Slytherin Quidditch Practice

Ive kept flying.
Celia was glad to see that Avery had caught the snitch a third time, and she glanced over at @Liusaidh Fergusson to see if the captain had also noticed. And just to make sure she had, Celia sent a bludger her way. Though Celia had developed a grudging respect for the captain over the past two years, she was annoyed that the girl had only gotten rid of Eleanor and not Ivelisse or Ares.

Bludger Hits said:
Ares x4
Atlas x3
Avery x3
Celia x2
Indira x3
Ivelisse x3
Liusaidh x3
Lucie x2
Natalia x2
Seamus x3
Rule 2

Liusaidh grabbed the ball from the other chaser, just as a bludger hit into her. She glanced towards Celia and then noted that it seemed that Avery had caught the snitch. She raised a thumbs up but rolled her eyes. These people shouldn't need her encouragement to do their job, despite that being a little her job.
Ive rolled her eyes when Celia glanced at Liusaidh. If desperate had a face it would be hers, no doubt about it.
Natalia was frustrated to let the quaffle be stolen from her, but she knew it was on her. She sighed as she flew on, following Liusaidh.
Celia was absolutely shocked when Liusaidh gave Avery a thumbs up. During her three years on the Slytherin team, Celia had never seen anyone be encouraging. Maybe she really could convince Liusaidh to bench Ivelisse this year. Buoyed by this hope, Celia flew on after a bludger. She decided to aim for @Ares Kuya-Tine, her mood lifting considerably as the other beater got hit. Things were finally starting to look up.

Bludger hits said:
Ares x5
Atlas x3
Avery x3
Celia x2
Indira x3
Ivelisse x3
Liusaidh x3
Lucie x2
Natalia x2
Seamus x3
The third bludger was about as welcome as the other two had been but Atlas continued on through gritted teeth. She followed Liusaidh who had taken up the quaffle and was heading to the hoops.
Ive kept searching.
As soon as Liusaidh was close, she tossed the ball, and it sailed through a hoop.
Seamus tried to hit another bludger, but it went entirely in the wrong direction.
Ive just wanted to find the snitch.
Too focused on the snitch, Avie had been mostly oblivious to everyone else. It worked in his favour, as once again he'd managed to find and catch the snitch. Practice had turned around for him.
Ive didn’t care how many times Avery caught the snitch during practice. So long as she caught it during games she was fine.
Ive flew around.
Avery remembered that he, too, was aching from the three bludgers he'd taken so far. The adrenaline from catching the snitch had been enough to make him momentarily forget how sore he was. Ouch. It hurt now.
When no one else went for the quaffle Liusaidh surged forward and grabbed the ball.
Celia aimed a bludger at Ares and watched it soar into @Natalia Novak instead.

Bludger Hits said:
Ares x5
Atlas x3
Avery x3
Celia x2
Indira x3
Ivelisse x3
Liusaidh x3
Lucie x2
Natalia x3
Seamus x3

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