Some Friends Needed!

Amber Chou Wilson

🎀 Friendly | Gladrags Owner | 2048 Grad 👗
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curly 11 1/2 Inch Flexible Ivy Wand with Fairy Wing Core
Hi guys!

So I've been a bit busier lately and I feel like my younger students have been neglected a bit. I want them to have a few more friends, or at least more acquaintances (though I'm also always happy with enemies/rivals/whatever!)

So I'm posting this PD to expand the social circle of my younger chars! I'm hoping to find some fun and interesting dynamics :D If you have other ideas with my other chars that's okay too! Feel free to reply with anything.

The chars I'm looking for more for are:

Ivy Ashworth (third year): She's stubborn, headstrong and a know-it-all. She's actually going through a bit of a personality transformation soon though :r I feel like she has alienated a lot of her classmates and would like to see her be a bit more social with others in her year, even if she doesn't get along with someone I'd be happy to see how it goes!


Natalia Novak (second year): It's no wonder Natalia doesn't have a lot of friends, she's very difficult to get along with honestly. She's still looking mainly for pureblood friends or at least people from well-known magical families. She looks down on muggleborns a lot. But I want her to interact with more people so she can slowly see how her viewpoints are wrong. She's also pretty lonely so may be more open for friendships than she thinks.


Louis Alcott (first year): Louis is outgoing and sporty, he's supposed to be very social but I feel like I've neglected him the most. I would like him to have a bit of a friend group! Or at least be on friendly terms with most of the boys in his year/house. He's a bit of a jock and would likely make fun of people he considers nerds though. Girls are also welcome as friends, obviously. But Louis is likely to become a bit of an obnoxious flirt with girls when he is older, so those friendships might become a bit more complicated later.

I also have two unsorted girls that I would like to make friends before Hogwarts, so I'll list them quickly too.

Gwen Goodwin: Sorted next year. She's very sweet and cute on the surface but a lot more calculating than she appears. She's a bit manipulative and hides it behind her cute and friendly front. I'm hoping she'll have a few friends to manipulate later on.


Isadora Novak: She's sorted the year after next. Isadora is Natalia's sister and very different from her. She's a lot more rebellious and definitely not the perfect pureblood daughter Natalia tries to be. So she'd be down to get into trouble and is happy to befriend anyone. She also recently joined the scouts, in case anyone wants to know her from that!

Besides this, I also have a whole bunch of adults I don't use a whole lot. If anyone has plots for my adult characters feel free to let me know as well. I won't give them a whole description here but I'll list a few I haven't used much lately:

Odette Madison - Professional Quidditch Player
Phoebe Holland - Unspeakable at the Ministry
Sophie Wilson - Daily Prophet Reporter
Emilia Manning - Ministry Employee at the Apparation and Portkey Regulation Committee
Fleur van Houten - Dragonologist at Aotearoa Sanctuary
Diana Holland - Gossip Columnist

If you want to know more about them feel free to PM me or check out their bios!
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Ahem. You summoned me.

Ivy and Aubrey.

Natalia and Jordie again.

Louis.... Jordie. Charlie. How old is he?

Gwen and Akihiro are interesting.

Isadora... What about Isadora and Hamish?

Odette and Sapphire should reunite.

Emilia and Cooper.

Fleur and Kira.

And honestly out of nowhere but Diana and Onyx
If Louis needs a follower/lackey sort of friend I could easily see René thinking he's cool and trying to copy/agree with him on everything 👀
Hi, Daphne!! I could offer Van as a friend for Louis - and if it turned awkward later on that'd be a-okay with me :teehee: Van's super sporty as well so maybe they could bond over that! Let me know what you think ^_^
Ahem. You summoned me.

Ivy and Aubrey.

Natalia and Jordie again.

Louis.... Jordie. Charlie. How old is he?

Gwen and Akihiro are interesting.

Isadora... What about Isadora and Hamish?

Odette and Sapphire should reunite.

Emilia and Cooper.

Fleur and Kira.

And honestly out of nowhere but Diana and Onyx
Hi Jess, tons of ideas but lets figure out some specifics :p

Aubrey and Ivy have talked before, I don't know what Aubrey thinks of her? Ivy probably sees Aubrey as kind of quiet and doesn't really have a big opinion of her yet.

Natalia and Jordie... she doesn't like him xD would he approach her? Or what were you thinking?

I agree that Gwen and Akihiro are interesting so far, should we just continue their thread?

I'm happy for Odette and Sapphire to reunite, would she contact Odette? Or maybe it could be a chance encounter?

Did you have anything specific in mind for Emilia and Cooper or Fleur and Kira? I think Emilia is busy with her work mostly and hasn't had much time to be social lately. Fleur and Kira probably haven't talked in a while, they could catch up?

I already talked to you a bit on Discord about Diana and Onyx and am happy to go with your idea there :p

If Louis needs a follower/lackey sort of friend I could easily see René thinking he's cool and trying to copy/agree with him on everything 👀
Sounds good 👀 we should start building that dynamic then. I think Louis would be kind of jealous he made it on the Quidditch team and might have a ton of questions for him.

Hi, Daphne!! I could offer Van as a friend for Louis - and if it turned awkward later on that'd be a-okay with me :teehee: Van's super sporty as well so maybe they could bond over that! Let me know what you think ^_^
Yes sounds good! I'd love them to be friends.
Great! :3 What sports does Louis like?
He's a fan of Quidditch and is hoping to get on the team next year (good luck with that, haha) and he also likes soccer/football a lot! But he's pretty much up for anything haha
He's a fan of Quidditch and is hoping to get on the team next year (good luck with that, haha) and he also likes soccer/football a lot! But he's pretty much up for anything haha
Wahaha Van is going to try to get on the team too =)) I could see a rivalry forming there perhaps? Or a friendly one? :D

Oor if she saw him kicking a ball about she'd totally just breeze over and ask to play with him!
Wahaha Van is going to try to get on the team too =)) I could see a rivalry forming there perhaps? Or a friendly one? :D

Oor if she saw him kicking a ball about she'd totally just breeze over and ask to play with him!
Haha I already have a player on the Gryffindor team so I expect Louis will be very disappointed

I have a thread with him kicking a ball around already where a few people have joined, but I could always start another one. I actually just got an idea, I can start something?
Haha I already have a player on the Gryffindor team so I expect Louis will be very disappointed

I have a thread with him kicking a ball around already where a few people have joined, but I could always start another one. I actually just got an idea, I can start something?
Aawh xD still down for plots though if you fancy em!

And ooh! Yess please do if you have inspiration! Thank you ^_^
Hey, Daphne!! Well, I have something to offer too. For Ivy, I may have Blair Silver, Annabeth Easterling&Niklaus Easterling. They all are in her year and the only specific, Blair has transferred from Koldovstoretz this year.

For Natalia, I may have Kaia Stark. She isn't from a well-known or pureblood family or anything, but she is in her year and they could dislike each other or rivalry about something. Or Kaia could get up to her and Natalia doesn't know how to finally get rid of her.

For Louis, I can offer Parker, they already have met each other, but that time we didn't finish the thread as I was struggling IRL. And also I have Julia Black. She is sporty too and with that flirting, I think she would go along with him, but she could get awkward too.

Then for Gwen.. I can offer Tim Black, he is the younger brother to my Julia. He could be pretty easy to manipulate after they get along. And also Katarina Laar, she is from Estonia. She wouldn't really let someone manipulate her as she counts herself independent.

And the last one, for Isadora I can offer Aika. She is pretty opposite to her, Aika is two-faced, she will play along with Isadora, no matter what she is doing and later on, she just may talk bad about her o just dislike her quietly and not showing her true face, so there is a lot of chances on what to do. + They are sorting in the same year.
Aawh xD still down for plots though if you fancy em!

And ooh! Yess please do if you have inspiration! Thank you ^_^ for u!

Hey, Daphne!! Well, I have something to offer too. For Ivy, I may have Blair Silver, Annabeth Easterling&Niklaus Easterling. They all are in her year and the only specific, Blair has transferred from Koldovstoretz this year.

For Natalia, I may have Kaia Stark. She isn't from a well-known or pureblood family or anything, but she is in her year and they could dislike each other or rivalry about something. Or Kaia could get up to her and Natalia doesn't know how to finally get rid of her.

For Louis, I can offer Parker, they already have met each other, but that time we didn't finish the thread as I was struggling IRL. And also I have Julia Black. She is sporty too and with that flirting, I think she would go along with him, but she could get awkward too.

Then for Gwen.. I can offer Tim Black, he is the younger brother to my Julia. He could be pretty easy to manipulate after they get along. And also Katarina Laar, she is from Estonia. She wouldn't really let someone manipulate her as she counts herself independent.

And the last one, for Isadora I can offer Aika. She is pretty opposite to her, Aika is two-faced, she will play along with Isadora, no matter what she is doing and later on, she just may talk bad about her o just dislike her quietly and not showing her true face, so there is a lot of chances on what to do. + They are sorting in the same year.
So many options for Ivy! What are they like? I'm not sure who would suit her best as a friend (or enemy?) what do you think?

I like the idea for Natalia and Kaia, maybe she'll like her reluctantly.

Louis and Parker could be good friends. Louis isn't going to flirt yet, not until he's a bit older.

I like your ideas for Gwen and Isadora too, maybe we pick one for Gwen to start? Maybe Tim? They could build up a friendship.

I like the idea of Isadora and Aika too! Does she live in NZ?
So many options for Ivy! What are they like? I'm not sure who would suit her best as a friend (or enemy?) what do you think?
Niklaus=Nick is really practical, ambitious, and has little tolerance for indecisiveness. He is fast to turn people down if he sees that they are not interested in working on themselves, and he can be pretty insensitive as he is sure that rational thinking is more important than feelings, but he tries to at least seem nice. He is also a cousin of Kiara and Anna. If you want to read more on him then he is an ISTJ. They could get along pretty well, at least Nick could say that he is pretty invested in it.

Anna is pretty optimistic and energetic, practical, rational, and relaxed. At the same time, she is a bit reserved and can get easily bored and she dislikes commitment if she feels like she is not fully getting along with that person. Ready to get in weird adventures if there will be the right person to explain to her why it's needed. She is an ISTP.

And Blair. She is dedicated, patient, organized, and hates spontaneous actions, inflexible, judgmental. In the end, she is an ambivert and tries to keep a warm or at least neutral relationship with everyone. Plans on becoming a choreographer. And she is an ESTJ.

I like the idea for Natalia and Kaia, maybe she'll like her reluctantly.
I have a feeling that Kaia wouldn't even give her a real choice, she would ignore if Natalia tells her to stay away, but I can make it a bit different if it seems too much.

Louis and Parker could be good friends. Louis isn't going to flirt yet, not until he's a bit older.
Parker could use some more friends, yes. And for Julia and Louis, I more meant that she is pretty flexible, she would adapt to him regardless of his personality at the given point, sorry, I didn't use the right words for that.

I like your ideas for Gwen and Isadora too, maybe we pick one for Gwen to start? Maybe Tim? They could build up a friendship.

I like the idea of Isadora and Aika too! Does she live in NZ?
Yay, glad you like it! And yes, sure! I could start for Gwen&Tim thread tomorrow or after the dances, whatever is more comfortable for you!

And yes, Aika moved with her dad and brother Akihiro to NZ not so long ago, so she is trying to understand what exactly NZ is like but she is sure that she dislikes it already. She just tells it only to her brother. They could meet in scouts, by the way, perhaps her dad would sign her up (and Jai would) because he knows that otherwise she just won't even bother to communicate.

I have MBTI personalities for each of them and aesthetics in the middle of editing, let me know if you want to see them. Maybe that could help a bit!
Hiya Daphneeeee!!

I have a few ideas for you!

For Louis, I can offer you two of my first years, Charlie and Xiuying.

Louis + Charlie - Charlie is very loud and loves to do pranks and stuff. He does like sports, however, may need a little convincing to do them as he can be lazy and times. But Charlie is also a trouble maker, so if you’re up for some trouble, i would totally be up for a troublesome thread haha!

Louis + Xiuying - I know we have a thread going on with them at the moment with just them kicking around the ball, but I wouldn’t mind them being friends if you are. Also, I saw that you mentioned that as he gets older, friendships with girls may come complicated, so I’m also up for that later on, if you’re keen on that.

For your unsorted characters:

Gwen + Molly - We’ve already discussed some things between them, and I’m happy with what we discussed so far!

Isadora + Abigail - Maybe this could work? It’s possible? Abigail is quiet and observant, but she’s is always down for some trouble hehe! She’s also going to be sorted the same time as Isadora. She’s still getting used to being around magic at the moment but is slowly adjusting with her adoptive father who is a wizard. I’m also thinking of adding her in the scouts too 🤔

That’s all I have so far! Let me know if you’re keen!

EDIT: I'm also happy to do something between Natalia and Valencia again if you're up for some more rivalries for your character, since Valencia is a muggleborn and all.
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I know you asked for friends, but I'm wondering if you'd like a reverse friend growth (????) with Louis + Riley.
Riley probably wouldn't like him to begin with but maybe as they mature? Or she'd call him out on his flirting so maybe not. I DUNNO HAHA. Maybe a competitive frenemy. Anyway. I just wanna RP with you. Lemme know xD
Okay hi there's already a lot going on but I'm still going to throw these little ideas in here anyways in case you're up for them.

Natalia & Isaiah: so after their previous interaction Isaiah doesn't exactly think Natalia's a lot of fun but I feel like he might just at one point when he's bored and notices her make it his mission to get her to at least tolerate him or something :r

Louis & Ivelisse: for Louis I could offer Ivelisse which could be an interesting dynamic? I feel like in general she's a pretty chill person but she does get quite competitive and wants to be the best at everything she can be the best at, including academics. So idk they could get long but then again he might consider her a bit of a nerd because she's so keen on getting high grades? I'm up for anything, really.
Hi Jess, tons of ideas but lets figure out some specifics :p

Aubrey and Ivy have talked before, I don't know what Aubrey thinks of her? Ivy probably sees Aubrey as kind of quiet and doesn't really have a big opinion of her yet.

Natalia and Jordie... she doesn't like him xD would he approach her? Or what were you thinking?

I agree that Gwen and Akihiro are interesting so far, should we just continue their thread?

I'm happy for Odette and Sapphire to reunite, would she contact Odette? Or maybe it could be a chance encounter?

Did you have anything specific in mind for Emilia and Cooper or Fleur and Kira? I think Emilia is busy with her work mostly and hasn't had much time to be social lately. Fleur and Kira probably haven't talked in a while, they could catch up?

I already talked to you a bit on Discord about Diana and Onyx and am happy to go with your idea there :p
Okay i'm here lol.

Aubrey and Ivy can have another dorm topic perhaps?

He would absolutely approach her again. He is definitely down to annoy her into being his friend! He could bring her a yellow rose before the dance? Or after, lol.

I think Akihiro would try to keep in touch with Gwen after that first meeting, so yes we should continue that so he can set it up.

Sapphire has a weird luck for chance encounters, lol, they should definitely run into each other.

Cooper and Emilia are probably friends by now so I'm thinkingggg that he can pop up out of nowhere with food for her. Kira is usually busy but I can see her reaching out to Fleur on her day off to meet an catch up.

And yes to Onyx and Diana, I love that thread, I don't know why but I have such intense muse for him.

Also, another thought, Jordie and Louis.
Daph! A little late to the party but I figured I'd throw this out there.

Louis x Caleb: I know they've met but I'd like them to maybe be friends or have a bit of a power struggle whenever they hang out determining who the "leader" is. He's not that into sports but won't hesitate to make himself referee to whatever is going on.

Isadora x Margo: They've also interreacted a little bit. I think that her more rebellious/adventurous nature might be good for Margo to get out of her shell a bit. I think they would make pretty good friends.

We already have a Gwen x Felix thread going right now but I also think they're interesting together lol.
ok man I have a lot to reply to

Niklaus=Nick is really practical, ambitious, and has little tolerance for indecisiveness. He is fast to turn people down if he sees that they are not interested in working on themselves, and he can be pretty insensitive as he is sure that rational thinking is more important than feelings, but he tries to at least seem nice. He is also a cousin of Kiara and Anna. If you want to read more on him then he is an ISTJ. They could get along pretty well, at least Nick could say that he is pretty invested in it.

Anna is pretty optimistic and energetic, practical, rational, and relaxed. At the same time, she is a bit reserved and can get easily bored and she dislikes commitment if she feels like she is not fully getting along with that person. Ready to get in weird adventures if there will be the right person to explain to her why it's needed. She is an ISTP.

And Blair. She is dedicated, patient, organized, and hates spontaneous actions, inflexible, judgmental. In the end, she is an ambivert and tries to keep a warm or at least neutral relationship with everyone. Plans on becoming a choreographer. And she is an ESTJ.

I have a feeling that Kaia wouldn't even give her a real choice, she would ignore if Natalia tells her to stay away, but I can make it a bit different if it seems too much.

Parker could use some more friends, yes. And for Julia and Louis, I more meant that she is pretty flexible, she would adapt to him regardless of his personality at the given point, sorry, I didn't use the right words for that.

Yay, glad you like it! And yes, sure! I could start for Gwen&Tim thread tomorrow or after the dances, whatever is more comfortable for you!

And yes, Aika moved with her dad and brother Akihiro to NZ not so long ago, so she is trying to understand what exactly NZ is like but she is sure that she dislikes it already. She just tells it only to her brother. They could meet in scouts, by the way, perhaps her dad would sign her up (and Jai would) because he knows that otherwise she just won't even bother to communicate.

I have MBTI personalities for each of them and aesthetics in the middle of editing, let me know if you want to see them. Maybe that could help a bit!
Hi Sophia!
I think maybe Niklaus would be a fun friend? We could throw them together and see how it goes?

Am also down or Kaia and Natalia!

Maybe we should do Louis and Parker first?

Gwen & Tim is great :D Thanks for starting it in advance. Am down for Aika and Isadora too. Maybe we should pick one or two to do and I can start one as well?

What if we start off with Gwen & Tim and maybe Louis and Parker and Ivy and Niklaus? Or would you rather do others first?

Hiya Daphneeeee!!

I have a few ideas for you!

For Louis, I can offer you two of my first years, Charlie and Xiuying.

Louis + Charlie - Charlie is very loud and loves to do pranks and stuff. He does like sports, however, may need a little convincing to do them as he can be lazy and times. But Charlie is also a trouble maker, so if you’re up for some trouble, i would totally be up for a troublesome thread haha!

Louis + Xiuying - I know we have a thread going on with them at the moment with just them kicking around the ball, but I wouldn’t mind them being friends if you are. Also, I saw that you mentioned that as he gets older, friendships with girls may come complicated, so I’m also up for that later on, if you’re keen on that.

For your unsorted characters:

Gwen + Molly - We’ve already discussed some things between them, and I’m happy with what we discussed so far!

Isadora + Abigail - Maybe this could work? It’s possible? Abigail is quiet and observant, but she’s is always down for some trouble hehe! She’s also going to be sorted the same time as Isadora. She’s still getting used to being around magic at the moment but is slowly adjusting with her adoptive father who is a wizard. I’m also thinking of adding her in the scouts too 🤔

That’s all I have so far! Let me know if you’re keen!

EDIT: I'm also happy to do something between Natalia and Valencia again if you're up for some more rivalries for your character, since Valencia is a muggleborn and all.
Hi Maria!

I think Louis and Charlie are friends already, at least a bit. They had their first day dorm thread and the forest thread, and I've kind of been imagining they've been friends all along xD am def down for a troublemaker thread though!

Am also down for Louis and Xiuying down the line.

I like Gwen and Molly too!

Isadora and Abigail sounds good too!

Am also down or Natalia and Valencia, do you think it would be okay to say she knows Valencia is a muggleborn now?

I know you asked for friends, but I'm wondering if you'd like a reverse friend growth (????) with Louis + Riley.
Riley probably wouldn't like him to begin with but maybe as they mature? Or she'd call him out on his flirting so maybe not. I DUNNO HAHA. Maybe a competitive frenemy. Anyway. I just wanna RP with you. Lemme know xD
Hi Donna! Am down to throw them together and see how they interact!

Okay hi there's already a lot going on but I'm still going to throw these little ideas in here anyways in case you're up for them.

Natalia & Isaiah: so after their previous interaction Isaiah doesn't exactly think Natalia's a lot of fun but I feel like he might just at one point when he's bored and notices her make it his mission to get her to at least tolerate him or something :r

Louis & Ivelisse: for Louis I could offer Ivelisse which could be an interesting dynamic? I feel like in general she's a pretty chill person but she does get quite competitive and wants to be the best at everything she can be the best at, including academics. So idk they could get long but then again he might consider her a bit of a nerd because she's so keen on getting high grades? I'm up for anything, really.
Hi Marijke!

I've been meaning to throw Natalia in the dance thread with all the second years, watching them jealously. I just haven't gotten around to it :r, am definitely down to have them interact again!

Louis and Ivelisse sounds interesting too. We could each start one?

Okay i'm here lol.

Aubrey and Ivy can have another dorm topic perhaps?

He would absolutely approach her again. He is definitely down to annoy her into being his friend! He could bring her a yellow rose before the dance? Or after, lol.

I think Akihiro would try to keep in touch with Gwen after that first meeting, so yes we should continue that so he can set it up.

Sapphire has a weird luck for chance encounters, lol, they should definitely run into each other.

Cooper and Emilia are probably friends by now so I'm thinkingggg that he can pop up out of nowhere with food for her. Kira is usually busy but I can see her reaching out to Fleur on her day off to meet an catch up.

And yes to Onyx and Diana, I love that thread, I don't know why but I have such intense muse for him.

Also, another thought, Jordie and Louis.
Aubrey and Ivy in the dorm sounds good!

I like all of the ideas honestly xD we should pick a few to start with? Maybe Aubrey and Ivy for now and maybe Odette and Sapphire and Onyx and Diana? What do you think?

Daph! A little late to the party but I figured I'd throw this out there.

Louis x Caleb: I know they've met but I'd like them to maybe be friends or have a bit of a power struggle whenever they hang out determining who the "leader" is. He's not that into sports but won't hesitate to make himself referee to whatever is going on.

Isadora x Margo: They've also interreacted a little bit. I think that her more rebellious/adventurous nature might be good for Margo to get out of her shell a bit. I think they would make pretty good friends.

We already have a Gwen x Felix thread going right now but I also think they're interesting together lol.
Hi Kadi!

I like those ideas a lot. I like the idea of Louis and Caleb having a bit of a power struggle. Where would they interact, maybe the student lounge?
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Aubrey and Ivy in the dorm sounds good!

I like all of the ideas honestly xD we should pick a few to start with? Maybe Aubrey and Ivy for now and maybe Odette and Sapphire and Onyx and Diana? What do you think?
*Scribbles all things into notebook* Hmmmm maybe two each? You start two and I start two? Aubrey and Ivy is fun, and I like using the twins, maybe Cooper and Em too?
Hi Maria!

I think Louis and Charlie are friends already, at least a bit. They had their first day dorm thread and the forest thread, and I've kind of been imagining they've been friends all along xD am def down for a troublemaker thread though!

Am also down for Louis and Xiuying down the line.

I like Gwen and Molly too!

Isadora and Abigail sounds good too!

Am also down or Natalia and Valencia, do you think it would be okay to say she knows Valencia is a muggleborn now?
Louis + Charlie - Oh, that is very true HAHA :lol: I didn’t think of that! But yes, some troublemaker threads i am up for!

Natalia + Valencia - Yes! :claire: That’s defs okay and I think that sounds good! :D
Hi Marijke!

I've been meaning to throw Natalia in the dance thread with all the second years, watching them jealously. I just haven't gotten around to it :r, am definitely down to have them interact again!

Louis and Ivelisse sounds interesting too. We could each start one?

Well that's going to be interesting :r . I could start something for Natalia and Isaiah once valentine's is over if you wanna take the firsties?
*Scribbles all things into notebook* Hmmmm maybe two each? You start two and I start two? Aubrey and Ivy is fun, and I like using the twins, maybe Cooper and Em too?
Sure, maybe I can start Ivy and Aubrey and Odette and Sapphire?

Louis + Charlie - Oh, that is very true HAHA :lol: I didn’t think of that! But yes, some troublemaker threads i am up for!

Natalia + Valencia - Yes! :claire: That’s defs okay and I think that sounds good! :D
Should we start a thread with these two ideas?

Well that's going to be interesting :r . I could start something for Natalia and Isaiah once valentine's is over if you wanna take the firsties?
Sure thing! I'll add the firsties to my list

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