Slytherin Quidditch Practice Y44 S2

Celia Vuong

all the world's a stage
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Curly 11.5'' Sturdy Elm Wand with Meteorite Dust Core

In a rare act of kindness, Celia had scheduled practice for the second day back, at a semi-reasonable time, when the weather wasn't completely terrible. Normally, the end of a break left her in a foul mood, but this semester was different. This semester she could finally see the finish line. Just a few more months, and she was out of here.

But first, she had a Quidditch game (hopefully, Quidditch games) to win. It wasn't that Celia wanted the cup so much as she just wanted more opportunities to play and knock people out. Hufflepuff's cowardice had meant getting a spot in the championship game — but it had also meant losing a chance to play. If they lost against Ravenclaw, it would likely be the last Quidditch match of her life, and Celia wasn't quite yet ready to put down her bat.

(And okay, yes, she did want the cup, if only so she could rub it in everyone's faces.)

Once her teammates had arrived, Celia launched into instructions. "As you all know, we're playing Ravenclaw in a couple weeks. Their chasers are pretty weak, but their beaters have improved a lot since last year. To get everyone ready, we'll be using extra bludgers in every practice until the match." Ostensibly, that was the reason for the extra bludgers. But really, Celia thought they would be fun. And this semester was about having fun. She was already thinking about bringing the dueling dummies back for the next practice. "You all know the drill. Up in the air." She blew her whistle, tossed the quaffle to the nearest chaser, and released the usual set of Quidditch balls. And then she released three more bludgers. What she didn't mention to the team was that she'd applied a cushioning charm to them. No sense in murdering everyone this early in the semester.

OOCOut of Character:
No arrivals, practice starts now!

There are five bludgers flying around. Feel free to godmod and interact with them. You'll be tagged by a beater if you get hit by one of the "real" ones.
Ive wasn't too pleased with the idea of more bludgers flying around but managed to keep a straight face while she hopped onto her broom.
After making sure everyone was in position and all the equipment had been released, Celia took off herself. It didn't take long to hone in on a bludger; she just hoped it was one of the uncharmed ones. She darted forward and smacked the ball towards @Ivelisse Burleigh. She could tell by the way it collided with her bat that it had been the real deal, and she flew off, pleased to already have one hit under her belt.

Ivelisse x1
Terror mounted his broom and soared into the air, not keen on the 5 bludgers, but whatever, he was fine. He grabbed the quaffle and headed toward the goals.
Horror went to the goals to keep quaffles from going in them.
Seamus arrived at the quidditch pitch and was glad for the extra bludgers, more to practice with, though he missed the first one he was going for.
Ivelisse wasn’t surprised when a bludger was send her way almost immediately, grimacing when it made impact.
Eyeing Avery, Celia went to hit a bludger towards him, but she could immediately tell it was one of the cushioned ones. It didn't get very far, and she frowned before setting off to find a different one.
Ive searched.
Terror arrived at the goals and hurled it toward the left, but his brother managed to block it. Figures.
Horror blocked his brother was making a score, and tossed the quaffle back into play.
Mischa should have been surprised to see five bludgers, but he wasn't. This was going to be good practice, wasting no time as he hopped on his broom and set off in search of a bludger.
Celia tried to aim for one of the seekers, but the bludger had other ideas and flew off towards @Horror Zhefarovich instead, causing her to grimace.

Horror x1
Ivelisse x1
Mish flew after a bludger, hoping to get as many hits as possible.
Seamus was pretty sure as he missed another bludger with his beater bat, that he'd have more luck hitting things with his head.
Five bludgers had to be some kind of cruel and unusual punishment. Toby could almost still feel the pains from being hit so much their last time around, so he really wasn't looking forward to this, unable to stop his lip from curling slightly as he set off in search of the snitch.
Atlas flew through the air and watched as Terror missed his shot at goal and when his brother threw it back into play she swooped and grabbed it and headed towards the hoops on the other side of the pitch.
Celia narrowly dodged a couple bludgers. She glanced between them, made a guess, and shot off in pursuit of one. She hit it with a resounding whack and sent it straight for @Toby Oikawa.

Horror x1
Ivelisse x1
Toby x1
With the quaffle in hand, Atlas took a shot once she was closer to the hoops and managed to score.
Horror clenched his shoulder when he was hit by a bludger. It only added to disappointment when another chaser managed to score while he was distracted.
Terror smirked a bit when his brother was hit, and failed to block a goal. He swooped in to grab the quaffle and try again.
Celia aimed a bludger at Ivelisse, but it hit @Seamus Reid instead. She couldn't say she felt that bad about hitting him after he'd failed to ask her to Yule.

Horror x1
Ivelisse x1
Seamus x1
Toby x1

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