Slytherin Quidditch Practice Y43 S2

Celia Vuong

all the world's a stage
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 11.5'' Sturdy Elm Wand with Meteorite Dust Core

After their humiliating loss against Hufflepuff, Celia had considered giving up. Not quitting — she would never do that — but simply giving up on the team. The Quidditch Cup was pretty much gone, and she would probably be better off focusing on her own performance, rather than developing the team as a whole. At least that way she could potentially earn herself some individual glory. The only thing stopping Celia from going this route was that she refused to go down in history as the captain who'd led Slytherin to its first last place finish in more than a decade. No, this year, they were going to end up in second (or third) place or die trying.

True to this mindset, Celia had scheduled a practice on the first day of the semester. It was swelteringly hot, and the humidity made the air feel like soup. Occasionally, there was a pitiful breeze that died as soon as it began — as if the winds had simply given up under the oppressive sun. On the edge of the pitch, Celia had set up a table with a water cooler and paper cups. Next to the table were four life-sized dummies that she'd borrowed from the Duelling Chamber and dressed in Ravenclaw Quidditch robes.

"Listen up!" Celia called once everyone had finally arrived. "Our next game is against Ravenclaw, and we need to score at least 170 points if we want even a shot at second place. Ravenclaw's chasers are good, so Indi, Natalia, Atlas, Lennox — I want you guys practicing steals today. You'll need to be aggressive during the actual match." Celia glanced at the rest of the group. "We're also going to have these dueling practice dummies in the air with us today," she said, gesturing towards the mannequins. "As you all know, there are normally 14 players on the pitch, so these dummies will be flying around. Your job is to avoid them. Seamus, Mischa — I know they're wearing Ravenclaw robes, but don't bother aiming for them. You're not going to impress me by hitting a literal dummy." Hopefully, this would make their job harder since they had to avoid hitting the dummies while targeting the other players.

Celia paused to make sure everyone understood what was happening. (And if they didn't, well, they would learn quickly once one of the dummies careened into their flight path.) "Alright, now get in the air!" Celia blew her whistle, released the Quidditch balls, and watched her teammates fly off. She then tapped each of the mannequins with her wand, activating the enchantment that Professor Corrins had placed on them earlier that day. The dummies took off, and Celia pocketed her wand, grabbed her bat, and followed them into the sky.

OOCOut of Character:

No arrivals, practice starts now! There are four life-sized practice dummies flying around in random patterns, so good luck. Feel free to interact with and godmod them :D

(Godmod of Professor Corrins approved by Jess)
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Indi gave Celia a skeptical look as she took her place among her teammates and saw they weren't alone. She felt oddly protective over the dummies since they were usually used for dueling practice but her attention was pulled from them when she heard her name. Scoring over 100 points didn't sound too hard, at least when the seekers weren't psychic and catching the snitch almost immediately. Finally they were in the air and she grabbed the quaffle. They were supposed to practice stealing but she wasn't about to let anyone get the drop on her and she held it tight against her side.
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It was a little creepy seeing the dummies flying around, but at least the charm was working properly. Celia took off after a bludger and slammed it towards Ivelisse, clicking her tongue in annoyance when she missed.
It was a strange start to the practice, seeing a small group of dummies huddled around. Avery had to wonder what they were for, and if Celia had gone to lengths to transfigure some of the Ravenclaw players. Or created a cursed facsimile of some of its members. Any questions about them were soon answered, and Avery nodded to himself. Practices were a lot more ambitious this year, and he enjoyed that fact. He also enjoyed the potential cover from bludgers these dummies provided. He took to the sky, immediately beginning his search of the snitch.
Mish was a little disappointed they had lost the first game. Not that it was his fault, he hadn't even gotten to play. But he was determined still to prove himself, eagerly hopping into the air. Jt didn't take him lomg to find a bludger, trying to slug it right aglt the seeker, but groaned when it swerved off course and went for @Celia Vuong instead. Not the best start.

bludger hits said:
Celia x 1
Avery looked around the sky, the additional bodies quickly becoming more of a hindrance than a boon in his search.
Looking around for another bludger, Mischa quickly zeroed in, swerving around the dummies and whacking it successfully towards @Ivelisse Burleigh

bludger hits said:
Celia x1
Ivelisse x 1
The dummies were a little distracting as he flew into the air and began searching for a bludger.
Lennox was not impressed with this weather today for the Quidditch practice. What was even the point? She was going to mess up her hair for nothing. She doubted she would ever even get to play in a game. But Lennox was not one to quit. She arrived on the Quidditch Pitch barely listening to the captain. Something about dummies in the air. Lennox looked up and saw them. Now that was something she had not expected. Easily ignored, or so she thought. Lennox mounted her broom and flew up into the air. She followed Indi who had grabbed the quaffle first, in hopes of stealing it form her.
There was a lot to keep track of, and Celia didn't notice the bludger until it was too late. She grimaced as it slammed into her and traced its path to Mischa, who had already moved on to his next target. Impressive. Celia glanced at Seamus before flying after a bludger.
Lennox was not playing nice today. Not that she ever really cared to. She noticed Indi had the quaffle too long. She flew up and as gracefully as she could, which wasn't easy in this sport, grabbed the quaffle. She had managed to steal it. She smirked as she made her way towards the goal. The captain wanted stealing, Lennox planned to do just that.
Feeling quite confident after two hits in a row, Mish went searching for his third hoping he could make it another good one.
Ivelisse had almost debated not attending practice today but she was certain that wouldn't make things any better. Sure, they didn't have a shot at the cup anymore but that didn't mean they had to accept their fate and end up in last place. She was not keen on losing again. Ive arrived at practice and joined the others, surprised Celia didn't mention anything about the seekers. Perhaps she had just written her off entirely. Once their captain had finished speaking Ive shot up into the air, glancing at the dummies before grimacing when she got hit with a bludger almost immediately. Great start.
It took a while for Celia to line up her next shot since the dummies kept getting in the way. But finally, she was able to get a clear line of sight on @Avery Lancaster, and she allowed herself a brief smile when the bludger hit him. She was glad Mischa was doing well, but she couldn't let him show her up.

Avery x1
Celia x1
Ivelisse x 1
Ive dodged one of the dummies and looked for the snitch.
Lennox aimed for the goal. She wanted glory for herself. She was thrilled when it went in,
Satisfied that all the seekers and beaters were either doing their jobs or had been sufficiently motivated with bludgers, Celia turned her attention to the chasers. She watched approvingly as Lennox stole the quaffle and managed to score. Celia tried to lob a bludger towards Lucie, but it spun off and hit @Atlas James-Cade instead.

Atlas x1
Avery x1
Celia x1
Ivelisse x 1
Seamus x1

OOCOut of Character:
Should have mentioned this earlier, but just a reminder for the chasers that if you steal the quaffle during an actual game, you'll need to cite the corresponding rule (either 2a or 2b) in your post!
Ive searched.
Indi swore when Lennox stole the quaffle form her and she clenched her jaw when, of course, Lucie didn't block even the most basic of shots. But she grabbed the quaffle once more, not wanting to let the new girl get any ideas.
Nataia flew closely behind Indi, looking for a chance to steal. She avoided one of the dummies, flying past it quickly.
Celia chased a bludger across the pitch, but when she tried to hit it towards Ivelisse, one of the dummies decided to intercept it. The ball collided with the figure before rebounding towards Celia, forcing her to dive away. She glanced back at the dummy, which continued to fly. If only her teammates could shake off bludger hits that easily.
Seamus groaned as he hit with a bludger, which didn't help when he continued to not hit anything.
Celia watched @Indira Khatri and Natalia race across the pitch, and she decided to smack a bludger towards Indi just to make things a little more difficult. Ravenclaw wouldn't hold back during the game, so she needed to push her team to their limits during practice.

Atlas x1
Avery x1
Celia x1
Indira x1
Ivelisse x 1
Seamus x1
Indi swore again but grit her teeth as she approached the hoops. With ease she made the goal but the aching in her side made her grumpy. What was the point of this if their keeper didn't even pose any kind of challenge? Maybe the dummies could be put to better use.

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