Closed Reading

Valerius Bianchi

Spoiled- Entitled- Valerius- Too Good For You
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Not Looking)
Curved 17 Inch Unyielding Birch Wand with Erumpent Hide Core
4/15/2044 (17)
Valerius had sent Blair a note, asking to meet up if she was free. He wasn't sure if she would show up, but with her upcoming graduation it would probably be more logical to try and strengthen their bond before she left. For now, he had settled under a tree, enjoying the sun as he flipped through a novel. He'd been reading a bit more, finding he enjoyed John Grisham novels. He sipped his water, content in the moment.
Blair was planning on spending some time dancing to get ready for the academy. Yet, when she got the note from Valerius, it was more than enough for her to drop everything to spend time with her little brother. She changed from her pyjamas and went all the down to the great lawn and found Val. "Hey bookworm, how are you? How is the book?" of course, bookworm was purely for fun as Blair read and mostly, the people that she was close with, liked to read.
Valerius bit back a sigh as Blair arrived, placing his bookmark between the pages of the novel and shutting it. "Must you call me names?" He counted in a somewhat exasperated tone. He scooted over, making room for Blair to sit with him. "I trust I'm not keeping you from anything." He offered, giving her a small smile.
Blair laughed at his question. "Oh, absolutely, sweetheart!" she insisted on calling names, she always did that, it was sort of her thing with Valerius. She jumped over the coach and took a seat next to her brother. "You could never. So, what's on your mind?" Blair put her head on his shoulder. She had always found herself willing to be close to Val, yet, he always seemed not overly eager about it.
Valerius rolled his eyes, shaking at his head. She was definitely stubborn. "Nothing, really," He replied easily. "I was just thinking that since you're graduating soon, if we were going to hang out we should do it sooner rather than later." He explained. "Give you one last chance to drive me crazy before you leave." He joked, giving her a half smile.
Blair's face broke into a grateful smile. It felt unreal that Val wanted to spend some time with her, it was what she wanted all along since they met. "Oh, love that!" She excitedly smiled as she looked up to him from his shoulder. "Tell me about your school life. I always see you but I know nothing. Aine, right? Who is she? What's up between you two?" Blair wasn't much older when their dad asked her the same question about Branson, and even if back then she said that he was her best friend, he turned out to be her boyfriend later on. So maybe it would be the case with Valerius too.
Valerius rolled his eyes at her enthusiasm. "She's my friend and classmate," He told her simply. "She takes too many classes and she gets caught up in her own head, but she has the most fascinating views on the world. She likes to go on and on about the most interesting things." He smiled softly. "My closest friends are probably her and Dahlia Doherty. You met her, she went with us the last time we were out of the country."

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