Old School Week That's Mine

June Davenport

Obviously, the best ✨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 16 Inch Swishy Ash Wand with Veela Hair Core
June had the Daily Prophet before her as she enjoyed her breakfast. Trying to see what the news was from today. Sometimes she counted the days when her father would get out. Wanting to see any sign of it. She could not wait to look him in the eye and hear his voice. Tell him in person what she would all have achieved here. That was what driven her to do so well. June wanted to take an sip of the pumpkin juice she had poured herself and when looking at the newspaper she grabbed to where her cup just was. But didn't felt anything, was it suddenly gone? Invincible? Some kind of joke? And put her paper up, searching for it looking confused.
Christopher was just reading a book while eating a breakfast, he saw a girl next to him reading too but he just didn't care about her. They were doing their own. And when he finally distracted himself from reading it was to take a sip of his grape juice when he understood that it wasn't his juice. "What the heck? Where is my juice?" He looked around to see the girl as confused as he was. "Oh," the realization finally hit him and he handed her pumpkin juice back to her.
Holding up her newspaper June noticed someone sitting next to her. She was focused on her paper so had not saw him coming. But it seemed her neighbour was taking hers. June didn't liked people getting her stuff. '' Did you take a sip of it?'' She than asked him wanting to make sure, otherwise she didn't want it anymore.
Chris shook his head. "Very briefly. But you know, let me replace it," he awkwardly offered and without waiting for agreement, he replaced her juice. "Here you go, you saw I didn't drink it this time"
As the boy offered what she actually wanted she was kind of impressed. It was exactly what she liked so she gave the boy an smile. She actually wanted an new cup as well, but figured to not be too be an spoiled brat. Since it was one of her classmates and she had to keep up an act. '' Thank you.'' The blonde than took the cup and turned it around and getting an napkin to clean it an bit. And smiled shortly. '' You are in my class right?'' She added, making some conversation.
Chris gave a short smile, he knew he had messed up, there was no place for him to be all cocky. "Yep, first year Slytherin," he nodded. He knew June's name, he had enough time to learn it. "I'm Christopher, Chris" he finally said.
June knew he was in the same house as she was. She was good at faces, and saw him before. But names were sometimes a bit blurry. Chris or Christopher. She nodded and smiled. '' I'm June. Nice to meet you.'' The blonde than replied. '' Liking Hogwarts so far?'' June asked him back, trying to make conversation with an fellow Slytherin. And she was done with scanning the Hogwarts Monthly. She did however took an sip of the pumpkin juice she aimed for.
"Yeah, nice to meet you too," Chris offered a small smile back. He had heard enough about her but he honestly just didn't care. As long as she wasn't touching Ralph, she was fine to him. "More or less. I prefer being at home," Chris wasn't lying, he didn't care whether she would or wouldn't agree to him. "And you?" Yet, he gave the space for her to talk.
June smiled at Chris and thought he was not an complete bad person to have beside her at this moment. But people usually got a way of quickly screw that up. She looked at him suprised about his comment. '' Why is that?'' With an suprised look. But ofcourse not everyone was as ready as she for succeeding at this place. '' I'm perfectly fine here. I love it.'' June replied with an big smile.
Chris shrugged his shoulders. "My older brother is there, we're close. Then my computer, i loved working with technologies," he didn't think it was something to lie about or hide. He just thought he could achieve more in muggle world but maybe he needed time. "It's not bad yeah, I would prefer it to be a little more aesthetically pleasing, don't you think?" He curiously sipped his own drink this time.
As he explained his reasons they seemed stupid. And June didn't even knew what an computer was. But figured to show some interest to see how he would behave. '' What's an computer?'' The blonde than asked him. She didn't knew anything of technologies. Must be an muggle thing. June nodded as he commented. Hogwarts was not bad, but it could use an upgrade for sure. '' Yeah. It should be an bit less old looking and dusty.'' June added.

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