🌹 Rose Giving Second of the Day

Anisha Khatri

Competitive | Snarky | Bookworm | 5th year
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 11 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Veela Hair Core
4/2046 (15)
Yellow rose for @Marley Owens-Lee

After her first rose, Anisha wasn't done yet at the Hufflepuff table. She walked away from Callie and glanced around the table. She thought she maybe knew Marley by sight if she tried, but she wasn't sure. Was she the loud girl a little older than her? No, that was Marnie. Right? In the end, Anisha decided shouting was the most effective method. "Is there a Marley here? Marley Owens-Lee?" She called loudly.
After Marley had received her first rose of the day, the Hufflepuff girl had decided to make her way to the great hall to grab a bite to eat. She was halfway through eating her sandwich when she had heard her name being called out. Marley smiled happily and waved towards where she had heard her name being called out. "That's me! I'm Marley!"
Anisha grinned in triumph when the girl she was looking for called out to her, she headed over to Marley and picked out her rose. "Awesome, here you go." She said, handing her the yellow rose.

Happy Valentine’s day! You’re such a cool friend.

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