Open Topics to Jump Into

Amber Chou Wilson

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Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core

Looking for an open RP to jump into?

Check the Open RPs Search Forum for a full list! :)

So this is an idea I had a while ago, based on a similar topic I've seen on another RP forum. I really love open topics and spontaneous interactions with unplanned ideas, they are some of my favorite RPs! But I feel like sometimes open topics go unnoticed and people miss out. I also notice I find it hard to make roleplays with specific ideas in mind without planning in advance (like, for example if I wanted someone to run into a boy and be embarrassed about it, I would feel like the easiest way to achieve that would be to ask someone with a boy the right age, removing the spontaneity I like so much about open RPs) But often for little unspecific ideas or open topics you already made, a plot development topic seems a little excessive. Which is why I thought this topic was a good idea.

The idea is that you can fill in the form in this post to show people you have an open topic and invite anyone to join! If you have specific wishes for the topic (like, for example: only students of a certain house) you can list that too. I think this works really well for big open topics as well. Like the end a feast or a house meeting. If you have your character do something that can affect someone else, you can also post here. (For example: My character accidentally hit someone at their house table with some food during a feast, I can post here looking for someone to be the victim of that :p )
Name of RP + Link:
Character(s) in RP:
Brief overview:
</i>[b]Name of RP + Link:
Character(s) in RP:
Brief overview:
Additional information:[/b]

I hope this will encourage more people to join open topics! I'll list a few of my own to get us started:

Name of RP Link: The Last One Standing - x
Character(s) in RP: Alice Holland, Emily Madison
Brief overview: Two young soon-to-be students meet at Tākarokaro Park
Additional information: This is a bit of an older topic, so it's set before the brightstone weekend. For sake of consistency, please only join with non-hnz-student characters.

Name of RP + Link: Have You Heard the News? - x
Character(s) in RP: Holland sisters, Harley Tsuji
Brief overview: Rose finds out her mother is in the running for Minister and loudly shares the news.
Additional information: Any Gryffindors can overhear (or others can check out the commotion!)

Name of RP + Link: Setting New Goals - x
Character(s) in RP: Tristan Collins
Brief overview: Tristan is waiting for someone to show up, but will she?
Additional information: Anyone can join this!
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I love this so much! Definitely helps to be able to see it like this.

Name of RP + Link: Happy New Year! - x
Character(s) in RP: Various
Brief overview: Geo hosted a NYE party
Additional information: Geo started a NYE party back in January which is still ongoing. It's a bit quiet now but I do still have plans for what happens at midnight, so if anyone else wants to join who was at the castle over the holidays they're welcome to!

Name of RP + Link: Collapse - x
Character(s) in RP: Various
Brief overview: Monty has collapsed in the hall..
Additional information: I'm just going to put this here because I think it would still be hilarious if some poor unfortunate soul wandering through got hit by Professor Kingsley's summoned towel :r
Aaaaah this is a really good idea! It's so useful to have open threads laid out like this :)

Name of RP + Link: Keys
Character(s) in RP: Edmund Westwick
Brief overview: Edmund is taking a rare moment away from his twin to enjoy the only passion he has that the two of them don't share.
Additional information: Anyone is welcome to join :)
Name of RP + Link: On The Move
Character(s) in RP: Jasmine Wolfe, Athena Rey Martinez, Antonio Rey Martinez and Grayson Wolfe
Brief overview: Both sets of twins decide to get out of the castle to share in an adventure. Naturally they pay the Forbidden Forest a visit.
Additional information: Anyone at all can join ^_^

Name of RP + Link: Hip Hopping to LA
Character(s) in RP: Rainey Audelia, Caspian Lavish
Brief overview: Rainey is in LA with her parents who are looking for a new dance school for her when she bumps into Caspian. Rainey decides that it would be more fun to run off with her new friend than wait round for her parents.
Additional information: Any unsorted's who are living on the West Coast of America!
Name of RP + Link: Campaign Trail: Flyers x
Character(s) in RP: Claudia Holland, James Holland, Colin Marsh
Brief overview: Claudia is distributing campaign flyers, come see what her standpoints are in this election!
Additional information: Anyone able to post there can join! This is set during the school year so students can't, but there will be another topic during the holidays ^_^
Love this idea, I think it’ll help a lot! :D

Name of RP + Link: My Doppelgänger
Character(s) in RP: Sam Mackintosh and Analei Louw
Brief overview: Sam plans to study for the day, and it appears that someone has the same idea, only, the two girls do a double take when they realise they look just like each other.
Additional information: Any student can join! :)
This is a really good idea! Thanks Daphne :D

Name of RP + Link: The Things You Need to Know
Character(s) in RP: Hayley Elridge
Brief overview: Hayley does some research about the magical world.
Additional information: I'm thinking this could be a good topic for any characters who want to talk about the revolution, whether they like the idea or hate it. Anyone's welcome :)
Name of RP + Link: Campaign Rps - x x
Character(s) in RP: Dymetris Kozlov
Brief overview: Just Dymetris and his 'team' handing out flyers and open for discussions. Either supporters and those oppose to him. Anyone welcome, really.
Additional information: Literally anyone can join. If you don't understand his message, even better. I want him to really be challenged.
Name of RP + Link: Bitterly Alone
Character(s) in RP: Indiana Night and Zachery Evans
Brief overview: Indiana heads to the Leaky Cauldron for dinner thinking she was alone in the world when her teammate also pops in for dinner and joins her.
Additional information: Open for anyone, maybe fans of the NZ team want to stop for autographs that'd be funny, others interested in Indiana are also welcome. Anyone wanting to stir up trouble too, media loves to gossip about the Nights :r
Name of RP + Link: On Enemy Lines
Character(s) in RP: Just Jessica Park so far :p
Brief overview: One of the Beauxbatons captains is throwing a small celebration of their win & hopes the HNZ kids aren't too salty to join :p (or maybe they are who knows what could happen :r )
Additional information: The BB kids will be visiting for a week! And have access to post on school grounds up until exams start so please take advantage of this limited time ^_^
Name of RP + Link: Seconds from My Heart x
Character(s) in RP: Tristan Collins, Ares Jeffreys
Brief overview: Tristan just got rejected, and everyone rejoiced
Additional information: Just posting it here in case any Hufflepuffs want to notice and/or react to make his embarrassment worse xD
Name of RP + Link:Lies May Be Okay -->
Character(s) in RP: Kishen Tiwari (Hilton Tiwari's little brother)
Brief overview: Kishen can't believe that he is a wizard and that his one and only sister lied to him about it.
Additional information: Adults and unsorted are fine! It'd be cool if one of the candidates found him wandering around. :r
Name of RP + Link: Worrying (
Character(s) in RP: Right now the siblings Sofia Rosenberg and Gabriel Rosenberg.
Brief Overview: Sofia wants to speak with Gabriel about being a part of the Quidditch Team and playing.
She doesn't like it, and thinks the sport is dangerous. They meet up in the Courtyard
Additional information: Anyone is welcome to join! Perhaps people who agree with Sofia or just disagree and overhear them or know them already. A discussion about Quidditch is something that can happen.
Name of RP + Link: Exciting Opportunities x
Character(s) in RP: Abian Hunter
Brief overview: Abian discovers what could possibly be magical ice cream while school supply shopping
Additional information: I'd like him to meet some other upcoming firsties, or maybe current first/second years ^_^
Name of RP + Link: Room to Grow X
Character(s) in RP: Currently just Geo
Brief overview: Geo is sat in the library after putting out notes and posters at the beginning of the new term, for any first year who is currently overwhelmed and any first to third year who may need any help in their classes or getting to grips with the new term.
Additional information: New firsties to fourth years welcome, Geo would love to get to know the new students!
Name of RP + Link: The Ones Left Behind
Character(s) in RP: Madeline and Sebastian Kaimarama
Brief overview: The younger Kaimarama siblings talk about how life will change now their big brother has left for Hogwarts
Additional information: This is set after the Hogwarts Express has left, so it's only for those who aren't going to school this IC year. It's a bit sad at the moment, and I'd really like these two to meet some new people and be less sad.
Name of RP + Link: Celebrating the end of yet another year +
Character(s) in RP: Elizabeth Chatwin
Brief overview: The year is over and Elly wants to celebrate the fact that everyone went through without a lot of hassle :p
Additional information:
Name of RP + Link: Practice Makes Perfect
Character(s) in RP: Tomas Wode
Brief overview: An early morning practice before the day officially begins
Additional information: Set in the new school year
Name of RP + Link: Preperations
Character(s) in RP: Gabriella Davenport
Brief overview: Gabriella is in Obsidian Harbour to prepare herself for the next year.
Additional information: Everyone is welcome. I would love people from Gabriella her year, but others is fine too.
Name of RP + Link: I owe you
Character(s) in RP: Just Geo right now
Brief overview: She is just browsing in the Menagerie (She works there but is currently on a break). If anyone wants to talk to her outside of school, about either the stock or school or just chat in general, she is free :3
Additional information: Open to anyoneeee
Name of RP + Link: Party Hard x
Character(s) in RP: ..uh, Everyone xD but this focuses on Odette
Brief overview: Odette just ran into someone in her haste to get away, who? Up to you! I'm looking for someone to be that person :r
Additional information: It can be anyone at the party :D (as long as it makes sense, so not anyone outside xD )
Name of RP + Link: Oh that's high x
Character(s) in RP: Elio Zephyr
Brief overview: Elio is just exploring the castle after the sorting ceremony, and he's finding out about his fear of heights properly.
Additional information: Anyone can joinnn! I'd love for him to meet some of his new classmates but older students are good too.

Name of RP + Link: Bros before unpacking x
Character(s) in RP: Elio Zephyr
Brief overview: Who has time to unpack?
Additional information: For any new Gryffindor boys ;D
No!: Here
Character(s) in RP: Just Avaria right now. I accidentally posted it under Sapph but she is not part of this RP
Brief overview: Avaria has just been sorted and her best friend has been sorted into a different house.
Notes: Someone comfort my little mouse please
Name of RP + Link: Back At It Again
Character(s) in RP: Therese Rosenberg
Brief overview: Therese arrives at the 4th years girlbedroom and starts unpacking her stuff.
Additional information: Every 4th year Hufflepuff can join! ( Or a boy who steps in the wrong room?!)
Name of RP + Link: Guided Tour
Character(s) in RP: Kauri Tipene
Brief overview: Kauri's annual effort to help first years get acclimated is back! He's got a big sign and he's ready to make sure no firsties wind up at the wrong classroom by accident this year!
Additional information: All first years are super welcome to join at any point!

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