Open Romantic Reds

Poppy Perkins

chronically enthusiastic🌼 illustrator 🌼'56 grad
OOC First Name
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Knotted 12 Inch Sturdy Vine Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
03/2038 (23)
(Red rose, open after @Charlotte Harper )

Poppy grew a little nervous as she approached the Slytherin table. She had never met Charlotte before and wasn't really sure where to begin. She approached one of the older girls at the table and decided she had to start somewhere. "Are you Charlotte Harper?" she asked, and they said. "Oh sorry." she said sheepishly and moved on to the next girl she thought might be the one she was looking for but they also said no. Poppy tired a couple more times but it was clear this was not good plan. So she decided to just shout and hope for the best. "Charlotte Harper! I have roses for you!" she announced with her hands cupped around her mouth, and waited for the right girl to make herself known.
Charlotte was over the moon in this period. She remembered last time she got roses from Simon and she didn't excpect this time again, but she would be happy if things were like that. She wasn't from the rose giving she had something else in mind for him. Something nice and more worth than flowers. The blonde was busy with her breakfast and tried to ignore the irritated students at the table. Her book opening to study some bit between breakfast. Than she heard her name getting called a bit further at the table. And put down her book. '' Here! I'm here.'' She than said with a big smile. The word roses sounded good.
Poppy sighed in relief when someone, a blonde girl, replied. “Oh hello, glad I was able to find you!” she said earnestly as she made her way towards the other girl. Poppy checked the list twice to make sure she read it right before handing over two red roses. “Looks like someone really likes you.” she said playfully, and handed over the note as well. Getting one red rose seemed nice, but to have two sent seemed even more romantic.
To being my valentine,
The girl spoke to her and Charlotte waited. She than noticed two red roses and the smile grew bigger. This only could be from one person. She smiled to the girl in her happy mood it was all fine now. '' I know. I know.'' She than said confident. And took the roses and note from the girl. A short but sweet messenge from Simon. Her two red roses were there and she would take care of them ofcourse. '' Thank you.'' The girl said shortly.

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