Open WPC Y36 S1 Event - The Great Bee House Swarming 🐝

Elliot Briar

| '54 Grad | Ollivander's Asst. |
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Demi (Alice)
10 1/2 Inch Alder Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
6/2036 (25)
The Wild Patch had become something of a sanctuary for Elliot over the years, finding time working with his hands or checking on the plants soothing when everything else was crazy with his school or personal life. But being one of the leaders of the Wild Patch now was different, and Elliot hoped he and William could make it into something the other students appreciated as much has he had.

Dusting off his hands, Elliot waved at the gathering club members after most of them had arrived, getting their attention before speaking. "Uh, hi everyone, welcome to the first Wild Patch meeting of the year. I'm Elliot, your King of the Flowers, and William there is your King of the Trees. Which is to say uh, we're in charge, so please ask one of us if you need anything," Elliot said after a quick glance at William. Elliot had always found The Wild Patch Club's unusual naming convention for its leadership charming until he'd had to settle on his own title with William. Working with William had been interesting to say the least. He definitely knew a ton about plants and animals, but Elliot still wasn't used to his sense of humor, which made their club planning sessions somewhat awkward.

"We'd thought the Wild Patch could use a little help this year, so we're going to be introducing some bees to help pollinate the patch as well as the school gardens. That being said, we're going to need to make them some beehives before we can introduce the bees, which is what we'll be working on today," Elliot announced, gesturing to the gathered materials. "You can help us put together the boxes themselves, the frames are in four pieces and just need to be slotted together and glued. Or you can help decorate them instead. I thought it might be nice if everyone at least wrote their name on one of the boxes," Elliot said with a small smile, nodding to the collection of paints. "If you need any help, just ask." Hoping the work was interesting enough for the club, Elliot awkwardly clapped his hands, signaling everyone to get stuck in.
William still didn't really know what to do with the role he had found himself in. He had been in the Wild Patch since he had arrived at Hogwarts, but now... actually running a club was an entirely different job to being in it. He was glad that Elliot seemed contented to do the vast majority of the work. William would be fine. He would hang back. Everyone liked Elliot better than him anyway, there was no doubt they would take to his leadership more easily.

So he hadn't really had much to say on the matter when Elliot had proposed the plan for this meeting. It was smart, and he was actually a bit surprised Elliot was bringing something so thoughtful for his first event. It was a change from just picking flowers, and one that William definitely liked. Having their own bees to help take care of the gardens would be an excellent change. He had made sure to do his part helping to set up the meeting, but let Elliot do all the work introducing it. People would like hearing from him better anyway. William just stood by his side silently, nodding once when Elliot introduced him. Once the planning was out of the way William headed across to start assembling boxes, figuring painting would be more popular and they would need someone actually putting them together.
Saira gathered along with the other members of the wild patch club. She was kind of excited for the club activities, though she didn’t show it. This would probably bring her back to her usual routine of taking care of plants but she didn’t mind. It was an activity that she enjoyed and that she had to keep a secret when she was back at home. Being in hogwarts meant that she had no eyes to watch over her while she did what she want.

Saira listened to the club leader introducing himself to the other members. She found the title kind of weird, thinking that it would feel odd to be called “King”. She brushed the though away and continued listening to him. She didn’t really like the idea of there being a lot of bees in the garden, but it would be fine, she thought. She’d just have to be careful when she was in the garden.

Saira looked at the several cans of paint and decided to do that, after all she could paint pretty well. She was walking towards it when she saw Nikola. “Hey, what are you going to do?” She asked, wondering what he would do. She smiled at his reply, “I’ll be painting the boxes over here.” Saira picked up several cans of white, green and yellow and moved it over to some of the boxes. She bent down and picked up a paintbrush and started painting. She finished painting a patch of daisies and cosmos and went around to help paint a bit more. She helped some of the others to sign their names on the boxes. By the end of the session she had a bit of paint all over her arms, but she was happy about the work she had done.

@Nikola Raven
Poppy was looking forward to the Wild Patch event this year, not that she didn't enjoy every other year's. She even arrived a little early to see what they were going to be doing. She waved to Elliot as she arrived and tried to peak around at all the pieces wood to figure out what they were all for. Once Elliot addressed the rest of the club Poppy couldn't wait to start on the bee hives. She quite liked most bugs and was excited they would get the chance to see some more around the garden. She was mostly looking forward to the decorating but she was also kind of excited to get her hands dirty so to speak and actually get to build something. She grabbed some wood pieces and moved to an empty space off to the side and started to get to work, looking around to see if there was anyone she knew who would want to help her out.
Blue could hardly wait for the first Wild Patch meeting, and arrived early to the gardens so she wouldn't miss anything. She loved working in the greenhouses at home, although there was always someone to smack away her hands whenever she tried petting the Fanged Geraniums, which she thought was very unfair of them. Blue stared at the two older boys in awe as she joined the gathering of students. Though she knew the names were just club titles, Blue was convinced she was in the presence of royalty and was very excited about it.

She squeaked softly at the mention of bees, and was positively buzzing at the idea of helping make homes for the tiny insects. Building the beehives sounded like fun, but Blue was likely to accidentally glue herself together instead, so opted to help with the painting instead. She picked up a paint brush and began ambling over to the boxes to start her masterpiece.
Jenna walk wild puch club and hoped she can see @Wendall Layton. Jenna say hellot to Elli and waited what will be happened. Hufflepuff gril loved so much dacorate things and driwe realy good. She missed spend time make photo but she was here.
Rosemarie knew her club was holding its first event today. She grabbed a pot of still growing lilies and walked over to the wild patch were several people were already talking to each other. Rosemarie was hoping to get dirt all over her and maybe some twigs in her hair here and there. She was going to love attending the garden and hopefully make some friends in the progress. When the two leaders said what they were actually going to do. Rosemarie was pretty let down. She didn't want to build a bee box nor did she want to paint them. That was something she expected for the Arts and Crafts club not this one. Rose was pretty disappointed and looked at all the other people that did seem excited to make these stupid boxes. She wasn't going to participate in that stupid bee box making event and thus she grabbed a weeder and a watering can and started to dig out the pesky weeds. The ones that didn't root as much she just pulled out herself. This made her extremely happy, unlike doing some stupid arts and crafts project.
Hunter received an owl on the name of the Wild Patch Club, their first meeting would be in a few hours in the Hogwarts' Garden zone where headquarters of the club was located. Hunter decided to make a good first impression so he changed shirts. He put on a t-shirt he had won on a recycling contest where the goal was to put every material they received in its respective recycling bin. Hunter won as he was the only who put all the materials in their correct bin without missing one and for an eleven year old that was a big accomplishment.
He made his way to the the meeting and when he arrived he noticed everyone was wearing normal clothes, maybe not fancy clothes but they weren't exactly wearing a t-shirt they won in a recycling contest. The Hufflepuff boy started to feel a bit embarrassed about it but there was no turning back now, he just to own it.
Elliot seemed a very nice guy, he seemed a bit awkward speaking and Hunter could deduce that he probably wasn't very comfortable doing speeches. When Elliot mentioned bees Hunter freaked out a little, Hunter's only fear were bees. He had grabbed and taken pictures with snakes in the zoo, owls, falcons, he used to love the lizards and spiders section and he even asked to have a scorpion pet but bees were the only animal he didn't like so obviously he panicked a little but it wasn't for long.
Hunter's mind calmed down when Elliot said they would only be building the hives today and that was something Hunter was good at, building stuff. He used to help his dad with that and he also built a lot of legos so a beehive couldn't be much harder. He grabbed some frame pieces and start building the box, the hardest part was probably finding someone that would help him decorate it as painting and decorating weren't exactly the Hafflepuff's boy strongest skills.
Ana Sofia was still excited about the club she had joined, even more so that she had managed to get Rose to sign up as well. She already considered the girl her friend, but being in the same club was definitely something fun to do together as well. Ana carefully listened to the boy introduce the club's leaders and was already interested when they said they'd be gettin to put together but got even more excited when he spoke of decorating them. Decorating! Her eyes scanned the different paints on the ground, wanting to get started with things right away. Oh, what she could do with all of the space on those boxes. Noticing Rose didn't seem as excited as she was Ana carefully dragged the pieces she needed for a box and some paint over to where her friend was sitting. "Hey, you wanna try one together?" She nudged her, wondering if she could get her just a little bit excited about what they were doing. @Rosemarie Chatwin
The Wild Patch club had new leadership after Mhairi had left, and Alice was so proud that Elliot was now the new King of Flowers. She was happy for WIlliam too, who she didn't know so well but knew from her year and being part of the club for a long time. She smiled brightly at Elliot as he started his speech, listening carefully. He still looked a little unsure, but also looked like a leader as he addressed them all. Alice thought the idea of introducing bees to pollinate the gardens was a great idea, and she was happy to start working on the beehives. After Elliot was done speaking, Alice made a beeline for him and lightly punched his arm, a wide grin on her face. "You did so well." She said, "congratulations on the position." She then turned to William and smiled at him too. "You too, William. And what a great idea for an event!"

@Elliot Briar @William Kaimarama
Mazikeen always made time for school events so it was no different when she got the notification that there was a meeting for the wild patch she was pretty excited, she made sure she’d finished the work she needed to before heading to the event. She was greeted by a number of the different people, but from what was about she could figure out what they’d been doing. She listened to the two leaders, a little surprised by the new title of one of them, but from what she’d gathered about the wild patch, there had never been the set rules for who was called what. She found it funny that they never referred to each other as president or vice, it was king or queen of flowers. She nodded along as the leader - the king of flowers - gave them all the information they would need to just have at it. She decided she, as an older student would help build the beehives so the younger students didn’t have to. She got to work the moment she could.
Leia had been contemplating leaving the wild patch, she had liked some elements of it, and being a part of things help build reputations and connections but the problem was she didn’t really like being outside all that much, it just wasn’t where she wanted to be and there was work that she felt needed done. She did however decide that she would take the time during this year to decide what she’d continue with, so she found herself at the wild patch area listening to the leader of the group tell them they were building beehives and that they could also paint them. She would much rather paint and draw on them. She’d always been much better at that, so she found herself a little spot with a little piece of the beehive and just began painting on to it. She didn’t really like bees, that were pretty vicious when they wanted to be, so she knew she’d have to be extra careful in the wild patch area moving forward. But for now she could quite happily paint.
Vader always went to the events he was supposed to attend in a dual capacity, one as just a member looking to enjoy themselves and the other as the accio guy. He knew that Ajax would be at this too, but he’d encouraged the boy to think less about taking pictures and to spend the time enjoying himself. Vader would handle the wild patch event. He arrived at the area, with his usual camera and tripod stand. He was a little surprised to note that William was one of the leaders of this club, he knew the other boy vaguely but he knew William a lot better. He listened to their speeches, though he had expected William to say something. He could understand note wanting to address a group. He was lucky that his club had only a couple of people in it. He decided as others got started he would approach, especially as one of the few other people he knew at this event, ”Hey William, Alice, King of flowers” he said with a warm expression to the boy, vader knew he looked tired but he was definitely less on edge that he’d been in other interactions and other years. ”Do you want me to get your picture with the club?” he motioned vaguely to the rest of the club.
@William Kaimarama @Alice Holland @Elliot Briar
Lars had felt a sharp stab of resentment when he had heard Elliot had taken over the Wild Patch club. He had even considered leaving the club so he wouldn't have to see him again, as leader of his club. But he wasn't going to give up something he liked, not for Elliot. Besides, he couldn't avoid him anyway, as they were patrolling together as prefects. But that didn't mean he had to like it. Lars ignored Elliot, only looking to William for confirmation as he grabbed a box to paint. He grabbed paint as well, then retreated to a quiet corner to focus on his painting. He started painting a field of sunflowers on the box, quickly getting drawn into the painting and blocking out the world around him.
Ajaccio was pretty thankful that he wouldn’t have to be officially working while at the wild patch event. He had offered but he knew that his years as the moved on would involve him more and more working in an official capacity at the school events would be for him, so he was pleased that he had been told to just enjoy this. He arrived at the area and though he wasn’t needing to spend the time he did have his camera with him, magically made small and in his pocket just in case. But really he didn’t think he’d use it at all, preferring to just have the fun. Ajaccio listened and decided he would help put them together, it wasn’t the first time he’d built a beehive, and though he hadn’t used glue before, he could definitely use it now. He moved to where some of the pieces were and with the glue in one hand began putting it together. He’d always been pretty good at this sort of thing.
Elliot hovered around nervously as the club got to work, thankful William headed over to get started on building some of the boxes. He was already worried enough about some of their clubmembers somehow gluing themselves to the hives, it would be just his luck if Elliot was distracted enough to glue himself to one too. He'd spotted Lars while he'd been addressing the group and while Elliot knew he had to keep giving Lars space, it was hard not to be aware of his presence even as Lars slunk off to a corner to paint.

Elliot was knocked out of his covert surveillance of Lars the club when Alice approached, smiling sheepishly at his feet as she congratulated him and William. "Thanks, Alice." He looked up when Vader from Accio approached them, suddenly unsure of what to do with his hands when Vader offered to take their picture. "Uh yeah, sure that'd be fun?" He said, glancing at William again to make sure the other boy was keen. It was still had to navigate their dynamic as co-leads of the club and while William seemed content to let Elliot be up front of the time, Elliot was terrified of overstepping somehow without knowing. @Alice Holland @William Kaimarama @Vader Hume
Aonghas walked down to the wild patch area, he had thought about not coming along, but it wasn’t like he had anything else to do and why not just waste some time at the wild patch. He’d joined it because that girl who’d sold him his wand had run it. He didn’t have much interest in the outdoors or plants, but it had become a sort of staple in his life at Hogwarts, he wasn’t particularly surprised when arriving and in the crowd of first years wasn’t his sister - but he was also pretty relieved about that fact. He was pleased that she couldn’t annoy him at this, he loved his sister but he couldn’t cope with her energy at the best of times, and he certainly wasn’t up for it now. He stayed towards the back of the crowd and looked towards the beehives that they were supposed to be painting or building. He looked to Elliot to see any hint that there would be more to the event but there wasn’t. He didn’t mind manual labour in this sense, but he just wasn’t good at art, and putting them together seemed like the boring thing to do. But, in the absence of anything else, he just found a completed one and began to paint it, he wasn’t going to do anything special and just hoped to have something to do.
Padme wanted to do more at school, and though she didn’t have that many ideas, she knew that part of it was certainly to spend more time at the club events. She’d never avoided any in the past but she perhaps hadn’t been as involved in them as she had thought she could be. But it was hard, she knew she wasn’t nearly as outgoing as some of the people around her. She arrived at the wild patch and noted both her siblings were at it, she flashed Leia a quick smile, but couldn’t grab her brother’s attention. She focused instead on the leaders of the club as one of them went over what they were to do. Beehives and bees would be a good addition to the garden, she wasn’t sure which task she felt more suited to, painting or building. But spotting her sister beside the beehives paint, she decided to go over and just join her doing that.
Cyzarine skipped her way excited to the wild patch, she was always happy to spend some time, she loved being able to spend time outdoors and the weather was getting so good, and she loved when then the weather was as good as it could get. The weather is so good. The teen arrived at the area, and greeted the leaders with a wide smile as she got herself a spot to listen to them. She could piece together what they would be doing. She looked as others began doing things and decided to grab some paint, and paint her hand and put her hand print on to one of these, maybe it wasn’t what the leaders wanted, but it would still be good fun.
Rose was still picking the weeds from the actual patch. She knew Ana was exited to paint the boxes and build them with the rest. But Rose didn't join the wild patch club to build or paint, she joined to help actually tend the garden. She did feel sorry for not helping her best friend and thus she watched her friend every once in a while. ''Not really, but I don't want to disappoint you.'' Rose said honestly. She had no interest in the bee boxes. Rosemarie her painting skills were below zero and building wasn't made for her either. She didn't understood why everyone was so excited to go paint, wasn't still club about gardening and nature. ''You know I don't like arts or crafts'' Rosemarie said ''I do love to look at them when they are finished'' She loved looking at Ana how she could create the most beautiful things out of nothing. ''I can put my name on it and sit by you while you paint and we just talk together'' Rose mused, she couldn't make herself to any of the painting or building for that matter. @Ana Sofia Burleigh
Minnie did not have the time to be going along to the wild patch event, after halloween and with quidditch right around the corner, she didn’t have the time for any of it and certainly her parents would’ve advised against it. But, she could hear Eric’s voice saying that she wasn’t thinking independently, that she was just following what her parents wanted if she didn’t go, so with her bag, and a few books within it, she went to the event. Minnie listened along to the hufflepuff seeker and then when able to got herself the little part of a beehive, and she sat down in front of it. She got some paint and then sat a book on her knees and turned to the right page, she could mutli-task, even if her painting was bound to suffer deeply because she was as always paying more attention to her book.
Marco had been very eager to go to the club events again, and though during the break he had been looking forward to coming back to school, he hadn’t expected his semester to include drama this early on. Not even his own, but his friends’, and he really wanted to be there for them but just didn’t know what to do or how to cheer them up. It was usually his forte, but not with something as serious as this. Marco himself had never experienced what his friends were going through. He listened to Elliot as he told them what was planned for today. When he had finished speaking, the prefect got to work, figuring he could help build the boxes and leave the painting to the young’uns. He took some parts of a box and settled on a patch of grass that wasn’t already taken by someone, wondering if any of his friends would show up to this event.
Alison was excited for the first Wild patch club event so she was practically skipping when she made her way down to the clubs area in the Hogwarts gardens. She always surprised herself by how much she loves flowers and gardening in general, she was such a bookish person it always seemed a little quirky and it often surprised people. She arrived just as Elliot was introducing himself and William and started telling them what they would be doing, they would be building beehives which sounded exciting, Alison grabbed the parts she needed and took them over to a space of grass and got to work.
Lysander was going to miss Mhairi now that she had graduated, but the new leaders of the Wild Patch seemed nice enough. He hadn't really spoken to them, but he was still a Knight of Flowers and that was all he really cared about. It made him feel important, especially as it was his favourite club. He brought along one of his plastic swords, tucked through one of the belt loops of his shorts, and joined everyone in listening to the King. He hadn't known that they could just have different titles, like a King of the Trees. He might have asked Mhairi for something that sounded cooler, like being called the Knight of Mandrakes, or Knight of the Fanged Geraniums. Flowers was still okay. He was excited to hear they'd be putting together some beehives. The Kings had probably seen him working on the fairy house he'd put in the gardens and been inspired by him, he was sure. He spotted Lars in the group and felt his cheeks redden, glad that Emma wasn't around to say anything. Instead he wandered over to Ajax, once everything had been explained. "Hey!" He greeted cheerfully. "Can I help with yours?" He asked. It was easier than asking for Ajax to help him, since he didn't actually know anything about beehives or how they worked. The painting seemed like the easier part, and even then he wasn't the best painter.​
@Ajaccio Skey
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