Slowing Down a Little

Demetrius Wagner

7th Year | Rich kid | Not-so Stand-offish
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Straight 10 1/2 Inch Whippy Larch Wand with Vampire Blood Core
I've been debating making a post for this because on one hand, it isn't really an absence per say but at the same time I think it's a bit obvious to people I've been doing threads with that I'm much slower than usual. I just wanted to address that, and I know, real life comes first, but it just feels polite for some reason to elaborate.

I'm currently going through a depressive episode, which isn't something unusual for me, but basically it just makes everything harder. I have support, ect. so there's nothing to worry about on that front but it is something that's slowing me down. I also have exams coming up in less than a month for university so my priority at the moment is there. I'm still going to be committed to the things that I see as more of a commitment - eg, I'm still going to try keep up things for my professor role, I'll still do the rose-giving threads assigned to Lucy, and when quidditch comes up I'll be onto that but other things will probably fall to the wayside. Hopefully once I'm on break I'll feel better and have more time and motivation for HNZ but as it is, it is what it is.
Look after yourself! I hope everything goes well with your exams and that you take some time to be kind to yourself and do nice things for you. Feel free to send me a PM if you ever want to chat!
Take care of yourself Sarah and good luck for your exams!
Love you babyboots, glad you're taking time to take care of yourself and hope things go well with exams :console:
Take care of yourself. Mental Health is most important, and whenever you need someone we are here! :hug:

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