🌹 Rose Giving Who Knew Professors Had Friends?

Isadora Novak

✨ Rebellious | Free Spirit | Angry🍀
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Curved 13 1/2 Inch Rigid Applewood Wand with Boomslang venom Core
3/2044 (17)
Isadora had been a bit surprised to see that her next recipient was a professor. Who knew they also sent and received roses? Isadora made her way to the Professor's common room. She wasn't entirely sure if she was allowed in here, but she guessed she might as well try. She looked around. "Professor Dubois?" She asked hesitantly, not entirely sure what she looked like.

@Professor Yvonne Dubois
As much as Yvonne loved it up in the tower, there were times she felt like she was becoming a bit too much of a recluse and decided to join the rest of the world. She had decided to spend the afternoon grading the first assignments of the year in the common room for a change. She looked up from her papers when she heard someone call her name. For a moment she was confused to see a student in here but then remembered what day it was when she saw the basket of flowers and smiled. "That would be me." she said and waved to the girl.
Isadora smiled, glad the professor didn't seem mad. "Okay, cool." She said, digging in her basket for the right rose. "Here you go, Professor."

Dear Yvonne.
thank you for being such a great co-worker, and friend. It has always been a pleasure to share the tower and course with you you. While we may not be as close as we could be it is always good to know there is a friend nearby. I am sure you kow you are always welcome to drop by if you ever want a tea, snack or chat.
Yvonne put down her papers and accepted the flower eagerly. She hadn't expected any roses to be sent he way and had assumed it was mostly for the students. She took the note and read it quickly, wanting to satisfy her own curiosity. She was touched as she read Elvera's note and felt a bit guilty for not spending as much time with her tower-mate a she should. She would have to pop in to her office to say thank you later. Yvonne looked up at the girl who had delivered the rose to her. "Thank you." she said. "I'm sure you've had an exciting day." she said with a small laugh.
Isadora waited impatiently for the professor to read her note. She looked up as the professor spoke to her, unable to contain her curiosity. "Was that from a student or a professor?" She asked, then paused as she realized the professor had said something to her as well. "Yeah, pretty much."
Yvonne looked at the girl curiously as she asked about who had sent her the rose. She was pretty outspoken in her curiosity and part of her admired that. "It was from a professor." she said simply. "Professor Le Fey, the other divination professor." Yvonne explained before grinning. "Did you get any roses?" she asked, returning the girl's curiosity.
Isadora nodded when the professor said it was from another professor. It made sense to her, teachers being friends to talk about teacher-things. She nodded at the question she got in turn. "Yeah, I got a few." She said with a shrug. "But they weren't from professors."

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