, and Orwell was ever thankful for the seed packs. He waited until he had a quiet moment that evening to write a response that properly thanked the older boy. Scribbling down a quick reply didn't seem appropriate when he thought the next letter he sent to Jean deserved his full, undivided attention. Archie felt disappointed in himself for not thinking of a nicer gift to send his friend besides a glittery, handmade paper snowflake, but tried not to show these feelings in his writing. When the letter was written and safely enclosed in an envelope, Archie went to bed and made sure to send it first thing in the morning.
Jean Snow said:

The gifts are amazing! Thank you! The whistle is so damn cool and Orwell can't wait to plant the seeds. I don't think there's anything he doesn't already have growing in the wild patch but I'll make sure he plants all of them for you! (He will plant them anyway, I'm sure)

It's good to hear you are actually doing fine! The exhaustion sounds tough but I'm sure you can handle it. Keep your eyes on the prize, bro!

I think you were made head boy because you're amazing, so you should never question it. Isaiah seems to be doing a pretty cool job but I don't think I could handle the extra work on top of everything else I need to do! and though I would love that title it wouldn't be a good idea.... too many puns and all that. The professors would hate me even more!

Happy new year to you too! I hope we can meet up to have lunch or ice cream or something, sometime! It would be nice to hang in person again. Orwell can totally join us, too!

Archie xo
Games had begun again, and Jean was hard-pressed for time. He was hardly home, arriving home some nights simply to sleep. Other times, he would stay in a hotel. So, when he received the next owl just before practice was set to begin, it was no wonder when he opened it that it had actually been sent ages ago. It had arrived along with a care package from his mother, so he figured the owl had arrived to his home and she'd sent it along.

Please forgive my late reply. We've had a bunch of away games, and the owl ended up going to my house. My mum sent this on, so it took some extra time.
You're probably right. I don't know if Kingsley would be able to stand you being so punny as Head Boy.

Ice cream sounds pretty good. You'll be graduating before you know it. Maybe I can get you two tickets to come watch a game. I'll let you know.
Alright, practice is about to begin and our coach makes the last person to arrive run It's ridiculous.

Take care! Have a good rest of the school year.

Archie was used to Jean's responses arriving late and didn't even bat an eyelid when that was the case for his next letter. Graduation was looming at that point. Archie had decided to choose Jean as one of his guests, and invite him to one of the bigger graduation parties that were planned. He missed his friend more than he was willing to admit, so he was glad they would be able to spend time together again as adults and catch up without the restriction of school getting in the way. After reading Jean's letter, Archie immediately began to write a response, then sent it a few days later when he had the opportunity and the flower crown he'd made as a birthday gift was finished. It was one of the best flower crowns Archie had ever made, with red roses as the main feature, and baby's breath as an accent. He hoped Jean would enjoy the crown and couldn't wait to see what his next response would be.
Jean Snow said:

I have so many things to say to you, but first of all, happy birthday!! You're so old I can't even deal.

That flower crown is a gift I made for you. Orwell charmed it so it won't wilt which means you can wear it forever!

Second of all, I'm graduating soon and you're one of my guests. You don't need to wear your flower crown but there wouldn't be any complaints from me if you did. Orwell wants you to be there too so you better show up or we'll both be really sad.

Lastly, there's this huge graduation party that my friends are hosting and you're totally invited, okay? It should be lots of fun and there's going to be lots of drinks which I'm excited for 'cause I'm 18 and actually allowed to drink now!! We can have a shot contest which will be amazing because I already know I'm going to win.

Can't wait to see you at graduation!!

Archie xx

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