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Andromeda Fiorelli

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Cherry/Maple Wand 13 1/4" Essence of a Dragon's Heartstring; 10 1/2" 4wood mix - unicorn hair core

Andromeda Fiorelli - DE in training / werewolf / biatch / murderer
was last seen taking her training with the Zhefarovich family:
This is mainly for Kaitlyn and Danielle as to whether you have any ideas as to how far her training as been going etc and/ or if you wanted to continue in this regard.

Where her possible love interest lies --- Amanda - we'll have to do some plottage to get the two back to meeting again.
Think it's probably best that we leave it that they haven't met again since that fateful meeting ^_^

Sakura Gemini - only one to rp with here lol
Nicolas :p

Trilby and Amzurah will be making a return visit - one has to run the Hogshead after all
so Danielle and Cyndi if you both still wanted to have something to do with these characters ... just nudge me and we can sort some plottage out ^_^

For now this is all I'm bringing back but feel free to godmode those that you've all got relationships with. :r
Don't you mean Jessye and not Danielle? xD
I think her training has been going well, and Hadan probably helps brew her wolfsbane potion. But I don't see why they wouldn't let her out and into the world from time to time.
I don't mind continuing with her training in the Zhefarovich family. ^_^
Good to be back at HNZ again too. Lol. I just got back as well and slowly getting back into the groove of things. Maybe Andy and Selwin can RP? Both are DE's. Since Andy and Selwin are around the same age, maybe they can have some sort of 'thing' going on. By 'thing', I don't mean like a relationship or anything. I mean like both see each other as powerful individuals who want more power, and so, both train together, work hard to climb each ladder and try to beat one to the finish, sort of thing. Lol. I have a few other ideas in mind, so let me know what you have in mind.

We can also do Hamza and Sureya if you're still active on her. Lol.
I have Maya DeNiro, an undercover Auror for Andy :p She can keep a tab on Andy, or start too :3 Doesn't mean they have to rp directly all the time, but a few encounter would be fun. Let me know :)
I think that Caysi and Sakura need to have a RP soontimes. It's been 7 years ( HNZ time) that they haven't seen eachother!
Kiera said:
Oooh me me pick me!!

I miss muh wolfie!

I would like to have an rp with Andy. 'Course I'm not so sure how that would work out but Kiera's been worrying about Andromeda :(

Awww Kaitlin - I seriously don't think Andy will have missed her old friends at all - especially with being in the clutches of the Zhefarovich's getting trained up to be a deadly DE ;)
perhaps on one of the rare times that they leave her out but she did murder someone and leave another guy in the hospital permanently, so she will be in hiding. :erm:
maybe a wee polyjuice but even though Kiera won't recognise Andy like that, perhaps Andy is the one who recognises her and blurts her name out in passing.
She won't be able to give away who she is but that might be fun in trying to explain how she knows her.

Hadan said:
Don't you mean Jessye and not Danielle? xD
I think her training has been going well, and Hadan probably helps brew her wolfsbane potion. But I don't see why they wouldn't let her out and into the world from time to time.
I don't mind continuing with her training in the Zhefarovich family. ^_^

*facepalm* crikey yep thanks Kaitlyn ... I did mean Jessye :doh:
training to be continued then -- brilliant ;)
did you want to do an rp with Hades and Hadan with Andy?

Selwin said:
Good to be back at HNZ again too. Lol. I just got back as well and slowly getting back into the groove of things. Maybe Andy and Selwin can RP? Both are DE's. Since Andy and Selwin are around the same age, maybe they can have some sort of 'thing' going on. By 'thing', I don't mean like a relationship or anything. I mean like both see each other as powerful individuals who want more power, and so, both train together, work hard to climb each ladder and try to beat one to the finish, sort of thing. Lol. I have a few other ideas in mind, so let me know what you have in mind.

We can also do Hamza and Sureya if you're still active on her. Lol.

Aww didn't know you had left, so welcome back too Hamza. Absolutely ... we can set up some sort of 'test' mission that they've been sent on. Haven't anything in mind myself, it'll probably take me another bit just to get into the swing of plotting again :doh:
Won't be pulling Sureya out of the closet for another bit, my time is very limited so have only decided to do a small handful to kick start me. Otherwise I'll only feel bogged down and under pressure and as I'll only be on every other day... it wouldn't be fair on those I rp with to be left waiting.

Jaden said:
I have Maya DeNiro, an undercover Auror for Andy She can keep a tab on Andy, or start too :3 Doesn't mean they have to rp directly all the time, but a few encounter would be fun. Let me know.

Madz -- Well this should be fun :p
Andy already has Moko and Gaston from the Regulation for Magical Creatures Department after her (sort of) so perhaps they can team up in their move to get her ;)
We can work something out perhaps but will need to see if Pat is okay with Gaston coming back on board. :)

Caysi said:
I think that Caysi and Sakura need to have a RP soontimes. It's been 7 years ( HNZ time) that they haven't seen each other!

Really it's been that long? :o
Caysi will have to get an invite to the wedding ... if it ever gets pulled off xD
Yay! You're here!
I would have missed this if I hadn't checked it just now. (Just started a course, so I've been trying to sneak in computer time in the evenings. It's going quite well, if I must say XD).
-wibble- You ain't bringing on any of the charries we got pairings with? I shall have to make do with your company.
I tell you what though, if you got a few moments spare I can offer a fairly good range of characters for them, despite having culled back a few. Bounty Hunter? Wild-man/Lion Animagus? Maybe even a Snow? Another Death Eater? Ooh, the possibilities are endless...
Oh man! Maybe they can have a rp talking about the wedding? And informing each other on what happened in their lives during those years :p
Andromeda Fiorelli said:
Jaden said:
I have Maya DeNiro, an undercover Auror for Andy She can keep a tab on Andy, or start too :3 Doesn't mean they have to rp directly all the time, but a few encounter would be fun. Let me know.

Madz -- Well this should be fun :p
Andy already has Moko and Gaston from the Regulation for Magical Creatures Department after her (sort of) so perhaps they can team up in their move to get her ;)
We can work something out perhaps but will need to see if Pat is okay with Gaston coming back on board. :)
Um, hell yeah xD Gaston's missed his Moko :wub:
Linda said:
*facepalm* crikey yep thanks Kaitlyn ... I did mean Jessye
training to be continued then -- brilliant
did you want to do an rp with Hades and Hadan with Andy?
Haha, Danielle is her charrie. ;)
As long as no Auror will be able to track Andy being with the Z family, I'm good, cause they have enough on their plates right now.
Not entirely sure with Hades being there, but I think it could be arranged, him training Hadan and Andy, maybe a rouge DE of mine taking over training in what Hades cannot do, whatevs. Just whatever you are up for. :lol:
All I can say is you better be glad Andy's been in hiding and doesn't get out much because Kat would whoop her arse from here to next year.
I swear I typed out a response to you but I guess it didn't post....

I think that its a fabulous idea and sounds like lots of fun!! Only thing is that Andy would have to say something else to her besides just her name. Kiera is used to people recognizing her since she married James and since she became a famous Quidditch player.
Maybe Kat could be with Kiera as well :r
Sounds good Linda! ^_^

Would you like me to setup the topic or would you like to?
Patricia Styx said:
Andromeda Fiorelli said:
Jaden said:
I have Maya DeNiro, an undercover Auror for Andy She can keep a tab on Andy, or start too :3 Doesn't mean they have to rp directly all the time, but a few encounter would be fun. Let me know.

Madz -- Well this should be fun :p
Andy already has Moko and Gaston from the Regulation for Magical Creatures Department after her (sort of) so perhaps they can team up in their move to get her ;)
We can work something out perhaps but will need to see if Pat is okay with Gaston coming back on board. :)
Um, hell yeah xD Gaston's missed his Moko :wub:
That sounds great, just let me know details over pm. Thanks :)
:hug: KR I wish I had moments to spare I really do - it's why I haven't put any of our characters back up yet or many others for that matter. My time is limited and even with the few rp's that I am attempting to get going, I fear I'll be limited in my posting to them as well. sucks I know but there it is. Perhaps get your DE involved with the roleplay with Andy and Hamza's DE ?? not sure otherwise.

Caysi - I might end up struggling to post in that type of roleplay and it's not something I really want to do. I really thought my time was freer but it's not so am going to have to be strict about the roleplays I have my characters doing. Time being of the essence etc.

Pats: Moko has missed her Gaston - enough said xD

Kaitlyn: Andy will be under the influence of polyjuice potion so she's not going to be tracked very well at all ;) and no auror or any other ministry official will track her anywhere near the Z family ;) They don't even suspect her as it is but will be weary that a registered WW is off the radar.

Am going to have her meet up with Dorian first I think, it's been a while since I roleplayed with her and I am actually very nervous. Sounds silly I know but I love her to bits.

We might put the breaks on the Kiera meeting her for now --- not sure how it would genuinely play out and if she's been trained by the Z family and is under the polyjuice potion she's unlikely to make a silly slip up of letting Kiera or any one else from her past know who she is. With my time being ridiculously limited I just don't want to restrict anyone to roleplays with me and not be able to post to them as often as they would other wise like me too.

Hamza - think the DE in training has us covered ;)

Madz - I really did think my time had cooled considerably but I seem to be repeating myself a little and hate doing that. I won't be doing this rp just yet but that does not mean that I won't be doing it. I need to get stories organised and structured for what's been happening in Andy's life and such first and foremost. So any side story with ministry members will have to wait I'm afraid.

Hope I haven't alienated any of you with this.
But it's been over a week nearly since I was able to get on last and though I should be good to come on again in the next few days, that doesn't mean every week will be like that. It could be a post a week by the way some of my schedules are mapped out. I don't like having people waiting on me or logging in to be flooded by pm's nudging me to post. This is why I am only starting with the smallest of roleplays and rping with those I know for now won't mind my irregular posting.
Real life comes first after all.

LINDA :hug:
So I saw that you had Saks and Is roleplaying and was wondering if you were making Isabella active again because I had an idea for her and Nina? Basically, Nina is now a mother of a little girl named Isadora, click the link in my siggy to see her. So I'm thinking that maybe she and Dory go into the Leaky and Issy gets all sad about Cassie and Nina doesn't get why because she didn't know about anything. So she thinks that Issy is just being a bit of a butt face? IDK... it sucks.
Hi Alexis - for now she was only being used to help Sakura's plot along though she will be coming out again in her own right I'm sure at some point, as will others. My time just has to free itself up a lot more first. I hate not being able to commit to more plots but I seriously don't want to leave people hanging in the lurch again. :(
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