Three seers and we didn't see this coming

Professor Elvera Le Fey

Seer, Mother of twins, Divination 3-4, inner eye
OOC First Name
Oak 14 3/4" with an Essence of Raven Feather core.
50 (11/2009)
OOCOut of Character:
Continued from here

A sudden blaze appeared in the fire place. There were two things odd about the fire. The first was how it had suddenly appeared in a fireplace that looked for all intents and purposes like no blaze had been there since the last winter, now in November the summer deemed it necessary. The other odd thing was that the flames were not the normal golden flames that were associated with fire the world over; instead the tongues were bright emerald green. the nurse arrived with her and made her way over to the healers station talking hurriedly to someone there. Sure enough a few minutes after the fire started a dark figure formed. Half hunched the schools divination professor stood a few ashes on her dress but she didn’t try to remove them. Then the flames stopped as soon as they started. The professor then stood straight and stepped out as though it was something she did every day, which was fairly accurate as she did travel by floo a couple of times a week to visit her mother and sisters. Thanks to nurse riverwood, the last wave of pain had stopped but she didn’t know how soon the next one would be.
Although over the last semester she had reassured people that she was fine, today nurse riverwood had heard enough and encouraged her to go and get an appointment to see a proper healer, to get her problem sorted out once and for all. She had agreed it was probably a good plan and that was why she was here, otherwise she would be finishing up her last class of the semester right now. Heading over to the reception she booked in and took a seat in the waiting room, where she hoped that she wouldn’t have to wait too long vipress had made it quite clear that it was pretty important. Even so she took a copy of witch weekly and flipped to the weekly horoscopes. Just glancing through she knew they were written by a witch who had no training in divination, so she turned to the recipe instead. Looking at the food made her stomach churn and growl though she hadn’t eaten more than a few mouthfuls over the last few days she wasn’t in the mood to eat.
She waited her eyes looking up whenever anyone approached or entered the door as she was hoping her mother and sisters would be here soon for support, or that the healer would be ready for her. she watched as an elderly wizard she blew flames every time he coughed (which he was doing quite regularly) get ushered away rather hurriedly. She then tried to focus on her own future and see what may be in store but she got nothing the busyness and feelings in the room were too distracting. So instead she turned her attention back to the magazine and continued flipping through.
Things where very busy at the moment. The Koshiba family was on the brink of an all out war. It had been days since anyone had seen or heard from Haruhi or Koaru. Kida was missing and no one had an idea of where she could have gone. Eden was looking for her and also caring her Kida's daughter Scarlet. To say the least Eden had her hands full. Both of the girls had just woken from there nap and where playing with blocks. Eden was enjoying a moment of peace when the red stone around her neck started to get warm. Reaching down Eden picked it up and rolled it between her fingers. At once the sound of her sisters voice Elvera came in loud and clear. Eden listened carefully and than put it close to her lips. "Give me ten minutes Elvera so I can drop the babies off at Sunako and Tohorus." Eden said as she got to her feet and started getting the girls ready.

Once Eden had given Tohoru all the information that he needed. Eden went to his fireplace and used it to go to St. Mungo's. It didn't take Eden long to spot her twin. Rushing to her side Eden hugged her close to her. "Elvera what is the matter?" Eden asked looking her twin up and down trying to see if she could find anything wrong with her just by looking.

OOCOut of Character:
I figured I will wait to post with Lilith until after Morgan has posted.
Elvera had been a little surprised when she had heard evens reply through she stones. But she was glad that she knew her sister was coming. It didn't take long until she was watching the fire and the door again thankfully this time she didn't have to wait long. The flames turned green and Eden stepped out. A smiled spread her face now she had someone here the whole thing didn't feel quite as daunting. eden, I'm so glad that you are here." She said holding her sister. i hope tohorus and sunako didn't mind looking after the girls." she said seeking evens eyes sweep her over looking for any signs of injury. Although she knew there was no obvious blood or anything she still felt suddenly copious of how the usually tight shirt was hanging a little baggy and the dark circles under her eyes poorly covered up with makeup. "I do t know what's wrong. I have been having stomach pains and the school nurse thinks it may be something serious" she said Not feeling so bad now that the strong pain potion was still working though she thought she felt the effects deminishing slightly.
OOCOut of Character:
you can post with anyone I won't put morgan in until after my lecture this mornings lecture and i have done some study. so there is no need to rush.
Morgan had been sitting in the eye when she had felt the stone around her neck heat up and start to glow. although a little surprised she knew what was happening. she had used the stones a few times before when she was younger to communicate. the most notable time had been after the birth of Eden and Elvera. when she had contacted morgause. she then heard eden say she would be there in about ten minutes. Morgans mid went into overdrive wondering what kind of situation Elvera must be in in order to be at st mungos. she had always been healthy, and looked after herself. though some to think of it the last time she had seen her she had looked a little peaky, and declined some of her favourite white chocolate and raspberry muffins fresh from the oven. in a sort of panic she shut the shop, sure t was early but being with her daughter was far more important than the few galeons she may earn that afternoon. also there was netty, she quickly headed up to the house and phoned one of her daughters friends mums from her muggle school saying that one of her other daughters had fallen ill and asking if she could pick netty up. the lay had thankfully agreed and offered to keep netty for the night if necessary though morgan thanked her for the offer but said it would probably be alright. then she phoned the school to let netty know. finally she picked up her staff and turned on the spot apparating to an area just a little down the rode to the hospital. she walked as fast as she could into the building glad when she saw Elvera didn't seem to be in too much trouble and was in the waiting room with Eden. she walked over just in time to hear Elvera saying about stomach pains. she gave Elvera and Eden a hug each Elvera felt thinner than normal, like she hadn't been eating well, and now she was up close she realised that she also looked really tired. "are you feeling alright at the moment" she asked getting ready to go an get a healer right now if she wasn't.
Lilithwas really enjoying married life. Everyday was better than the last. Just as Lilith was getting ready to go down and have lunch with her husband at the shop she felt the bright green stone around her neck get warm. Lilith picked it up and listened. It was Elvera saying that she needed her family. Eden was soon replying that she would be there shortly. Lilith didn't even reply she was to busy trying to find a pair of shoes. Once she was ready Lilith grabbed a handful of floo powder and tossed it in her fire place.

Reaching the hospital it didn't take Lilith long to find her family. Running over to them Lilith hugged her mom and than her sisters. There was something very wrong with Elvera. "Oh Elvera whats the matter you don't look good." Lilith said as she took a seat close to her sister. She hoped a healer would come soon and do something for them. It was scary to think that something could be seriously wrong with her sister.
Alyssa forced herself to hold back a sigh of frustration when her blue eyes were efficiently able to take in the big ugly negative symbol on the test. Instead she gently tossed it into the wastebasket next to her. "It wasn't this difficult the first time around! Why is it becoming difficult now?" Alyssa thought to herself as her bright eyes drifted down to the wastebasket. Alyssa and Vincent decided some time ago that they wanted another baby. But it was proving to be more difficult than it was the first time. Hell, Chacen was a complete surprise. No one had expected it when Alyssa had gotten pregnant with him. Chacen was going to be three once December hit. Which Alyssa felt was a decent age for him to be if he had another sibling. But it wasn't that easy this time. They were certainly trying enough.With the way Vincent was, one would think she would already be expecting by now. But nope. It seemed like life was going to be difficult for her. Especially in the motherhood department. Alyssa wasn't sure if she was going to tell Vincent right away either. She knew he was just as eager as she was. A part of her thought that he might even take each negative a little bit harder than she did. Alyssa sighed and glanced up at the clock. She had an appointment to attend. The one thing she always reminded herself while working here was that she needed to be on time. People who were unhealthy never liked to wait for their treatment or diagnosis. If she had been in their shoes she probably wouldn't like to wait either. Alyssa grabbed the file that was on the top of the pile and headed out of her office. Her patient had waited long enough to see her so Alyssa would't make her wait any longer.

Alyssa glanced down at the file once more and paused. There was a group of women waiting. She had a wild assumption that one of them might be her patient. Gracefully, Alyssa stepped her way over the group. "Miss Elvera Le Fey?" Alyssa asked trying to figure out who the one she was supposed to be seeing was. The name sounded familiar to some degree in Alyssa's mind. She thought that perhaps they were classmates at some point. But she couldn't be quite sure. Alyssa was a lot different back then. People didn't matter to her as much when she was young. In fact a few of the faces did seem familiar. But it might just be another case of deja-vu or something. Alyssa's crystal blue eyes kept a stern gaze upon the group of women. She hoped the one with the symptoms would speak up so she could take her back to her office and figure out what was the matter.
Elvera saw her mother and Lilith arrive married life seemed to be suiting lil really well she seemed positifly radient in the dim room. as she explained what was wrong with her. "Morgan, Lilith. I am glad you both came. it may be nothing wrong, but the nurse at the school seemed quite concerned and said I may want to ask someone to be here." she said feeling a little pain start to come back to her stomach though not to bad more like a dull ache now. In fact now that the nurse had treated her she didnt feel bad and felt a little guilty for asking everyone to come with here it wasnt like she was a child, she was old enought to go to the hospital herself, maybe if she wanted someone just one person, did she need the whole escort of sisters? It would be emparissing if it was nothing. she hugged Lilith and then Morgan close glade they were here. Not quite sure what to say about her looking not so good so she just smiled.
Thankfully the awkward moment was saved by the arrival of the healer. the lady looked somewhat familiar though she couldn't place her. She didn't seem like the kind of person who would visit the shop, maybe she had been at school with her. At the sound of her name she nodded and lifted her hand slightly in a gesture of acknowledgment. "that is me" she said standing up that movement made her stomach twinge And her wince slightly but thankfully the nurses potion was still working and it wasn't too bad.
Morgan put her hand around her daughters shoulder reassuring her. "if you aren't feeling well then we all want to be there for you if it is nothing then that is the best news" she said. She knew why elvera was apologising she didn't like to feel like she was inconveniencing anyone. When Lilith arrived she hugged her too it was nice to see her daughters were there for each other. Berry much unlike her and Gwen who at the age of eighteen stopped talking and lost contact for around thirty years. She hadn't known about her niece maya until she turned up in her shop one day and maya hadn't known who she was until they has started talking. Yes she hoped that her girls stayed this close.
A lady who Morgan assumed to be the healer came over and Morgan took her hand away from elvera so that she could stand up. As the girl flinched she realised that she had been doing that a fair bit recently though until now she hadn't paid much notice to it. She stood up beside her daughter "should we come in? she asked to both the healer and elvera. She would like to be there but she could understand if the healer needed to treat her on her own or if elvera wanted a little privacy, the area of the stomach she kept gesturing to was one that she may not want to discuss with her mother in the room.
Eden kept looking at her sisters trying to tap into her seer powers to maybe see if she could find something wrong with her. When Lilith and Morgan showed up Eden gave them both a hug but went back to looking at her sister. There was something not right with her but for the life of Eden she just couldn't figure it out. Whatever it was it was serious and that scared Eden. She didn't spend much time with her family but her daughter Aine did and for her daughter's sake she didn't want anything happening to them. Yes Eden loved her family but since she was a Death Eater and her family didn't know this Eden felt like she had to stay away to keep them safe.

When the healer came out Eden had to turn away to hide the look of utter disgust on her face. She had known that girl. They had both been in Slytherin together and truthfully Eden felt like that girl was so stuck up and full of herself that she hadn't belonged in Slytherin or at Hogwarts at all. That girl and her friends had made trouble for her sister Hoshi and her friends. But if she could find out what was hurting Elvera than maybe Eden would stop thinking she was so worthless. "Elvera please let me come with you. Your my other half and I don't want you to have to do this alone." Eden said in a moment of weakness.
Lilith was glad when the healer showed up. Eden seemed to know her and form the looks of it she did not like her at all. Lilith didn't know her and she seemed like a nice enough person and if she could help her sister than Lilith would be forever grateful to her. Taking a seat on Elvera's other side Lilith hoped that whatever was causing her pain wasn't serious.

Lilith knew that no matter what Eden would want to be by her sisters side and Morgan should be there as well so Lilith patted Elvera's hand. "I'll stay out here and go get tea for everyone. I know Eden wants to be with you and so does mom. I think if I went back there and they went to draw blood you would have to call a healer for me next." Lilith said remembering the time she went to get shoots for school and she passed out before they even stuck her.
Alyssa came to the conclusion that this woman had a lot of people that cared about her. Why else would she have this many people here with her? In a way it was almost sweet. But at the same time, when a large group of people came into the room where the examinations took place, it often became an issue for the Healer. They either asked too many questions, got in the way, or hassled about the problem being fixed even though there was clearly no way such a thing could be fixed. Alyssa would allow for the woman's family to come with her out of respect for the family, but if it became a problem to have them around, she would send them out. Alyssa also noted that the raggy haired one of the group gave her a dirty look. Alyssa immediately narrowed her own crystal blue eyes. She had no idea who this women was, so she wondered what she had done to deserve such looks. "She should stop giving people looks like that. I doubt she realizes how ugly it makes her look." Alyssa nearly smirked at her own thoughts. Although she wasn't the nicest person in her younger years at school, over time she grew up. Now she was a much more caring and lovable person. However, one thing she would not ever tolerate, was being treated like that by someone she barely knew. She wondered why someone would even begin to be rude the person that could personally fix or destroy her friend or relative. That was just stupidity on her part. Alyssa glanced over the group and bit her glossy lips for a moment. "Follow me then. Your family can come too if they'd like to." Alyssa said softly as she motioned for the woman to follow her. Her long legs moved slowly as Alyssa was trying not to walk too quickly for the poor woman. After all she didn't look as if she was in her best health. Alyssa led the group of them down a few corridors before they finally rounded to her office. Alyssa opened the door for them and waited until everyone was inside before she stepped in and closed the door behind her.

Alyssa had the woman sit down. She was going to try her best to make sure Elvera was comfortable enough. "So, Elvera...what seems to be the problem. Pains, cramping, lightheadedness, how long you've been feeling these symptons, etc. Don't leave out any details either. Any information you give will help me that much more with finding out what's the matter with you." Alyssa pulled out a clipboard that had an area for her to fill in the information with. She also may need to do things like take blood, check her vitals, and all of that pretty stuff. But that would come after she heard what the symptoms were. Hopefully it was nothing too extreme. Or that involved her being pregnant. Alyssa wasn't really the best with extreme cases or pregnancies. If it got too bad she would probably need to call one of the Healers who did know how to deal with this sort of thing in. Alyssa didn't want to mess up with giving someone the treatment they deserved.
Elvera winced as she felt another slight spasm go through her stomach, it seemed like the potion was wearing off though hopefully the healer may be able to work out what was wrong with her before it became too bad. At her mothers question she nodded. "of course you can come in if you want to, I am not going to ask you to come here then force you to wait outside" she said though the slightly queasy look on liliths face made her think that he sister may rather wait for the end. and as the girl spoke that thought was confirmed. she nodded "If you think thats best then okay." she said she looked at Eden and was surprised to see hr expression. apparently she did know the healer and did not like her. she nodded at Eden "Of course you can come in. I don't want to go in on my own" she said. truthfully, she was a little scared of what might wait for her inside the room. although she didn't know what was wrong with her she did feel something ominous. she looked at Morgan "how about you mum" she asked. only rarely did she refer to morgan as mum. usually it was her first name or (when talking to others) mother.
as the healer lead them away she followed glad that they were not going too fast as walking too fast hurt. they headed down a few corridors and ended up in an office come examination room. she nodded thanks to the lady as she entered and took a seat as directed. as the nurse asked what was wrong she listened "not so much the lightheadedness, but yes to the stomach pains and cramping. Also recently its like every time I taste food I feel like I will throw up, like i am really hungry then one mouthful later and i have to force myself to swallow it." she said feeling her stomach gurgle at the thought of food. she tried to think of anything else that had been wrong with her. it took a minute before something pretty key came to mind she glanced up at the calendar and saw they were heading into December she bit her lip. had it really been that long. she tried to think, no she couldn't remember "and I cant remember having a period since september" she finished. that was two months ago, she looked at eden wondering how she would react.
Morgan waited for the answer to the question. it didn't seem like Elvera minded her being there, and the healer said it was okay even though she could tell she wasn't the happiest about the whole crowd going into the room. when Lilith said she would wait outside Morgan thought the same. "You go with Eden, I will wait outside with Lil and we will be right here when you come out, and we will get you each a nice cup of tea" she said thinking this would be the best way to do it.
As the healer lead her oldest daughters away she watched hoping that everything would be okay. she knew that Eden would be there for her if it wasn't but she was still worried for her daughter.
Eden needed to keep her emotions in check. Normally if someone gave her a dirty look Eden would murder them and soon after start planning the death of their family line. Shaking her head Eden let a small smile cross her face. She was here to be with her sister Elvera and be a comfort to her. Hearing Lilith offer to stay in the waiting room Eden reached into her purse and handed Lilith a bag full of galleons. "Jasmine tea if they have it. If not sparkling water. Just use this to get you and mom whatever you guys want. Bring water for Elvera." Eden said knowing that Lilith would do what she asked. As Morgan said that she would stay out there with Lilith. Eden touched her moms hand. "Ill watch out for Elvera." Eden said trying to put her mom and ease.

As they walked back to the room Eden noticed that Elvera was still in pain. Whatever it was that was going on with Elvera, Eden just wanted everything to be okay. Taking a seat in the room Eden wouldn't say anything in less she was asked a question. Hearing Elvera mention that she was lightheaded and had problems eating Eden wondered if she had been right back at Lilith's wedding. Elvera mentioned that she hadn't had her period since September Eden looked at her sister with her eyebrow raised. Maybe Elvera was pregnant and she just hadn't started to show yet.
Lilith let out a huge sigh when Eden handed her money and told her what she wanted. "I'll make sure I do that." Lilith said glad that she didn't have to go back there. She was even more happy to hear that Morgan would be stay with her. Giving Elvera one last hug. Lilith smiled at the healer. "Take care of Elvera." Lilith said to both Eden and the healer.
Alyssa raised an eyebrow at Elvera as she stated her symptoms. With stomach pains and cramping, a million and one things came to mind. There could be something wrong with one of her organs located in there. She could have severe food poisoning, oh there were endless possibilities. But Alyssa wrote down the symptoms anyways. They would help. Luckily for her, Elvera continued with the symptoms. It would narrow it down a little bit. Then she mentioned something else about having difficulty eating food. She was hungry, but she couldn't eat much of it. "It almost sounds like she's pregnant." Alyssa thought to herself as she looked at the clipboard closely. A part of her was bitter about that too. About women possibly pregnant and having kids when she was trying hard for her second. It could be worse. But Alyssa was going through one of her selfish phases right now. "Are there any other major symptoms other than these? Or have you covered everything you could?" Alyssa wanted to try and see if there was anything else. Then Elvera threw in the part about her period. Alyssa raised one of her perfectly trimmed eyebrows before she wrote that down as well. Now Alyssa was definitely convinced that there might be a possibility that she was pregnant. But one could never be so sure. Alyssa would have her take a test to find out for sure. In fact she would just have her do the taste testing one instead of the blood work. That was the way Alyssa even hated to test pregnancies with.

"Here, try tasting some of this. It's a simple pregnancy test just to make sure that you're not pregnant or anything. If it tastes sweet than you're pregnant. If not...well we'll figure it out from there." Alyssa handed over a potion. She figured Elvera might appreciate this test more than she would any other test. It might not have been what she was expecting, but Alyssa had to be sure. If it wasn't true that she was pregnant, Alyssa had one evening ahead of her. A part of her wondered if there was also something wrong with her internally. Hopefully not. No one deserved to suffer like that.
When Eden offered to pay for the drinks Elvera smiled she was thirsty and at the talk of drinks she became aware of the sickly taste of the potion the nurse had given to her clinging to the back of her throat. "Lilith please not water. please can you get me tea. hot strong and bitter with just a tiny splash of milk" she said she had drunk a fair amount of water over the last few days and it just made her feel bloated and need to go to the toilet.
when they reached the examination room she examined Eden and the healers reactions to her description of her symptoms. at the mention of her period she saw eden raise her eyebrow and she knew exactly what her twin was thinking. pregnant. she had thought it for a time too. though she wasn't sure if she could be for starters she had never done what one needs to do to get pregnant. at least not that she could remember. but then. there had been members of her family in past generations who hadn't remembered it. so there was a chance that that could be what was up with her. she looked at the healer. and saw her scowling into the notes she was taking. Elvera wondered what was upsetting her before the blonde went to fetch another potion. Elvera looked into the cup, it was familiar. Lilith had given some to Eden when they had found out that she was pregnant. she remembered Eden sitting on the sofa in the shop looking like hell and then how sweet she had said the potion was. Elvera smelled it i didn't smell like much. one final look at eden and at the healer she took a mouthful of the liquid and almost spat it back out into the cup. though managed to swallow it coughing and spluttering. her face showed exactly what she thought. "Now. that. was worse than. wormwood." she spluttered before coughing a few times. once she finally felt her throat clear of the liquid she shook her head. I know I said I wanted my tea bitter. but that was far too bitter" she said realising the implication. she wasn't pregnant. so what was wrong with her?
when Eden passed a purse to lilith Morgan Shook he head. "I'll get them. you just look after Elvera" she said before Eden ordered for them and elvera changed it. "Jasmine tea, or sparkling water, strong bitter Tea with the tinniest amount of milk. and we can sort ourselves out" she said making sure she had it right and then looking at lilith as she said the last bit. she gave both her daughters a hug before they went with the healer. once they vanished around the corner she went over to the floor plan to see where the tearooms were.
OOCOut of Character:
I think it may make sense if we just leave lil and morgan out after these next ones seeing as they will be in a totally different end of the hospital
Eden wanted her sister to be pregnant. The idea that her twin could be sick with someone serious made Eden want to break something. Thinking that she could be an aunt in just a matter of months made Eden giddy with excitement. She didn't have much to be happy about. Eden knew how much Elvera loved Aine just thinking about how much love Elvera would give to a child of her own. As the healer said she would give her a potion to test for pregnancy Eden smiled. She could remember when that very same potion was being offered to her. The taste had been so sticky sweet that she almost threw up. Eden placed her hand on her flat stomach. She had been married for almost six months and Eden could not wait to start trying for a child. Eden knew that she would become pregnant with little effort but she knew that not everyone was as lucky as her but as long as her family was just as blessed as her and Alex, Eden could be happy.

All of Eden's hopes vanished when Elvera drank the potion and sit it all up. Eden just knew that the potion hadn't been sweet. When she complained about the taste being bitter Eden couldn't help but look sad. "Elvera I'm so sorry. No matter what I am going to be with you every step of the way." Eden reached out and took her sisters hand. It wasn't just to comfort Elvera at the moment Eden needed some comfort as well.
Elvera was relieved that she wasn't pregnant however this relief was far overshadowed by the prospect that there was something seriously wrong with her. She felt Eden take her hand and squeeze it reassuringly she looked at her twin and saw the look of disappointment she knew how much Eden loved Aine, and how she loved Scarlet as a daughter and she knew she would love to have a niece though now it seemed like recently married Lilith would be the first one to do that. Elvera the oldest would be the last one to have children, yes she wanted children some day. She knew she would have to to keep the le fey name going like it had done for hundreds of years, the oldest daughter carrying the line, but she didn't feel ready to be a mother. she was too busy with her jobs. "I'm okay there may not even be anything wrong. All we know is that I am not pregnant. Which is a little bit of a relief to be honest" she said babbling a bit. though the words didn't even sound convincing to her own ears, so she knew Eden would see right through them and know she was actually scared. Although she hadn't thought of it deep down she knew that pregnancy was the last option to describe the pain before things got serious. She tried not to think too much and tried to turn her mind to something else. The first thing she thought of was the exams she still had to write, and the essays from the fourth years that needed marking, and the new runes that had arrived in the shop the previous day that needed sorting. No that didn't help. She looked around hoping someone would say something.
OOCOut of Character:
I know it isn't my turn but I am bored and none of my other topics have replies and I had a random muse for this one so I posted
Alyssa was already sort of worried. She tried her best not to let it be seen by her patient though. Especially not when she already seemed upset and scared. If it wasn't a baby that was making her sick like this then perhaps it was something much more serious. "How long did you say you've been having these symptoms for? If it's not pregnancy it could be many different things." Alyssa started off softly. She tried to remain as calm as possible to make it hidden that she was worried for Elvera's future sake. There didn't seemed to be anything fatally wrong as of yet. But it could be something very severe. The only other ideas she had involved x-ray's and taking blood. Both were done differently than the way muggles did it seeing as this was the magical world and all, but they had the same concept. They would be able to tell Alyssa if there was something wrong internally. Or even mentally. It could be a mental thing going on. "You don't mind if I take some blood or x-rays do you? They might help me figure out what we're dealing with here. They'll be quick too. I just need your okay for the both of them." Alyssa questioned. She pulled a bottle of water close to her ruby lipstick covered lips and took a dainty little sip. She was really thirsty for some reason. It might have been because she was getting concerned over the patient she had in front of her. Or nervousness. Either way, if she had been alone she would be chugging bottle after bottle of water.
Eden was having a hard time keeping calm. The healer could be doing everything she could but it didn't feel like enough to Eden. Elvera was her twin and nothing mattered more to Eden than her family. Elvera wasn't pregnant but she had all the signs of being pregnant. Eden wanted to run and get there mom. It wasn't very often that Eden felt insecure but when she did all she wanted was to find comfort in her mother. The tests that the healer was talking about made Eden cringe. She knew that they where very different from what the muggles had to endure but still it couldn't be fun. "Elvera you have to do the tests." Eden said taking her red stone that was around her neck and played with it. It got warm and Eden smiled. Somewhere in the hospital there mother was sending good thoughts and it made Eden feel better.
Elvera was sat there not sure what to do. as the healer took a drink of water rom her water bottle she became very aware of the bitter taste still lingering in her mouth. she looked at Eden, then back to the healer then took a deep breath to calm herself, her mind mentally reaching out for help. Praying to the great mother for help. she was half way through when she heard the healer speak. she finished andopened her eyes. "Since about mid september I think" she said she was pretty sure that was when it started though it had started so slowly it was hard to pinpoint exactly when.
she felt Edens hand still in hers and squeezed it needing reassurance that everything was going to be alright even though she knew there was no way eden could promise that. when the potion finally wore off. another stabbing pain went through her abdomen. screwing her face up she let go of her sisters hand and clutched her stomach at the same time bringing her knees up in pain. "do. whatever tests. you need" she said her voice very strained as if she was forcing herself to talk.
After the tests were all said and done, Alyssa had the results ready. It wasn't pretty either. It was a lot worse than Alyssa had expected it to be. The more the tests that were taken, the more they all pointed to Elvera not being able to have children. It wasn't a definite answer as to why just yet, but Alyssa knew that it wasn't the best situation. There were many irregularities. "Well, I know what's wrong not. but you may want to take a deep breath and get ready before I give them to you." Alyssa informed her, hoping to make Elvera as relaxed as possible. She was going to be ruining this poor woman's dreams possibly. After all, being a mother was just one of those things every woman should get the chance to experience. Alyssa never knew she could love someone she just met, until the moment she held her son the very first time. This woman will likely never get the chance to do this with a baby of her own. "By the looks of these results, you will quite possibly never be able to have kids. Ever." Alyssa felt selfish now. Earlier all she had been thinking about how all she wanted was to have another baby, yet here this woman was, not able to have them at all. The poor thing. "I'm really sorry." Alyssa wasn't sure what else to say. It didn't appear that there was any medication that could help. Or surgery. The most she could do was refer her to support groups, etc. Unless more results came up that proved her theory wrong, Elvera was completely and utterly barren. By the looks of it, it was the one and only outcome. Alyssa could barely express how sorry she was too. This was just, so sad.
There was nothing Eden could do but sit there with Elvera and wait for the healer to come back. The time seemed to go so slowly. Finally the healer came in and the look on her face wasn't good. Eden took her sisters hand. If the time had felt like it was going slow waiting for the healer to say something seemed to take longer. From the sound of it the news was bad. Eden bit her bottom lip and tried to breath normally. The healer told them that Elvera would never be able to have kids. Eden blinked that couldn't be right. No she had misheard. There was no way that was happening. Of course Elvera would have kids. Eden was looking foreword to the day that she would hold her twins child in her arms. But it wasn't a mistake. Elvera wasn't ever going to have kids. Eden felt so hopeless. "Elfie I'm so sorry." Eden said using the nickname she had given her sister months ago.

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