The 'Dinner Party' Question, but IC!

Archie Renner

🦁 Gryffindor | Father 🌈
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Straight 12 Inch Flexible Ash Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
Hey all :hug:

So I am sure in some aspect we have all heard some form of the 'Dinner Party' Question. You know, the question of who we would each have dinner with that is alive or dead, and I have been thinking about this question for some of my characters and who, if anyone, they would choose to have dinner with and why because I think it could be fun to discuss and chat about!

I did a search and there has been an OOC version of this posted in the past here which is awesome:

But I want to bring this question IC as well, because I think it could be fun to discuss who our characters and who they would choose, as a fun chance to think about this question IC which we might not do normally and just have fun development times you know?? I have done a search and couldn't find an IC version of this topic so I am posting one, please let me know if there is one already so I can post there instead!

I have seen this question range from just choosing one person to choosing more than one, so this is open for a whole dinner party or just having dinner with one person at a time, whichever your character would prefer!!

The ideas I have for my characters are as follows:
  • Archie would choose to have dinner with Orwell, because he wouldn't want to choose anyone else, he would just want to have dinner with his best friend and that is what would make him the most happy, out of choosing anyone who has ever lived in the world he would always choose Orwell first :wub:
  • Flavio would choose to have dinner with his dad, because his dad went missing and passed away when Flavio was around 4 years old, and he would like to have a real adult conversation with his dad and see if his dad is proud of him, and just spend more time with his dad and get to know him because he never had the chance :(
  • Colin would choose to have dinner with William Shakespeare, because he is a writer and it's cliche but if given the chance, what writer wouldn't be curious to meet and talk to Shakespeare in person???
  • Theia would choose to have dinner with Joan Jett because she idolises her and would love to see the woman's perspective on life and life experiences
  • Sylvie although this would be controversial, Sylvie would choose to have dinner with Bellatrix Lestrange, to also get this woman's perspective on life and learn about what it was like in askaban and the realities of practicing dark magic etc, I think Sylvie would take this as a learning opportunity and mentorship :teehee:
If you have an idea of who your character would choose by all means please share it here so I can read and learn I think it would be so fun to see what person/people their characters would choose to have dinner with and why!! Let's all discuss :wub:
I'm here like "I don't even know who I'd answer OOC" then I realized I posted the original thread which makes me sound like a total fraud. Then again, that was like over a decade ago so I don't even know if my answers would be the same! :lol: I always tend to think of it as like, picking famous people so it's good to see some would just pick friends or family as that's totally valid and a good call!

I know Gabrielle would probably pick the obvious one of Merlin probably to grill him on what he has or hasn't done to try and sort out the truth. Maybe bring in Nimue and Morgan La Fey and turn it into an episode of Jerry Springer (and take notes over a glass of wine). Or just chat to the ladies to learn more about them instead! She'd also invite Abe no Seimei to speak with Merlin and see if they'd bounce ideas off each other.

Yuelia would pick her mother, since she never got to meet her, while Michael would pick a kiwi sporting legend, someone like Martin Crowe to hear sports stories and learn a few things. Audrey would invite all her favourite hot Quidditch players to gawk at (they change annually) while Dahlia would do the same but the muggle sports/musicians version, Renata would just invite her friends, Aine would probably pick Emily Bronte or like Dracula if he exists in universe lol. I think Miranda would just want to have dinner with her dad but she'd invite Shakespeare for his sake more than hers. And Oz would have dinner with his grandparents.

Most of my students are basic I guess. :r Not really sure about any of the other adults I've got but it's fun to think about!
Oh, this is a fun idea! Hmm let me think...
  • Demetrius would probably choose Newt Scamander, and they'd talk about magical creatures all night long. Optionally the other guests could just be magical creatures, though that might turn into something too chaotic.
  • Lucy would choose her parents, because they're rather absent and she'd love some more mandatory time with them. (I feel mean for giving Lucy absent parents sometimes oops).
  • Kyousuke would choose William Shakespeare because he's a huge Shakespeare fan. Potentially he'd even invite some famous actors, but I think he might just like to keep Shakespeare to himself.
  • Aroha would choose some of her ancestors, I think. People like her grandparents that she never got to meet, but also some older ancestors, maybe even going back pre-European. Barring that, some famous quidditch players. She likes female role models, they inspire her, so maybe female quidditch players in particular.
The dinner party is Shakespeare and a bunch of our characters instead. :r
What if it turns out Shakespeare is actually really rude and early into the night everyone wishes they hadn't invited him =))
I have way too many characters for this XD But let me pick a few...

James Michaels would probably have dinner with his twin, Jackson, and catch up on all the years without him.

Asher Beckett would have dinner with Freddie Mercury.

Onyx Derouin would have dinner with his dad- as long as Jamie could come along, of course.

Lily Lockwood would have dinner with Paul Hollywood, though she'd be trying to bake by the end of it.

Aaaaaaaaaand... Dorothy Nash would have dinner with Jane Austen.

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